Showing posts with label Imperial Knights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Knights. Show all posts

Friday, 3 May 2019

Imperial Knight Paladin Showcase

Posted on Behalf of Trevdog

Such a long time since I posted on the blog, and really happy to get something finished. It's a big'un. My Paladin Knight!

I got it when the Box set with two in came out. I grabbed one on its own from Worcester Wargames. 
I've built quite a bit in my car, sat in the car park, before going into work and the knight was one of them. 15-20 minutes each time and slowly the model took shape, almost like a Mechanicus Tech Priest toiling over his work, murmuring liturgies and oiling the components with revered care......

I didn't paint it in the car, although you may think so from the paint job.
I wanted a quick and easy paint scheme so primed with grey after seeing the White Warden model in the codex. Kept the armour plates off and primed the skeleton in black, over brushed with silver then inked with brown and black.  A little silver dry brush in places helped for some areas.
The plates took most of the time, and I almost forgot to say, the basing took a while too.
The crazy paving affect didn't send me too insane. I just wanted it finished while I had the time.
I'm just happy to have a big boy ready for battle. 

Ed's comments (DOC) I really like the marble effect armour panels and the the sword motif.  This model is quite bright so the dark base works really well fair play Trevdog! 

That's my comments but as usual folks please leave constructive comments for Trevdog to read.


DOC and Trevdog

Monday, 17 September 2018

Hobby Update, Apologies and Adeptus Titanicus!

Hi All

First up a big apology from myself and on behalf of everyone here at Code40k for our lack of activity over the summer! Hopefully now the weather's calmed down we'll all be a little more active.

So this will be a bit of an update on the little bit of stuff I've done over the summer and the lovely stuff which has reignited my mojo.......namely Adeptus Titanicus!

As you've probably seen from Docs last post (back in the mists of time, or more accurately June!) we sent a small posse to Battlefield Birminghams Doubles Tournament, here's a few pics of the force I took and a couple of 1 of my opponents I particularly liked...

The next task Doc and I embarked on was getting some scenery started for the next mission in The Cypra Incident; our narrative campaign, which is due a revisit soon
Some pics of the scenery in progress....

Then of course I need to get some new Ork forces ready for the airfield mission, in the form of some more Deffkoptas....

This was when the weather turned near tropical in South Gloucestershire! With paint drying on the brush, never mind the pallet, I found other things to do......

.....until Adeptus Titanicus hit...

I wasn't prepared to splash £200 outright so I used some vouchers I had and dipped my foot in with the rules set and a box of knights to start, and started to build some scenery from scratch.

I'm well impressed by the rules and the models are really nice so I splashed out on some of the GW scenery; the Civitas Imperialis Sector. This kit is FANTASTIC! Loads of bits with a really nice modular construction system. You can make a lot from it....

I've got quite a few odd bits left over which will find homes on titan bases and in more scratch built scenery.

And so now I'm nearing completion on my first knight.....

And that's me up to date.......almost, whilst I've been writing this and waiting for pics to upload my first knight is very near completion, just some weathering powders to apply and he's done, but more on him next week....
Here's a little vid of so far...
