Afternoon All,
Welcome to my round up of last years completions and on to setting targets for the year ahead. Firstly to say in October last year our lives changed after we successfully adopted two children so this years progress is a little slow but all the posts can be found here.
I managed to complete 6 projects from my list for last years season including:
2 Chimeras
Command Squad
Tactical Legionnaire Squad
For this years list i intend to be more realistic and set myself some sensible goals!
So here goes this years list is:
6 Scimitar Jetbikes
20 Assault Marines
10 Deathshrouds
Valkyrie Gunship
Avenger Strike Fighter
3 Leman Russ Tanksand
and hopefully another knight!
Wish me luck whats your plans folks?
Doc out
Showing posts with label Hobby Season 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobby Season 2016. Show all posts
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Sunday, 11 June 2017
WIP - Heresy Era Death Guard Scimitar Jetbikes
Afternoon All,
Another post so quickly after the last that is rare but I wanted to keep up some momentum after completing the Medusa. My next project is 6 jetbikes which require a lot of sub assemblies and paint jobs.
I decided on 3 sections the rider, the bike and the base. For the base I have ensured the stalk of the flyer base remained clear by masking it off. For the riders they have been temporarily attached to a base or a wine bottle cork.
I have a feeling this unit is going to take quite a while certainly one model is probably equivalent in time to painting 5 tactical legionnaires so I will be awarding myself 5 points for each when they are completed.
Current Progress:
I have 3 jetbikes ahead of the rest once the base colours are down I catch the rest up.
As always with me I have take one on further just to ensure I am happy with the colour scheme and the key part for me was where to add some green to the model. Anyway after deliberation went for the above? Any thoughts?
Here's the zombie riders primed up
So such a big, time consuming unit to get up and running. However, they are such cool looking things that keeps you going. Hope to be back soon with further progress.
DOC out...........................................
Another post so quickly after the last that is rare but I wanted to keep up some momentum after completing the Medusa. My next project is 6 jetbikes which require a lot of sub assemblies and paint jobs.
I decided on 3 sections the rider, the bike and the base. For the base I have ensured the stalk of the flyer base remained clear by masking it off. For the riders they have been temporarily attached to a base or a wine bottle cork.
I have a feeling this unit is going to take quite a while certainly one model is probably equivalent in time to painting 5 tactical legionnaires so I will be awarding myself 5 points for each when they are completed.
Current Progress:
I have 3 jetbikes ahead of the rest once the base colours are down I catch the rest up.
As always with me I have take one on further just to ensure I am happy with the colour scheme and the key part for me was where to add some green to the model. Anyway after deliberation went for the above? Any thoughts?
Here's the zombie riders primed up
So such a big, time consuming unit to get up and running. However, they are such cool looking things that keeps you going. Hope to be back soon with further progress.
DOC out...........................................
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
There has been some hobby progress - Showcase Death Guard Medusa
Evening All,
Doc here, I have been trying to write this blog post for a few days now and life seems to get in the way. Anyway I please to be able to showcase my newly completed well since last Friday finished Medusa. This is my first tank for my death guard and I am happy with it.
This tank is on my Hobby Season list so I will also be awarding myself a giant purple sticker for the first time in quite a while hoorah....
I also snapped some work in progress pictures which I will share first up followed by the completed model. Before I start though my first picture is my motivation to paint this army
So first off a build shot before priming and I admit they are slight pain with the canopy and the hair dryer was required to bend pieces into shape but we got there in the end.
Car park photo is next as I primed two of them, plus the scorpius and the LD vindicator at the same time.
I followed the same method of painting on this as my infantry prime vallejo grey wash agrax and 45 degree spray white. I found this gives me a simple white armour to work from. The photo above shows the washed stage and also sneak peaks another future project.
This shot shows the white applied and me starting to work up the metal, track work and the obligatory green stripe.
This shot is much further on with decals applied highlighting done, inside gun area completed. For the most part this is a clean shot prior to weathering
This shot was just before completion and I lined up an infantry model for some comparison. I think they work well together.
Completed shots here follow. Only difference from above is crew added and weathering on the tracks plus a coat of Matte varnish. I will say that is one thing I am not happy with the matte varnish dulled and in some cases removed the powder work. So if anyone out there has any tips for sealing powders without loosing the dry effect please let me know in the comments.
