Showing posts with label Hellbrute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hellbrute. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Dreadful December the voting

Hi All,

I hope you have enjoyed the code's event Dreadful December.  Now on to the voting.....  We would like you to help us judge who the winner of our best painted dread will be.  Yes code guys you can vote but not for your own.  Please put a comment with the name of the dread you think looks best out of the following dreads.  One lucky winner chosen at random will receive some codedesigns bases as a thank you.

I have chosen the best of the entries and have concluded the entry must be fully complete in order to be entered.  That of course means I'm an epic failure for my own idea (I've snuck an old dread in no one will notice!). 

First off Toonboy78's Grey Knight Dreadnought:

Full post details and further pictures can be found here.  Other work in progress posts can also be viewed.

Next up Boss Bludtoofs Contemptor Dreadnought:

Full post details and further pictures can be found here and here.

Next Boss Bludtoof's Second Entry The Mega Dread:

Full details and further pictures can be found here.  There is also a number of posts explaining the build and painting of this model.

Next up Luko Dakkas Nurgle Hellbrute:

Full details and further pictures can be found here
Next up another Boss Bludtoof Entry Wrecking Ball Dread:
Full details and further pictures can be found here
Next up DOC's converted Space Wolves Dread from back in the day:
Full details on the conversion / paint job can be found here, here and here
That's it for the entries to the codes Dreadful December please vote for your favourite by adding a comment.
Thanks and Happy New Year to All

Friday, 13 December 2013

Nurgle Hellbrute - Dread-Full December

As its Dread-Full December I thought why not dig out one of my other dreads, well it was known as a dreadnought till they changed it to the newly named Hellbrute. This guy is one from my Nurgle Space Marine Army. It is the forgeworld dread, the first that they sculpted & I still think its a great model. It was a pleasure to paint and wasn't that difficult. The great thing about Forgeworld stuff is that the detail really speaks for itself so as long as you highlight this, it will stand out very easily. I painted off a Black undercoat & worked my way up from a dark green, to camo green, up to rotting flesh. The fungus all over the armour was quite simple to do, ochre, golden yellow, sunburst yellow with a Baal wash added precisely around the pustules. A bit of rust done around the exhausts was with various mixed washes baal red & chestnut if I recall. Anyway quite a simple tidy job that I'm fairky chuffed with.

Luko Dakka

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Dread-Full December Major Step Forward Hellbrute and Small Step Forward Contemptor

Hi All

So as I write I have made significant progress on the Hellbrute in particular and wanted to show the work off as part of our event.  Since the last post I completed the basic colours which is the bulk of the work for this model and washed the majority of the model with agrax earthshade.

Some of the metal areas I have used Nuln Oil as appropriate. After leaving for a full day to dry the highlighting commenced.  For a while now I have tried to get a nice dark line between the pad edges and the inner section on all space marine trim style models before adding a clear inner line highlight.  This looks striking but takes patience.  Anyway your thinking pictures so here is the Hellbrute so far:

So I have enlarge the pictures to full size and you can probably instantly notice the front is highlighted and the back isn't!  I will finish that for next post.  The other thing I'm mulling over is whether to verdi some of the gold or not?  Thoughts on that are most welcome?  I will also need to highlight the gold trim across the model.  If I haven't mentioned it before the square hole at the back will hold a small dice to show hull points.

Here is another shot showing the Hellbrute with other models within my fledgling chaos marine army.

The original thought for the colour scheme was actually pre heresy thousand sons.  Although clearly this isn't a pre heresy army.  An argument could be made for a Khorne flavour to the army due to the colour scheme.  As yet however I haven't settled on a name, background and so on.  

Lastly a quick look at my second dreadfull December entry my contemptor:

In my earlier post on the contemptor I showed how I have magnetized the arms.  So just to add to my workload I have purchased these.....

This will allow me to field the dread as a Mortis pattern should I feel that is a better option.  Anyway ill be back in a few days with a further update.

DOC Out 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Progress on Dread-Full December - Death Guard Contemptor and Hellbrute

DOC back again with my Dread update....

So first off my Contemptor is built and primed (my god I've actually done something!!)  I have also magnetised the arms and made a pin slot for the cyclone missile launcher and fully painted a CodedesignsUK base.  Pictures:

Ok I love this figure its awesome but I have had some problems getting this far.  First off magnets great but bloody fiddly and yes I got the polarity wrong DOH!  Also there were a few air bubbles which I filled with green stuff and lastly if you look closely despite and proper wash before commencing the build in places the paint hasn't taken that well.  Despite this I'm still confident of a nice finish!

This isn't all though my other entry will be a chaos hellbrute.  This was a fair simpler build being a push fit model.  The detail is amazing for a starter set model though and it is taking me some time to get the base colours down before the washing can commence.  Here is a couple of work in progress shots...



Ok folks that's all for now back in a few days with a further update.  Early feedback and comments is always welcome.

Doc out...