Showing posts with label Tactical Squads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tactical Squads. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Chapter Expansion

I have been reasonably productive this last month. My main 2015 objective is to clear the back log of models i have.
First up here are a Tactical Squad and a Drop Pod.

The tactical squad is my 10th for my chapter, and the 3rd for my drop pod company. It is made up from bits I bought in a job lot a while ago. I stripped them down and repainted them. The Sergeant is an old MkII veteran model. Originally he had a bolt pistol and chain sword. I have enough squad leaders’ armed like this and wanted something different. Initially I was going to give him a plasma pistol. Unfortunately I didn’t have any in the left hand only right handed ones. In the end I rummaged through my bits box and found suitable kit options for him, a Grav-pistol and a Power Fist.
 The other change is the blue cloak. I noticed on this model there was book. So it got me thinking why would he be carrying this item? The story I have for him is that he starting to show some psychic potential and so has started his training with the companies librarians. He has the honour of wearing a blue cloak as a result of this

The Drop Pod is another one of my cheap purchases. I got a load of pods about 4 years ago for about £10 a pod. Unfortunately they were painted already. Some of my paint has had difficulty covering it. Over all I am happy with it as a gaming piece, rather than any well painted model.

I have also been buying more Forgeworld goodies.

First is Bray’arth Ashmantle, the Salamander Venerable Dreadnaught. I have completed about 80% of him and am currently working on detailing him.

Next up is a Battle-Automata. I really like the model, but don’t see collecting an army of Ad-mec. I do see an inquisitor with close ties to the Ad-mec being given one as a body guard. That is how I will use him. Again he is about 80% complete with a bit more detailing and highlighting required.


Finally I have built up some more models I got in the job lot. In total I got 8 Assault marines, 30 Tactical marines, 5 Devs, 10 Terms  (AoBR) and 5 scouts, all for £30. This month I aim to do some terms and some scouts.

The terms I have converted to lightening claw ones. I had a full set of claws so I only needed to buy some shoulder pads. I was able to pick them up off eBay for £3.  Here they are all built up.

The scouts I wanted a close combat squad. They will eventually get a storm as transport. I think a good load out for them is close combat blade and bolt pistol. They were all armed like this. I wanted the sergeant to be armed with a combi melta and a power fist. I had loads of spare combi weapons from the sternguard squads I bought a while ago, and the fist came from the command squad set I got with Sevrin Loth.

Both of these squads have now been under coated and are on my painting table. The expansion contiues

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The numbers are increasing

I have at last managed to get a lot of my models build and under-coated. this has given me a solid base to get some serious painting done.

I bought the limited edition dark vengeance box set and here is the tactical squad from it:

They just need a ride now!

and like Boss Bloodtoof (who steals all my good ideas) i am a big fan of drop pods. i have 7 at the moment and intend to build a full drop company. here is the 1st tactical squad and their drop pod transport.

and with DOC copying my tactics with his crafty bike purchases, this one is one of the Ravenwing that I converted to my chapters colour scheme.

not sure what to paint next, terminators more bikes or so Dark vengeance characters.