Showing posts with label Paladins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paladins. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Paladins last

Well at last i have finished my 20 Paladins. They were due to be ready for the 1st week in July, so only 4 months late!

here are the last 5

here are some close ups

so the next question is what am I up to next? the answer is.....


so these were purchased from Hyspaspist before he moved to Canada. i have always like the Ravenwing and i have been on the end of a beating or 2 from them in the past. i think that if i paint the white wings yellow then they should fit neatly into my army colour scheme.

and here is an example

i got 4 ravenwing boxes and 2 land speeder typhoons and a master of the ravenwing in a speeder. i also have 8 unbuilt bikes from my previous attempt to start a bike list, and also 6 unbuilt dark vengeance bikes and an unbuilt speeder. i have got another 8-10 bike and an attack bike in a bit of poor condition off eBay.


to go with my Heavy Flamer and Multimelta squad

these bad boys have more than made their points back

2 typhoons

you can also see some of my eBay bike.

in total i think i have enough for a full mobile company

command squad
5 full 8 man bike squads and attack bike (which can break down to raven wing attack squads if need be)
3 * 3 speeder squads

I think I also have a spare bike for either a librarian or chaplain.

hopefully my next post won't be so long away.


Monday, 25 June 2012

A Busy Weekend

After having a disappointing sporting weekend (Lewis being rammed off the track by a nutter and England's slow painful Euro exit finally happening, I though a bit of cheering up would be in order.

so here is Draigo

and here is Stern (i have had this model for a while and only just got round to painting him)

and finally some more paladin (they still have some details to pick out, eyes etc. but are almost done).

so that is 10 down 10 to go. i should be able to get them done by next week!

Friday, 22 June 2012

The First 5 Paladins

As mentioned above with all the football on it gives me plenty of time to do some painting.

I have completed 5 paladins now (minus some details)

I did have some close up pics bu they are too blurry to be any good

so that is 5 down and 15 to go! I have built up the last 2 hammer arms, sprayed and washed them. I will weapon swap the 2 guys this weekend so everything is now WYSWYG

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Paladin Update

well with all the sitting down and watching the football gives me loads of time to paint (multi-tasking)

and at last an update! i have done a fair bit on the paladins

they are all washed now and helmets/weapons base coated.

7 have moved on a bit further with some highlighting and some washes

this is pretty much a complete one. a few more details and highlights to finish him off

there i so much detail on the newer models. as i am painting old metal ones and the new plastic the difference between them is huge.

also this is my idea for the banner

the other squad has a red border. i think i will pick the detail out in non-metallic gold not sure how it will work but you can only try.

and finally getting my daughter involved

she is calling it Mulan as it is a girl dressed as a boy warrior......she is starting the princess chapter

edit: due to using XP and IE7 i am having difficulties uplaoding pics at the moment i will add later