Thursday, 13 August 2015

Showcase Necron Canoptek Artillery - Gauss Exterminator

Hi All,

DOC here to showcase my new Necron Canoptek Artillery piece.  I haven't built or painted anything for crons for ages.  In fact I don't think me or red have for a while.  So a little background on our crons....

We collect the army between us as we have gamed together since the late 90's and the army is massive!  Check back through the blog with Necron tags to get an idea.  The advantages of being such a large army and having basically all the options is you can ride codex changes.  For example the previous codex required heavy use of Necon Lords and Crypteks.  So they got a lot of use whilst tomb blades never got a run out.  This has reversed now.  We are pleased that we can just roll this army out when we want to and be ready to go.

In fact we have a game lined up this Friday against Tom Baker and Innermech the Dark Angels code players which I am looking forward to.  We might even battle report it watch this space.  So despite this massive army we still have more to do for the crons mainly on the forgeworld front.

We still have a Necron Night Shroud Bomber to finish, Tomb Sentinal and a Tesseract Ark to build and paint (my bad sorry red!).  I think we would like to purchase an obelisk between us at some point as well.

Anyway onto the model itself.  First thing I'm worried about is it being very fragile (well it wouldn't be a necron model if it wasn't) In particular where it attaches to the base.  See picture 3 below the thin slot on the base holds up the rest of the structure.  We shall see how it lasts if it breaks I may remove the space between the two sections and pin in multiple places.  In fact the model is full of pins all the feet.... well actually all the pieces are drilled and pinned.

For the paint job I stuck to the colour scheme we have used up to now and was pleased when I opened up the mixed pot of grey paint I made up for this project and it was still usable after a good 2-3 years!  Painted pictures of the finished model are below:

Hope you like although not the most exciting model I think it fits well with the cron design ethic.  Another 10pts on the board!  Comments are always welcome.



Sunday, 9 August 2015

Dark Eldar Showcase and Sell Off

Afternoon Folks,

DOC here to showcase Red Mists Dark Eldar army.  This army is heading to ebay and before it does I thought I would showcase here for prosperity and give people the chance to own a very nicely painted army.

Right the rest of the post is simples pictures:

If you like it is on ebay here

Comments are always welcome,



Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Showcase; Thunderbolts Space Marines Stormraven and Strike Force Ultra.

Hi all,
Bluddtoof here with a showcase of my recent additions to my space marine chapter; the Thunderbolts.
With the new codex came some tasty new formations; the one that really jumped out at me was the Strike Force Ultra.
I absolutely love terminators and dreadnoughts and with a special rule called Force of a thunderbolt it was an easy sell really!
I had a game planned with Doc a few weeks in advance so I wrote a 2k list including a Knight ally and ordered myself a stormraven; the only model I didn't own yet. I also needed to paint up an extra squad of terminators.
So here's a few pics of the stormraven and the completed army....

That's it for now, c and c welcome as always, next project is a scenery set for the group. Future post to come on that.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Busy Busy Busy!

Hey all, apologise for not posting anything in awhile - as ever i've been somewhat snowed under real life and trying to catch up on my hobby backlog!

Firstly, I got around to finishing the Dark Eldar commission I'd been working on - I was never a major fan of the DE until I actually painted some of them and realised just how awesome the models actually are!  

Anyway, my next project is an Eldar Harlequins force - very different scheme from the DE but for the same customer. Once again, I wasn't massively awed with the models when they were released but my word, they are awesome to behold once you get your hands on them. 

I'm hoping these really won't take as long to paint as the Dark Eldar!

Finally, I managed to get around to my Imperial Knights and get some serious magnet work done. I cuts off the arms of my first paladin and managed to insert magnets back into the joints so now all the weapon options are swappable between either Knight. Just need to get the paint onto them now!

Anyway, as ever, thanks for reading and I'll be updating next with a very special personal project that I've wanted to achieve ever since I returned to 40k :)


Friday, 24 July 2015

Space Wolves Forgeworld Dreadnought Showcase

Hi All,

Doc here with a short post to showcase my newly painted space wolves dread.  This guy was a 30th birthday present from all the guys in the code and I'm now 35 and its just got painted (WOOPS!).  My progress in the last 18 months has been really slow and in particular has been slowed by playing with and learning new techniques.

I've decided I need more painted minis on the table and so a sacrifice on quality may occur but painted dudes that's what I need!

Ok a few photos stop rambling DOC!

So painted to match my existing force but with a few new tweeks added on.  I have used weathering powders on the power unit vents and around the feet.  The base is a 616 designs base (dont know if they are still going) needless to say Lukodakka had the foresight to order me one at the time to go with the dread (thanks bert).  I also played with the technical blood paint on the claw which is nice stuff.  I used an old toothbrush to do a bit of splatter with it.  Something Redmist could do with his upcoming Pre Heresy World Eaters Army.

Talking of redmist the terminator helmet had to be a khorne helmet our life long battle goes on!

On the banner I had originally intended to play with freehand for the first time.  However, when I went through my masses of transfers I came across the self adhesive dread banner.  Wanting to get the mini finished for a game and making it match with the existing force I took the easy route.  Actually on reflection I am quite happy with it.

Another 10 points on the board

Comments are always welcome (constructive and amusing most welcome!)
