Showing posts with label SVAXII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SVAXII. Show all posts

Sunday 4 March 2012


Waaaagghhhhhhh!!!!! Bluddtoof is ready to krush all dem beakies and spiky alien fingz wot iz in da way!!
All done so as promised a few pics of my SVAXII lists:
400pt killteam lead by Boss Bluddtoof.
1750pt planetstrike attacker, once more lead by Bluddtoof and his Meganobz;
1750pt planetstrike defender, with lotz ov eavy stuff!!
and this is the standard mission 1750pt, lots of trukks. Not as many as originally planned but time constraints scuppered that plan. I like this list tho and would take a version of it to Carnage 2012 at warhammer world but alas the trukks contain non GW bits in profusion so they might disallow it. So Carnage will see a footsloggin list. More on that in future posts tho.....
and finally the 2000pt list with allowance for a single Super Heavy choice and apocalypse formation....... oh yes Mr Stompy comes out to play!!!!
That's my Big Mek Stompa, almost entirely scratchbuilt from balsa, plasticard of one sort or another, a pair of vinyl cogs I "acquired" from the factory where I used to work a few years ago and a multitude of bitz from kits of all description. I built this about 5 years ago and was well pleased with it, still am in context, but I can do better now and over the next few months I'll be designing and building a new Kustom Stompa from the Kastorel Novem book.
But I digress.......
see below for Stompy badness..............
So that's it, nearly time to start getting excited....
I can feel the mighty Waaaaaaaggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! building............
SVAXII 'ere we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boss Bluddtoof da myti!!!!!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Necrons, CODE 40K SVA T-Shirts

Hi All,

DOC is back with a new post........

So there are 8 members of the code group going to SVA this year and so we decided to geek it up and get some t shirts done with our logo on.  Red Mist kindly cleaned up the logo from the site and arranged the printing of the T Shirts.  Thanks for doing this Mist

So what do you think? 

So this time in two weeks the code boys will be in Reading for SVAXII, as a result im having to step up the painting.  So here follows some progress pictures of the Necron Army:

Some of the above came from the hands of Red Mist including the CTAN but i have re based it all to match up together (MIST I hope you like?).  I still have 10 Sacrabs, 2 lords, Destroyer Lord, Overlord and Cryptek to do.  Its getting tight but luckily im off work this week so will hopefully get cracking.  Coming later this week more painted Necron Pictures

Thats All Folks


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Planestrike Crons hit the Brick Wall. Necron Heavy Destroyers

Hi All,

Doc Here with an update, First off ill talk about planet strike as i posted previously:

I played my first game of planet strike the other day and put simply i got it wrong wrong and bit more wrong! Ok so this maybe basic to everyone else but the key basic things i learnt were:
Its not about blowing up the bunkers.
Just because you have deep strike you dont have to charge on the first turn, Particulary if the reprisal will wipe that unit out!
You still need numbers, I picked a super elite army and it didnt have enough survability.

When the opposition is in a bunker use the firing slit angles to reduce the amount of fire you take. Dont deep strike to far away from where your reserves will come on and dont deep strike near your opponents reserve deployment area.

Theyre all basic but trust me once you start playing we are all capable of forgetting the basics!

On a more positive note ive got some more Necron work completed. Ive built some converted heavy destroyers. So Pics first, explanation second:

So how do i build them? First off i cut the end off the gauss cannon. Next i cut the centre from a dispersion shield to form the top of the gun. I next attached a standard green rod to the underside of this and attached the top from a warscythe to the bottom. Finnally i re-attached the gauss cannon end. Simple result, but im happy with them and they dont have the weight issue's that the GW ones have and it saves money!!

Thats all Folks


Sunday 26 February 2012

A productive weekend

Just finished another bunch of orks and grots for my SVAXII lists, only 9 models to go and 5 of those are 1/2 done so it's all looking good, no 11th hour painting for me, eh Luko??

Saturday 25 February 2012

Some kind of WIEEEERRDDD plant man!!

As you'll have read in previous posts we were thrown a massive curve ball by the Spikey Club organisers when they announced we needed 5 lists for SVAXII!!
So I dutifully chukked out the trukk lists and rewrote a bunch of new lists so as to give myself a chance to get all the painting done in time, now with about 3 weeks to go I've got 10 models to base and 9 with their flesh tones done, nearly there.
Once it's all complete I'll post photos of the 5 lists.
For now just a couple of pics of the recently finished (today) Wierdboy who'll be fielded as a warphead with a big bunch of shoota boyz in the planetstrike attacker list.
That's all for now, look out for the completed list photos in a couple of weeks, then sometime in April should see the completed Klawstompa!!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Necron Countdown to SVAXII


Doc here with an update....

So ive taken two weeks off why i here you ask? this is why....

