Wednesday 21 April 2010

Stuff I Painted This Week

Hi everyone, a goatbay esq post today this is what ive painted this week.

Wolf Priest


Long Fangs, Yes they are the ancient models. Ive had them since i was at school and just painted them 15 years later!

There is 3 days left to SVAX and we are all painting like crazy. Ive have but one model left to paint a dreadnought which im about a third of the way through with. Ill post a completed picture of him on Friday. I also intend to report back from SVAX and how it all went watch this space.


Ork Trukks


SOme Trukks for your perusal!

The First Trukk is a GW Kit inherited from a friend. The 2nd is a complete Scratchbuild in all it's glory :)

Thanks to a close Eldar loving friend for helping my paintload out with these babies!

The Scratchbuilt Trukk :)

Tomorrow is the Due Date for Deff Kopta Completion (all 6!)

Winging your way tomorrow...


Monday 19 April 2010

Okay, a Fly-by posting for now, with more to come tomorrow.

To date I have only 6 Deffkoptaz, Big Mek Stompnutz (Shokk Attack Gun), Big Mek Flashbitz (Kustom Force Field) and some Trukks (Kindly being prepped by a Slaaneshi friend of mine), to do.

so after a game at the weekend where the Deff Dread got a serious kicking, I decided that He needed to be next under the brush as he clearly wasn't Blue enough!

so without too much pomp please see Da Deffila Krusha!! (and his little Killa Kan Buddies!

and closer

I also did some Boyz* last week...

*by some I mean 36 in two days... quite impressive!

And Some Burnaz!

and some Lootaz!

Lots of blue there, if there are any close ups required let me know via response!
Otherwise, expect to see more updates as The Tournament on Saturday looms!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Fenrisian Wolves

Hi all,

Hot off the press, newly painted wolves. With just 9 days to go to SVAX its all hands to the painting pump. Watch out for new stuff from me, hypasist and lukodakka.


Thursday 8 April 2010

Less words more piccies you say?

uh ok!

This week and Last I have been working on a Boomwagon and Some Kans..

Here are my results!

I am aware that these probably need more work, I am neither the bestest nor the fastest of painters ;)
However I am on a tight schedule for SVA X and I need to make sure everytything is tabletop standard!

If I am being honest I would quite like to get some edging work on all the blue sections of these Kans as well as get some rusting on the brazen brass sections to show copper discolouration, however, if I have time to come back to these then I will definitely do that!

I now have my Kans, and my Boomwagon done then, and next week I am looking forward to a week off, so this should allow me to tackle some rank and file boyz!!!

Thanks for looking :D

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Bik Mek Stompnutz Deffskullz

Hi, I am Hypaspist, and welcome to my first post (oohh the excitement!)

Let me get right down to it.

As Mike has mentioned, a group of us are going along to SVA X in Reading at the end of April, and I have decided that it would be a great, nay fantastic idea to start a new army...

With just over a month to do it in...

Firstly the concept.

I like 'making', in fact, I like it so much that I have a tendency to have more stuff unpainted than painted at any one point in time, anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I suffer Heavily from SNMS (Shiny New Model Syndrome)

This is a terrible affliction that causes you to rush out and purchase things before you have finished the last project and as a result I have countless unpainted models including (but not limited to...) Dark Angels, Sisters of Battle, Inquisitors, and many more.

However, I digress!

The concept, yes.

AS I like building things, and I like my conversions and scratchbuilds, I decided that it would be rather good fun to follow the Deffskullz idea, after all, if it isn't bolted down, and it looks shiny enough, they will find it, pinch it, and improve it (?!)

I wanted to stray away from the traditional ideas, and go bith a Big Mek as my leader.
as There is *Nothing* that can convince me of any weapon more Orky than a Shokk Attack Gun this was also a stipulation, and thus after 3 evenings sat chopping up an Assault on Black Reach Warboss and some entirely random bits from my bitzbox, (including the insides of a looted Ethernet Cable)

Big Mek Stompnutz was Born!

