So im back post christmas and new year blues. So painting wise on the death guard i havent been able to do much over the festive period as i completed a couple of Necron projects for the code xmas bash. (Ill post those separately).
After the purchase of Dark Vengenace at Games Day i set about taking off all the iconography using my new tool (xmas present from me to me!). So to start this post off here is a couple of pictures of dark angel (DA) terminators minus the DA iconography. Personally the standard terminator works for me not sure about the seargent the robes still make him look like a DA i think. Particularly as im going to paint them white and green. Any suggestions people??
Standard Terminator icons removed from shoulder pad, storm bolter and right leg.
So i stated above havent been able to do much! Well i have done some.... Heres a couple more painted marines.
Ok the bit where i ask do they work together or not?? My opinion is YES. Put simply as i mentioned in the first post i cant afford forgeworld and im not good enough to convert everything so this is my compromise using a variation of model types.
So it will be a few weeks before any more death guard comes out as it takes an age to paint them also as you will see from other posts ive got loads going on! Lastly an appeal for genuine honest feedback; ultimately i put stuff on here to show others, help motivate myself with projects and also to improve my techniques. Feedback can always help this.
Thats all folks