Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Thursday 4 August 2016

Deimos Pattern Vindicator with Laser Destroyer - The build

Evening All,

Quick post this evening to show my latest build project a laser destroyer vindicator. A few issues with the build not least the sides which slot together differently to standard rhino kits so watch out for that.  I currently have a plan to go into a build phase for my death guard before a tank batch paint to ensure I get a consistent finish.

Also just to note the next post in the series using the inter webs will hit this weekend and will be all about video battle reports.

Ok quick pick of the completed build:


Doc out

Friday 8 July 2016

Cerastus Knight Acheron - WIP #2

Hi All,

Wowsers I have been away from the blog and hobby for a while, apologies for that and now it is time to get my mojo back! It is also bad timing as traditionally code40k members tail back the hobby work over the summer months meaning blog posts have been a little thin on the ground.  Anyway trying to get back going again now...

So I have gone back my Knight Acheron and for those of you who need reminding or missed it the original build post is here and the first WIP is here.

In order to go any further I need to get all the waterslide transfers in place or decals depending on where you are in the world.  I have bought the House Makabius set from forgeworld.  This is mainly because I intend to paint 4 knights in this colour scheme.   Over the years transfers have been a bane and I still dont like them but since switching to the Micro -Set and Micro Sol method it has become easier.  I would recommend the following youtube video for an explanation:

And the following video as a tutorial:

Here are some photos of the transfers in place before weathering:

My main top tip for this post is to always apply the transfers before weathering which is a mistake I made a while back. To not do so means they look out of place and pristine with the rest of the model looking weathered.  As you can see from the pictures above I have successfully applied all the transfers.  The most difficult transfer which is not pictured is the banner transfer which hangs between the legs.  The banner is curved and the micro sol came in particularly handy for the banner piece.

So with transfers applied the next stage will be to complete the base and then finish weathering followed by completed assembly.  I hope to show you a completed knight in the next two weeks.

So nice to be back in the saddle 


DOC out

Friday 6 May 2016

W.I.P. Relic Predator Executioner; nearly there.

Hi All

Another quick update on my progress on this Relic Predator for my Space Marine Chapter; The Thunderbolts.
Everything's done now except for the White panelling on the turret, sponsons, hatches and exhaust guards. I always leave the white til last as it's a pig to paint in the first place and if I do it before any other colours and make a mistake that effects the white finish then it's even worse to do over.
Once the white's done I'll finish with the transfers.

Some pics of it currently...

I didn't like the weathering effects I'd done on the main body so I re painted the silver where necessary to cover it up. After much thought I just don't like weathering on this army, don't know why but I just don't so I'm not gonna waste my time on it.

I am however a fan of the rusty sponge weathering I did on my recent scenery project; see here  for the final showcase post, and I'll be using that on my recently delivered Mantic Kickstarter Veer Myn for Deadzone along with another rusty wasteland scenery set I'll be making later this year.

But first more to come soon on the Predator.

C & C as ever please.


Thursday 5 May 2016

Deimos Relic Predator Executioner, a bit more WIP.

Hi All

Just a quick one today, an update on my progress with the predator..

Some pics...

Getting there, brass done and even weathered a bit, which is a first for me and my marines. I'm going to try doing this model weathered to see if I like it. Then depending on the outcome I may well go back over my marine collection and apply some subtle weathering effects. Maybe...

C & C welcome.


Monday 2 May 2016

W.I.P. Deimos Pattern Relic Predator Executioner

Hi All

Just a quick post to show the current WIP on my new Predator.
Here's some pics

I will recommend that if you build one of these then paint the sponsons as sub assemblies, they're very awkward to paint once fitted!

Enjoy. C & C welcome as ever.


Friday 22 April 2016

Cerastus Knight Acheron - WIP #1

Morning All,

I have been working away on my knight acheron.  I wanted to get it to a usable state whilst I await delivery of transfers to finalise the model.  I have taken the odd photo along the way to show you some progression.  This has been a really enjoyable process so far and I look forward to the final model being finished.

I had already decided to loosely follow the House Makabius colour scheme although I decided on a metallic brighter blue than the forgeworld example.  To test it out I just did one shoulder pad.   The airbrush finish on the blue and cream is so flat and makes me wonder why I would ever do it the "old way" again.  At this stage no washes had been applied.