So, I started off with a AoBR Warboss. I chopped off his Klaw arm at around the elbow, and re-attached this on the other side. I then proceeded to haphazardly slice some plastruct tubing in order to curl around his body, very much like the official GW model does.
Chopping up the innards of an Ethernet cable I then proceeded to (basically) stick them *everywhere* including his head.
After all a Proppa Klever Mek doesnt need Levers, 'e just finks where to shoot and it goes bang!

I tried also, to re-create the tri-spinny front of the Shokk Attack Gun with milliput (rolled into balls and smoothed with water, which I then drilled and pinned. glueing the pin into a section of plasticard tubing, which was then secured via some more plasticard, to a rough frame to get the effect you can see in the pictures. a bit fiddly, but I am very happy with it.

I then added a fuel tank, some levers, some plating, an the legs of a snotling being sucked up the tube to create the overall effect.

Thats enough for now, but next up the Big Mek has some big ideas!

Sunday 7 March 2010

Signed up to play in SVAX Campaign

Hi all,

Having recently reached a landmark birthday i decided i must try and do some new things! Well as if by magic Hypasist (fellow author and code 40k player) invited me to go to SVAX. This is a campaign weekend run by the Spikey Club on the 24/25th of April. I have never been to any arranged tournament before. So to cut a long story short ive accepted.

For anyone else who might be interested it's in Reading (UK). This is the link to the rules pack:

As it also happens Luko Dakka is also attending the event and we will be publising our progress to the event and how we got on in the event.

So my list of work to do for my space wolf army before the event includes:

10 Fenrisian wolves
1 Wolf Priest
1 Dreadnought
5 Bloodclaws

Thats all for now pictures coming soon of the above in progress!


Tuesday 2 March 2010

Nurgle Death Guard WIP

The Beginning
So its been a while since my last post but thats because Papa Nurgle has had me slaving away on more pestilent carrying disease bringers!
Death Guard Space Marines
First off it was time for prep work to begin, I got the Forgeworld sprues out and did the neccessary trimming.
For any first timers to forgeworld kit - it does requires a hell of a lot of tidying up. Get your snippers, file and a ho bby knife and go to work. Once you've done the tidying up you then need to give it all a good wash, I used a bit of cif in some warm water and gave them a careful scrub with a toothbrush. You may think this is a bit extreme but if you don't, you'll find that when you come to base coating the bad boys the paint won't take, so don't miss it out!
*Don't forget to put the sink plug in when your cleaning! Last thing you want is £20 sprues flying down the drain!*
Once I'd done all that it was time to snip off and clean the marine boxed set for assembly. I decided I wanted my Deathguard to be carrying predominantly chainswords and Bolters not bolt pistols just because I think it looks cooler. I was gonna do a few arm manipulations and alternative poses to make them look that little bit different as well. Heres a selection of them.
LtoR - Full 10 DG Squad, Arms twists, Sculpted open right hand on icon bearer.
More twisting arms and wrists, a couple were pinned to keep them solid
I also slapped them on some new bases I purchased fom Ebay, "Doc" pointed me in the direction of these resin slate bases and were very reasonably priced from a company called "616 Designs" thoroughly recommended by the code40k I would say!
Right with these finished it was on to the Termies -
Death Guard Terminators
Well I'll jump straight to the builds, there was quite alot of intense cleaning needed and the shoulder pads had been slightly damaged on delivery but nothing major.
I cleaned them up and heres the result
LtoR - Full 5 DG Teminators, Aspiring Champ - Combi Melta & Chainfist (what else?)
LtoR - Power Fist & Combi Melta, Lightning Claws
LtoR - Combi Flamer & Chainfist, Heavy Flamer & Powerfist
I'll get these lot sprayed soon and start painting them all, I'll bang some more pictures on when they're further forward.
Luko Dakka

Sunday 28 February 2010

Space Wolves Dreadnought Finished

Well its been a while since i last posted. I had a dose of nurgle's rot. This is the finished pictures of my converted black reach dreadnought. Im really pleased with the outcome. The only job left to do is to name the dreadnought. Any suggestions for this would be welcome (only 5 letters or less)? Wolf priest is next?


Tuesday 16 February 2010

Space Wolves Dreadnought WIP

Hi all, as you can see I've been working on converting the black reach dreadnought.