I hope you like this completed model please leave me love below or constructive scorn. On this basis I award myself a major sticker as it is my first death guard vehicle.
Doc here, I have been trying to write this blog post for a few days now and life seems to get in the way. Anyway I please to be able to showcase my newly completed well since last Friday finished Medusa. This is my first tank for my death guard and I am happy with it.
This tank is on my Hobby Season list so I will also be awarding myself a giant purple sticker for the first time in quite a while hoorah....
I also snapped some work in progress pictures which I will share first up followed by the completed model. Before I start though my first picture is my motivation to paint this army
This is a picture of a game played against Boss Bludtoof in Feb and boy has it got my goat. This isnt me I paint my armies. This will serve as a reminder forever more to get this army up and running!
So first off a build shot before priming and I admit they are slight pain with the canopy and the hair dryer was required to bend pieces into shape but we got there in the end.
Car park photo is next as I primed two of them, plus the scorpius and the LD vindicator at the same time.
I followed the same method of painting on this as my infantry prime vallejo grey wash agrax and 45 degree spray white. I found this gives me a simple white armour to work from. The photo above shows the washed stage and also sneak peaks another future project.
This shot shows the white applied and me starting to work up the metal, track work and the obligatory green stripe.
This shot is much further on with decals applied highlighting done, inside gun area completed. For the most part this is a clean shot prior to weathering
This shot was just before completion and I lined up an infantry model for some comparison. I think they work well together.
Completed shots here follow. Only difference from above is crew added and weathering on the tracks plus a coat of Matte varnish. I will say that is one thing I am not happy with the matte varnish dulled and in some cases removed the powder work. So if anyone out there has any tips for sealing powders without loosing the dry effect please let me know in the comments.
I hope you like this completed model please leave me love below or constructive scorn. On this basis I award myself a major sticker as it is my first death guard vehicle.
Cheers DOC OUT......................................
Sunday, 30 April 2017
Death Guard 30K Progress More Build, More Prime, More Games
Evening Folks,
Longtime no post, adopting two children will do that for you but I wouldn't change it for the world. Hobby has become my chief chill out mechanism in the last few months.
So DOC what have you been up to.... Well building first! I have built the following:
2 Medusa's
3 Rapier with Laser Destroyers
10 MK2 Assault Marines
5 MK3 Legion Tactical Marines
I haven't taken many pictures as I go but here is one of some of the recent builds. I really don't like the single fist up legionnaire so he is being changed.
I joked with the guys here's a picture of the primed car park...... Still haven't dialled down how to upscale my paint scheme to tanks. Odd really as normally find tanks straight forward :-(
I also managed to have a couple of games with the army although I couldn't of been more embarrassed by the state of play using a resin coloured army. I aim to try and move forward with this a little this year around moving house, kids and finishing the masters. So I will need to be realistic how much I can get done.
A couple of battle shots illustrate state of play:
Second game versus Boss Bludtoof opposite of above with me dishing out.... 30K is so brutal and these were Boss's first games of 30k and he likened it to playing apocalypse for the level of destruction. I can say you will be all in for a treat soon as Boss starts his Imperial Fist legion so look out for them coming to this blog.
Till next time when hopefully I can show you something painted up!
DOC out.....
Longtime no post, adopting two children will do that for you but I wouldn't change it for the world. Hobby has become my chief chill out mechanism in the last few months.
So DOC what have you been up to.... Well building first! I have built the following:
2 Medusa's
3 Rapier with Laser Destroyers
10 MK2 Assault Marines
5 MK3 Legion Tactical Marines
I haven't taken many pictures as I go but here is one of some of the recent builds. I really don't like the single fist up legionnaire so he is being changed.
I joked with the guys here's a picture of the primed car park...... Still haven't dialled down how to upscale my paint scheme to tanks. Odd really as normally find tanks straight forward :-(
I also managed to have a couple of games with the army although I couldn't of been more embarrassed by the state of play using a resin coloured army. I aim to try and move forward with this a little this year around moving house, kids and finishing the masters. So I will need to be realistic how much I can get done.
A couple of battle shots illustrate state of play:
I had a couple of match ups with Dark Bristles and his Mechanicum. Incredibly tough games but great fun nevertheless. Also fist time playing on the mats we have all purchased lovely things to game on.