From here I upscaled to multiple panels including masking the shin plates to ensure a crisp line between the cream and blue.  For info I use the tamiya masking tape range for this purpose.

Snap from a couple of nights ago showing the chaos of it all

Flamer tanks completed.....  A whole mass of effects and mediums used on here.  Airbrushed vallejo silver.  Some areas airbrushed vallejo rust.  Then washed with agrax and nuln oil.  Drybrushed boltgun metal.  Next I went in with a whole load of effects to weather it up using the products below.

So as usual with me after this point got really into it and picked up the pace now I was comfy with the colour scheme and techniques below is a picture of the knight as it stands.  Still decals, weathering, base and many more little jobs to do.

What do you all think so far, any advice?  Hope to have it all finished in the next few weeks.


DOC out

Monday 28 March 2016

The Cypra Incident, Scenery WIP

Hey all,

Bluddtoof here with a quick update on my work on the scenery set for mission 2 of our upcoming narrative campaign.
I've now completed the build of the fencing (20 uprights with various configurations of panel supports and a total of 14 panels, 3 of which are ruins and a set of hinged gates) and have started on the first watchtower.
Here's a few pics of the tower ....

The first 3 are the balsa carcass in progress and the last 3 are with the watchtower complete with a basic roof and with some fencing in a couple of possible configurations.
The issue now is whether I leave the tower as is and paint it, in which case the grain will show, or I'm considering plasticard cladding to simulate metal, complete with rivets. The second option will look far better but will involve a lot more work and this is tower 1 of 4! I'll make that decision tomorrow I think. One thing I will change is the mesh flooring on the other towers; I'll not cut out the central hole in future, it doesn't really show once occupied and limits model placement, a full mesh floor with a hatch will be better.

More to come soon, as ever comments welcome...


Sunday 13 March 2016

"Don't Fence Me In.....", The Cypra Incident. WIP.

Hey All

Bluddtoof here with the first WIP post for a new terrain set I'm building to be used in our upcoming Narrative Campaign; "The Cypra Incident".
As I said in my last post Doc and I need to represent a military compound in the 2nd mision of our story, whichever way it goes; either an Imperial Compound or an Orky scrap yard. So we decided a set of fences and watchtowers would fit in either scenario.
To this end I've started on a set of fencing panels and uprights; I wanted a flexible but simple set which would be easy to store and light and manageable on the table. Here's what I've come up with...

The above shot is of 2 uprights and 1 panel, the 3 pieces are separate and thus the whole set will be flexible enough to lay out in lots of ways, some of the uprights will have supports at right angles and a few will be 3 or 4 way supports to allow for more flexibility.

Above shows a damaged panel in 2 different positions, to provide stability and strength the uprights on either side of the broken panel are fixed. I intend to make a max of 3 of these breached panels, the rest will be intact and fully flexible.
The bases of the uprights will also get some scenic work; tufts of grass and vines and such. I'll also be adding a few rivets to the upper panel supports.

The raw materials are pretty basic;

Uprights: small GW round bases, Plastruct 4.8 mm styrene tubing, 1 mm plasticard and Plastruct 4.8 mm styrene column.

Panels: Plastruct 3.2 mm styrene tubing and Isopon aluminium mesh (for repairing holes in car bodywork)

The mesh I bought at my local hardware store at a couple of quid per sheet which makes 4 of the 5"x 3" panels , the Plastruct products I got from Antics on line, they can be a bit pricey but you get 6 or so lengths per pack.

I'm planning on a dozen panels or so, a gate section and then 4 watchtowers which will comprise a small square bunker 6" tall with a roofed parapet on top, the top section will be removable to access the interior. In terms of area, they will house a small squad of infantry; 5 models I think to allow for combat squads or weapon teams. I don't want them too big or to be major bunkers. The towers will have panel supports in the middle of all four faces to allow full flexibility of set up.

As for the paint job; I'm planning on rusted metal, I'll be trying some rust effects I've not tried before.

More to come soon. As ever C and C welcome and stay tuned......


Sunday 7 February 2016

Video Blog - Painting Update - The 19th Dicers Guard Regiment

Hi All,

Doc here back with video number 2 for the blog.  So today I have put together a video update on my progress on the guard regiment the 19th Dicers.  There have been quite a few posts on the Cypra Incident already.  If you are interested in learning more please check these posts out:

Launch Post

Orks Introduction Post

Ork Bikers Post

Taurox Building Post (Video)

Before I show the video here is a couple of stills for the work in progress of the guard:

So here it is second go.  The still the video has decided to use as a preview is scary lol!  Anyway feedback is always welcome and I hope you enjoy it.