A brief summary of what i did to get this far:

1. Ordered resin base from 616 Designs, added space marine helmet with a drilled out hole for effect.
2. Drilled out gun barrels and drilled some bullet holes in the dreadnought's armour.
3. Added skull to right leg of the dreadnought from space wolf accs sprue.
4. Added wolf tail talisman underneath the main body.
5. Cut wolf pelt from space wolf back and added to multi melta arm. Filled in edges and top with green stuff sculpted to look like fur.
6. Added space wolf icon on to the top of the dreadnought (taken from the SW terminator set.
7. Green stuffed over the canopy to cover angel wings, sculpted it to look like fur. Then i added the skull head which is the skull from the chaos marauders banner bearer. I then green stuffed the edges and sculpted it to look like fur.
8. Finally i drilled and pinned the left foot to the rock surface for additional strength.

I think its turned out well and I'm tempted to do another! I will post some paint updates as i go.

Thats all folks


Saturday 13 February 2010

Luko Dakka's WIP Sneak Preview

Well, I've finally got all my new additions to my growing Nurgle Army! As a first post I thought I'd show what I will be working on in the next week or so.
So, as you can see from the pic:

1 Nurgle Terminator Lord
5 Deathguard Termies (FW parts)
10 Plague Marines (FW parts)
I'll be doing a Start to Finish/Sprue to Basing, complete guide with work in progress photos.
From inspecing the Sprues so far it looks like a hell of a lot of cleaning up on the resin side of things. The plastic sprues I must say are very generous with plenty of extras which are great for, adding to other models and mix and matching the different boxed sets. I think a quick eye over the codex to confirm weapon choices and then it'll be on to the build!
More soon...

Friday 12 February 2010

Space Wolves Drednought

Hi all,

Well as always i end up back at 40k shortly after doing warhammer, its just to be honest when ive got games coming up.... im good at working to deadlines. So with games lined up for my space wolves i thought i would have a go at changing the assault on black reach dreadnought into a space wolf dreadnought using some spares from my bits box and a little green stuff. Pictured to the left is some of the components im going to use. I have also ordered a slate scenic base for him to stand on and will post progress pictures as i work through the project.


Thursday 11 February 2010

Two games lined up

Well i have two games lined up and intend to report back on how they go.

First off My Wolves Vs Luko Dakka's Nurgle 2Kpts per side. Wed 17/02/10

2nd Wolves Vs Jason's (another member of the code clan) Tyranids 2.2Kpts per side. Fri 19/02/10.

These will be two notches off my intended 24 games this year.


Saturday 6 February 2010

Completed Tomb King Ushabti

Well I've finished my first Ushabti and did my usual thing of starting off painting a unit and ending up painting one of the models just to see how it would turn out.
Brief run down of how i painted the model (Yes I'm not the worlds best painter!).

Blue areas started with a wash of Necron Abyss, followed by a heavy dry brush of hawk turquoise. I then added white and progressively dry brushed lighter. Its important that each time you have less and less paint on the brush.

Gold Areas, First a burnished gold base coat followed by a wash of skaven brown ink. I then line painted burnished gold over the top taking care to leave the recesses darker, finally i highlighted with shining gold on the edges.

Skin areas were base coated with charadon granite and then simply dry brushed by adding dheneb stone to the base coat picking out the raised areas. A final highlight was applied of dheneb stone to the finger bones and other highly prominent areas.

Robed areas were first washed with a 50/50 mix of skaven brown ink and devlan mud wash. This was then dry brushed with Khemri Brown (aptly named colour!) I then layered a very watery coat of bleached bone on the top taking to leave the recessed areas. Finally i highlighted the edges with a bleach bone and white mix.

Any advice to improve the model would be greatly received and if i can help any one else with their models give me a shout.


Further Progress

Ive made further progress with ushabti, they are particularly difficult to paint around the torso. The interesting thing about photgraphing your models as you go along is you notice parts you've missed or which could be better when the photograph is zoomed in!


Thursday 4 February 2010

Tomb King Ushabti In Progress

This is what im working on at the moment, finding it a real challenge to paint off white again having painted off black for the last few years any tips would be appreciated.