Second game versus Boss Bludtoof opposite of above with me dishing out.... 30K is so brutal and these were Boss's first games of 30k and he likened it to playing apocalypse for the level of destruction. I can say you will be all in for a treat soon as Boss starts his Imperial Fist legion so look out for them coming to this blog.
Till next time when hopefully I can show you something painted up!
DOC out.....
Friday, 28 October 2016
Arming for the Cypra Incident - 19th Dicers Armoured Column - Completed (Hobby Season Completions)
Hi All,
As promised here I am back with a mass of completed hobby season goodness. This work has all been completed so close together that I feel rather hobbied out! So this takes me to a ready to go position for our next Cypra Incident game "Running the Gorklet".
So no apologies this is going to be picture heavy and I feel very proud of the work I have achieved on this army this year. This campaign has really helped me motivated me to get a new army on the table. Anyway self congratulating back slapping out the way what have you painted Doc?
WIP Tanks

First off just wanted to show a couple of work in progress shots to give you all an idea of the pre shading I completed on the tanks using the airbrush. I love this technique and the time it saves.
As promised here I am back with a mass of completed hobby season goodness. This work has all been completed so close together that I feel rather hobbied out! So this takes me to a ready to go position for our next Cypra Incident game "Running the Gorklet".
So no apologies this is going to be picture heavy and I feel very proud of the work I have achieved on this army this year. This campaign has really helped me motivated me to get a new army on the table. Anyway self congratulating back slapping out the way what have you painted Doc?
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Arming for the Cypra Incident - The 19th Dicers Grow - WIP
Hi Folks,
Doc back with his latest work towards our narrative campaign "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast". With rule of cool well and truly in effect and the idea behind this mission meaning I need an armoured column this has left me with a lot of painting to do. Knowing this work was coming meant I slipped all these projects on to my Confessions of a 40K addict hobby season list.
So what do you need to paint then Doc?
2 X Chimera's
1 X Taurox
3 more ratling snipers to take me to 10
1 X Master of Ordnance
2 X Psykers
1 X Vox
1 X Plasma
1 X Additional Command Officer
Eek crap that's a lot!
Doc back with his latest work towards our narrative campaign "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast". With rule of cool well and truly in effect and the idea behind this mission meaning I need an armoured column this has left me with a lot of painting to do. Knowing this work was coming meant I slipped all these projects on to my Confessions of a 40K addict hobby season list.
So what do you need to paint then Doc?
2 X Chimera's
1 X Taurox
3 more ratling snipers to take me to 10
1 X Master of Ordnance
2 X Psykers
1 X Vox
1 X Plasma
1 X Additional Command Officer
Eek crap that's a lot!
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Showcase - Death Guard Legion Tactical Squad in Mk3 Armour

Hi All,
Ok so those who follow the blog will know I have been really toying with Heresy Death Guard for quite a long time. Something along the lines of two years. In that time since I started the project has changed significantly. It started off as a 40k/30k army, the paint scheme was originally by hand and now the scheme involves a lot of airbrushing. So yes its changed.
As part of the ever changing process and to come to a final decision I have now modified the bases as well. I have been using the brown design for so long and on 4 other armies so I needed a change. With this in mind the first thing I did was experiment a lot as illustrated by the pictures below:
These were all deemed failure in the end although I quite liked the high contrast red finish. In the end I plumped for the base design you will see showcased on my first legion tactical squad below.
This tactical squad completes my first Hobby Season completion. I am so happy with the finish and base contrast and hope this is the end of changing my mind and means I can push forward on getting units finished up.
So first project is complete:
As always comments are welcome. If the interest is there I will be happy to describe my process for painting these dudes up.
Saturday, 27 August 2016
A New Hobby Season - Confession of a 40K Addict
Hi All,
For years I have followed Dave's from confession of the 40k addicts progress using his hobby season format. It has seemed to be a nice motivational tool. So when Dave a couple of weeks back put a shout to see if anyone would like to join him for the next season starting I thought yep I am in for this! Extra motivation tools cant be a bad thing right? So what is a hobby season guess you are asking?
Well its simple and the best thing in a hobbyist arsenal a list! A list of projects you would like to complete in the next 12 months. Dave has also kindly made some icons or stamps to go along with the hobby season.
Ok along with the stamp above Dave has made some cool completed stamps which I attend to use. They are split down into major and minor hobby list stamps. First up is the major stamp followed by my list of major projects for the next 12 months.
