Showing posts with label Clear Paints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clear Paints. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Trying something new...

Hey guys and girls

Something a little new for you all this time, The sons of Magnus the Red :)
Had a request from a client to attack a small force of Thousand Sons marines for 30k and the FW colour scheme was mentioned so I decided to have a crack at it and see how it went. 
I did a little digging online and found (from the Dakka Website if memory serves?) that somebody had emailed Forgeworld and asked them how they achieve the shiny red of their Thousand Sons and they provided the recipe! 

It's probably worth pointing out at this point that the bulk of the red was done with an airbrush although I see no reason the scheme couldn't be replicated with a standard brush.

Firstly the model was coated in Lead Beltcher base metallic.
Then only spraying from above, the model was highlighted with Runefang Silver to highlight.

Then the fun bit....

Using 4 good, thin coats, the model was airbrushed with Forgeworlds Angron Red Clear Paint. This took a while as it was important to let the model dry after each layer so ideally doing these in bulk would be prudent.

Once a good shade has been acquired, use Nuln Oil in the recesses to give a little depth to the colour.
Once that's dried, using a good sharp brush, edge highlight the red with Runefang Steel to really make those for edges snap.

Once the red was complete, I began to pick out the detailing in Brass Scorpion (Honestly one of my favourite paints, it just covers so well and works fantastically as a base for gold or silver builds). After the Brass I built up the golds using another 2 or 3 different GW shades until I was happy with the look.

Then it was simply a case of picking bits I fancied and finishing them before moving onto the next part. 
My style of painting has changed a little of late, I used to favour getting all the base colours done on a model before going back and bringing the detail out but more recently I've changed my approach to starting and finishing specific parts of a model before attacking the next. This works better on high level character models etc instead of batch painting line minis but allows me to keep interested as I play, both starting something and finishing it in a session is incredibly rewarding. 

Any way - that's about the jist of how I tackled the Traitor Librarian, I'll leave you with some pics of the finished mini. I haven't enjoyed painting a model as much as this in a long time :) 

Thanks for reading and if you've any questions please shout them up in the comments!