Thursday 21 January 2016

40K Narrative Campaign 2016; "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast of Cypra". An introduction to the Orks of Waaagh! Bluddtoof.

Hi All

So here's my first post in our series on the Narrative Campaign myself and Doc are playing this year. We hope to play our first session, which should cover the first 2 engagements in the conflict, sometime in February. As I'm writing this that gives me about a month to paint all the extra bits I'll need for those games. we're using a tree campaign system so that means 1 definite and 2 potential lists, the 2nd mission will be dependant on the outcome of mission 1.
We've decided that we want the campaign to be all about the story so we're putting a lot of time and effort into creating interesting and balanced missions with all the lists being discussed and altered mutually so as to create games which have the best chance of being close and exciting. When it come s to playing the games we'll be taking it slow and discussing tactics and moves as we go to create the best story possible, keeping the option to "do over" if the dice gods chuck us a curve ball! I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you are too because we'll be posting detailed narrative battle reports all the way through to the Glorious Ork Victory which is of course inevitable!
So towards this initial goal I need to paint the following;
3 Ork bikers, including a Boss Nob.
12 Lootas.
A Warbuggy.
And a Killa Kan.
I'm most of the way to finishing the bikers and here's some WIP shots;

I know Doc is frantically building and painting the mechanised infantry of the "Dicers", his new regiment of puny 'umans!

Stay tuned for more on "The Cypra Incident"


Thursday 7 May 2015

Imperial Knight Freeblade, some more WIP

Hi All

So with all the planning for WW4 done I find myself with some time on my hands; when I'm not building hen houses and pens or digging holes in the garden that is.
I've returned to work on my Imperial Knight Freeblade, not much left to do and I hope to bring him to WW4 for some post campaign friendly action. Both shoulder pads and the right arm still to go now.
Here's a few shots of the model so far...

I've fixed the now complete left arm in place, after much thought and experimenting with magnets, I found that magnetising the shoulder pads was just too much effort for the benefit of having removable arms. When it comes to transport I'm going to make some custom cases to fit each knight I make specifically. Also being pretty big and cumbersome I'd rather maintain their structural integrity on the table.
That's it for now, I'll be doing more on this in the next couple of weeks, stay tuned for more WIP and the final showcase.


Thursday 9 April 2015

Lorgar and Word Bearers 30k The Build

Lorgar and the Word bearers.

I've had the Horus heresy itch for some time now and I have finally succumbed to scratching it. The models from forge world are great. I must admit that I am a little uneasy working with resin. It just feels so delicate. I'll explain more about that shortly.

I already have some Chaos Word bearers that run with my Plague Marines, but these were done years ago. I still want to add to them but also want to portray how they were before their fall. I'll go into colour schemes in my next post when I have added some paint to them.

So starting with Lorgar, it would be rude not to, I found building him to be straightforward. All the bits fit well. Not sure where to attach his pistol yet, plus I have left his cloak off to paint separately. I had to make sure it would fit on by correctly positioning the haft of his great mace. The handle sits across his buttocks. The spikes on his mace gave me a headache. They are so small and come in three pieces of three spikes on each. When I was cutting the flash off one of them I managed to cut through the whole piece. I thought I had ruined it. But by the luck of the gods it all glued into place. Amazing!

Now I can't wait to paint him.

The Word bearers squad is a mixture of armour types. I had bought the torsos and helmets upgrade set mk IV and had two Mk III  torsos spare from another set. I also had two legs from the Kromlech range. They were close in appearance to Mk III armour so decided to add these two together.
I bought the new tactical box set and used most of what I could to make them appear more akin to the heresy period.

I stuck with safe poses carrying bolters across the body. I have tried to ensure the details from the upgrade torsos can be seen.
The sergeant and his next in line have open poses. I gave him a power mace to match Lorgar's.

I have also built a dark apostle who can be my Erebus stand in.

You will see another figure of a captain who has gate crashed the photo. More about him another time.
Well, I'm pretty happy about the build and have already spray undercoated. The resulting look is more uniform.

Enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think.

Until next time, "By your word".

Posted on Behalf of Trev Dog