Monday 11 December 2017

Lords a Reaping 17; Questoris Knight Magaera, a bit more wip....

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with a quick update on the progress of my Knight Magaera, I've now taken most of the sub assemblies to the point where I need to put down the iconography.

I've also made my second ever attempt at osl; the first being fairly unsuccessful. Big shout out to the other code boys for their advice on this .


1st two pics are before the advice from the boys, then there's 3 pics of my further work and the final pic is with a yellow glaze.

I'm pleased and I'm going to try more on this model; the coils on the lightning gun and the plasma fusil..

More pics of the current state....

I'm currently working on the legs, once I've got them to the same state as the rest then I'll do the iconography with transfers and freehand. Then osl and weathering and of course the base, not in that order of course.

More soon


Wednesday 6 December 2017

Lords a Reaping 17 : Homemade Relic Spartan WIP

Seasons Greetings

"Lets do LoW" we all said, "Sounds good" I said ....
Then went and looked throught the hobby pile and realised I don't actually own any .... Doh.

With it being so close to the Emperors Birthday going out and buying resin would probably be frowned on, however I happened to have a Land Raider hangin around in a state of disrepair just longin for the Iron Priests attentions :)

As its a Relic the plan is to make it more like the LR 2B with enclosed sponsons, the chassis itself is 25mm longer and 10mm wider so should look suitably bigger then a Raider

A long way to go :)
More to come from everyone

Sunday 3 December 2017

Lords a Reaping 17; Questoris Knight Magaera

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with my first wip post in our annual winter painting shenanigans; Lords a Reaping!
I'm using this event to motivate me to finish my 2nd Imperial Knight, a Questoris Knight Magaera.
Posts for  my 1st Knight can be found here , here , here , also here , here , and here , here too , another , one more , this one too , almost there , and finally here .

I started this second knight earlier in the year, I spent ages thinking about colour schemes, I knew I wanted skulls and chains, so the build incorporates lots of chains hanging from the chassis and shoulder guards, the skulls will be in the heraldry. Still not sure where that's going yet though.

So as for the colours, I went with a two tone metallic green and purple scheme. I posted a couple of early shots previously but here's the state of play at the mo.....

I'm painting in sub assemblies, here's pics of the bits seperated...

The final green and purple are not what I envisioned originally but I like em, they remind me of the really old GW metallic range from the 90's.
They're mixed from kabalite green and genestealer purple, with vallejo metallic medium and a little thinners.

As ever c&c welcome and stay tuned for more Lords a Reaping throughout December from the other code boys too.

Friday 1 December 2017

Code40k's Annual December Blog Event Lords a Reaping 2017

Hello All

Welcome to the launch post for our annual December blog event.  This is our 5th year running a December event and coming up with a good pun each year seems to get harder.  Anyway this years award for top pun -ditry goes to Gumby for coming up with Lords a Reaping a blog event all about big things, 'Lords of War'. 

This should hopefully mean CODE40k members working on and posting up stuff all about lords of war. 

As for me I shall be tackling my re paint on my baneblade complete with some OSL.  As usual in early January I will write up a summary post to share all our final efforts and name / shame those who have FAILED!

To get you in the mood here is a trip down memory lane with our December blog events complete with some links:

2013 Dreadful December - This was all about the dreads for the first year see our efforts here
2014 Forgemas - This was all about getting those forgeworld units on the table with this year being dominated by Boss Bludtoofs gorgeous ? see here (which actually wasn't finished till the end of feb but what the heck!)

2015 Ho Ho Ho Horus Heresy - This featured a lot of well painted heresy characters check it all out here

2016 Dismember December - A change for last year as we all went for painting the free slaughter priest mini.  Check them out here

So what does the 2017 picture look like?  well drum roll.....

If anybody out there in blogosphere or the real world wants to join in then please do paint up and share your efforts via our facebook page.  I will then share your blog / link in the final post.

Thats all folks......


Sunday 26 November 2017

Enter the realm of nightmares

Hmmmmmm, oh dear oh dear. 

For those of you who know me, you will know I’m a big GW fanboy - 40K specifically, I love the miniatures, the setting, the lore, the stories, the game, everything about it is everything I love in this hobby.

Now, that said, there is one company, one game that I love more.

Kingdom Death. 

Ever since I first saw the miniatures i was hooked - captivated by the baroque horror style and sheer depraved madness of the monsters and in love with the bleak frailty of the survivors.

Im sure I’ve posted about KD before but with them recently having launched the 1.5 update kickstarter my excitement has once again flared to critical levels. I have previously painted a couple of the starting survivors and the games starting enemy the White Lion so decided to pull my finger out and set about finishing the starting models giving me acces to the games first 3 or 4 game years minis all painted up. As I said at the start, these are my favourite miniatures I own so doing them justice is very important to me. 


As you can see, nothing is ever standard with the monsters of this twisted realm, from the oddly human hands of the White Lion to the giant gapping maw on the Screaming Antellopes stomach. With very little in the way of coloured art work to go on its really up to each individual how to colour their nightmares.

And speaking of nightmares, very little tortures the fractured minds of those unfortunate enough to have glimpsed him than the Slenderman.
I’ve slowed down the amount of work I’ve been willing to do for commission of late because I have been trying to improve my skills as a minature painter and thus having more time to focus on my own work I’ve been trying to flex my own muscles and push myself (see my Belasarias Cawl post) so decided the Slenderman was a perfect chance to push myself once again and see what I could do. 

Now, recently a lot of the Code attended a good fun days 40k gaming run by the guys over at 6Up Save (which once we get hold of some pics we shall do a write up about...) and I was incredibly humbled to take the publics vote for Best Painted army and as a prize was given a set of the Scale 75 paints. 
Deciding to try these out on the Slenderman was a very  fun (albeit expensive) experience as I fell instantly in love with the super mat finish given by these paints. So much in love that I had to nip out a few days later and grab a couple more sets!

Anyway - here is what I managed to achieve, the pictures are not the best but hopefully you get the idea...

I’m really happy with how he come out, enjoyed painting him immensely.
Might have also gotten a little excited with the Black Friday sales on the Kingdom Death webpage and purchased a few more bits to try my hand at.....

Now if I can only get 3 other people to sit down for a game I might actually be able to use them!!!

As ever, thanks so much for reading my hobby waffle and please comment below with your thoughts!

Until next time :)