Major Projects 2016/17
Mortarion Primarch of the Death Guard
Spartan Assault Tank
Knight Cerastus Lancer
Cerebus Tank
New Desert Themed Board
Deadzone Board (not 40k thats ok right!)
Leman Russ Primarch of the Space Wolves
Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter
Necron Teseract Ark
MDF Necromunda Terrain
Re paint baneblade
Ok so there are 3 major scenery projects on here which is typical of me! I love scenery so not surprised by this. I will be surprised if I finish all 3! This is 11 major projects but its a list right (dare to dream!).
Minor Projects 2016/17 (this could go on for a while!)
2 X Chimeras
1 X Taurox
1 X Valkyrie
2 X 19th Dicer Psykers
1 X Colonel 19th Dicers
4 X Repaint of Leman Russ Tanks
5 X Enforcer Pathfinders
1 X Enforcer Strider
5 X Enforcer Peacekeepers
10 X Volkite Death Guard
2 X Rhinos Death Guard
3 X Medusa's Death Guard
30 X Tactical Legion Death Guard
10 X Assault Marines Death Guard
10 X Deathshrouds Death Guard
6 X Jetbikes Death Guard
3 X Drop Pods Space Wolves
3 X Thunderwolf Cav Space Wolves
1 X Iron Priest Space Wolves
20 X Fenrisian Wolves
1 X Wraithknight Eldar
6 X Fire Dragons Eldar
Ok, I am stopping for now as this will get ridiculous and achieve the opposite of motivation! Alongside this motivational tool I will continue painting points which I update on the right hand side of the blog and my annual review around new year. My basic target has always been to paint a minimum of 100 minis a year which I am on target for this year so far!
So how many projects do you reckon I will complete from the lists above? Let me know in the comments and also please share links of you hobby lists / motivational techniques?
Doc out
For years I have followed Dave's from confession of the 40k addicts progress using his hobby season format. It has seemed to be a nice motivational tool. So when Dave a couple of weeks back put a shout to see if anyone would like to join him for the next season starting I thought yep I am in for this! Extra motivation tools cant be a bad thing right? So what is a hobby season guess you are asking?
Well its simple and the best thing in a hobbyist arsenal a list! A list of projects you would like to complete in the next 12 months. Dave has also kindly made some icons or stamps to go along with the hobby season.
Ok along with the stamp above Dave has made some cool completed stamps which I attend to use. They are split down into major and minor hobby list stamps. First up is the major stamp followed by my list of major projects for the next 12 months.
Major Projects 2016/17
Mortarion Primarch of the Death Guard
Spartan Assault Tank
Knight Cerastus Lancer
Cerebus Tank
New Desert Themed Board
Deadzone Board (not 40k thats ok right!)
Leman Russ Primarch of the Space Wolves
Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter
Necron Teseract Ark
MDF Necromunda Terrain
Re paint baneblade
Ok so there are 3 major scenery projects on here which is typical of me! I love scenery so not surprised by this. I will be surprised if I finish all 3! This is 11 major projects but its a list right (dare to dream!).
Minor Projects 2016/17 (this could go on for a while!)
2 X Chimeras
1 X Taurox
1 X Valkyrie
2 X 19th Dicer Psykers
1 X Colonel 19th Dicers
4 X Repaint of Leman Russ Tanks
5 X Enforcer Pathfinders
1 X Enforcer Strider
5 X Enforcer Peacekeepers
10 X Volkite Death Guard
2 X Rhinos Death Guard
3 X Medusa's Death Guard
30 X Tactical Legion Death Guard
10 X Assault Marines Death Guard
10 X Deathshrouds Death Guard
6 X Jetbikes Death Guard
3 X Drop Pods Space Wolves
3 X Thunderwolf Cav Space Wolves
1 X Iron Priest Space Wolves
20 X Fenrisian Wolves
1 X Wraithknight Eldar
6 X Fire Dragons Eldar
Ok, I am stopping for now as this will get ridiculous and achieve the opposite of motivation! Alongside this motivational tool I will continue painting points which I update on the right hand side of the blog and my annual review around new year. My basic target has always been to paint a minimum of 100 minis a year which I am on target for this year so far!
So how many projects do you reckon I will complete from the lists above? Let me know in the comments and also please share links of you hobby lists / motivational techniques?
Doc out
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