Yes Merlot the Puppy came to live with us 10 days ago and takes up all my time.  For those who are interested he's a colly-cocker-whippet-russell cross.  Thats a lot of dog in one puppy!

Anyway my update...

For this years SVAXII we have to take 5 different army lists this has made my work schedule manic...  Ive got to paint them all by the 17th March. My painting includes:

1 Necron Overlord
1 Necron Lord
1 Destroyer LOrd
1 Cryptek
6 Praetorians w Voidblades and Particle Casters (i built these today)

3 Heavy Destroyers (to be built and painted)
2 Spyders
10 Deathmarks (only 2 built so far)

Jeepers im going to busy thank god they are necrons and easy to paint.  I will update on my crazy progress.

The other thing new to SVAXII this year is planetsrike and kill team games.  Having never played planetstrike before this will be a challenge this is what my attacking army looks like at 1750pts:


Destroyer Lord, Warscythe, Res Orb, Sempiternal Weave            


6 Lychguard w warscythe’s                                                                         

6 Praetorians w Voidblades and Particle Casters                                               

10 Flayed Ones                                                                                                

Ctan Shard, Pyreshards, Swarm of Spirit Dust                                     


7 Scarab Bases                                                                                                  

3 Heavy Destroyers                                                                                        

2 Wraiths, 1 Particle Caster                                                                         


Canoptek Spyders X 3, 1 Particle Beamer, 1 Gloom Prism                              

TOTAL                                                                                                                   (1750)  

Thoughts people?  Yes im taking advantage of no troops and using all the tasty stuff.  Everything in the army can take out armour pretty much.  This is the only list for the weekend that brings out the CTAN.  Ill post more of my lists as I post painting updates.

Signing off.....

Saturday 21 January 2012

Red Mist Descends

Hi Code Fans,

Red Mist here for his first blog outing. As you know were all building up to SVAXII and I'm busy painting transports for my beloved Catachan 7th Imperial Guard Army (Dutch's Desperadoes).

The men are all done bar one and I'm now on to Chimeras for my vets, IG never leave home without them. Attached are some WIP so far, got 3 do do in total. Have just finished a manticore and a converted Hydra, will upload some pics of these soon.

What you might not know is that I also collect a Necron army, DOC and myself decided to pool our armies and build them up together so we can get all the options covered as well as saving us both some cash (times are hard after all), so I've just started work on Imotek the Stormlord (my first Finecast Model) will they stand up to the riggers of playing, I don't know, as them seem very delicate.

To start with the rod weapon of his was bent to buggery... as well as being bent left to right it as also bent front to back. I made the mistake of  showing my wife this and before I knew it she had snapped it clean in two, word of warning finecasts and wifes don't go.

Any way after an hour of glueing, swearing and twisting in hot water I managed to fix it as best I could and here he is ready to paint, oh and the valve of my black spray can broke off when I opened it, joyous.

Well me signing off for now, keep and eye out for more posts and pics soon, the clock is ticking...


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Waaaghhh!!!!!! Bluddtoof wip

With SVA XII and Carnage looming close I'm getting a few new bits and bobs together for my 5 new lists I'll need for them. Sounds a lot but as my Orks are my most prevalent painted stuff I've got the vast majority of what I need already done.
Just built Trukk number 5 and here's a few photos...........
As you can see I've used the Forgeworld Ork half trakk upgrade kit, not a bad price considering you get a full plastic trukk kit as well as all the resin trakks, wheels and engine. You're left with plenty of extra bits, specifically wheels and an engine with which to make another trukk!! Huzzah!! 2 trukks for about £35. As long as you've got plenty of bits lying around, which any self respektin Mek should have or course!
So the kit........ with all resin..... FLASH! And plenty of it, especially around the trakk linkages, take your time and it comes off with a nice sharp craft knife to leave a really impressive mould, well impressed with the quality and Orkyness of the design.
Not too tricky to assemble either but you have to remember it's Orky so it's meant to look uneven and wonky and once I'd done the chassis it looked good and was quite strong and rigid.
The engine blokk is made to connect to the drive shaft of the plastic kit as with the original however the resin gearstick was a pain to get in place so I ended up swapping it out for a scratch one. Don't try to use the original plastic one as it won't be in the right position and hits the front bulkhead of the cab section, stopping correct positioning of the cab.
I also bought the Forgeworld Ork weapons set which is a fantastic assortment of Big Shootas, Skorchas and Rokkit Launchas; 11 weapons altogether with mountings and all unique too. So one of those went on in place of the original plastic one. All helps to create the desired impression of each vehicle in my Waaaghhh! being a unique creation of the competing Meks.
I'm now working on Trukk 6 which again uses Forgeworld upgrades, this time the Enclosed Kab Trukk kit. Piccies of this in due course........
Boss Bluddtoof