Wednesday 4 January 2017

Slaughter-Priest Dismember December Showcase by DOC

Hi All,

Happy New Year readers!  DOC here with my entry to our December event and we are now into January woops!  Anyway mine is somewhat of a rush job but he is at least finished.  It also the first time in many years I have not glued sand onto a base which was a nice change!  I used vallejo black lava which is a gritty paste.  I think it has worked out well base wise.  The model itself has been painted in standard Khorne colours with a simple base, wash and single highlight method.  I used this as a getting back into hobby piece having not painted since September.

In a couple of days I will put a voting post asking for all you fine readers to vote for your favourite of all the slaughter priests.

Anyway enough chatter here are some work in progress and completed pictures.

Finished Model:

Comments are most welcome look out for the voting post in the coming days.



Monday 2 January 2017

Dismember December - Slaughterpriest

Showcase - Dismember December
by Luko Dakka

Here is my take on Dismember December, although joking with the others, it should really be for New Years Evil as I was finishing this guy off on the eve of 2017.
Painting wise I used the airbrush for priming, base colours and the first and second highlight, enough to allow me to go in and do the detail work, edge highlighting.
Had a little blast with non-metallic metal, experimenting with a darker gold as it suits Chaos quite well I think. I simply use a great colour Vallejo Japanese Uniform, mixed in a little black and worked up to white. The red was done by painting black to white and then glazing thinned mephiston red over the top. The skin was Vallejo Heavy brown, highlighted by simply adding more white, a shade of umber wash was then applied to tone it down a bit and then a mix of tank brown and heavy brown was added to give a bit of depth to the muscles.

The base is cork for the rock and a fine detail filler was used between for the lava. This was airbrushed with Vallejo Italian Red, Hot Orange, Gold Yellow, Sunburst Yellow & the hottest spots with Ice Yellow/white. The rock was drybrushed Vallejo Black Grey and Light Grey and mephiston red slightly round the inner edges.
I really enjoyed painting this and it was nice having the freedom of a one off miniature to paint.
This has got me itching to get started on a neglected Silver Tower Boxed Set so that may pop up at some time.
Until next time
Luko Dakka

Thursday 29 December 2016

Dismember December .........By Bluddtoof

So I finally got my entry completed after a long period of having no mojo for painting. I'm pleased with the finished model and love the palette I went with. Oddly enough it's very similar to my Imperial Knight! I only realised as I was nearing completion. I obviously have an attraction to cream and red.
So here's some pics.....

Hope you like it, c & c welcome and I look forward to seeing the other entries.


Monday 26 December 2016

Showcase for Dismember December

Merry Christmas everybody - hope you've all been good boys and girls this year and got lots of hobby goodness from Santa! 
Db here with my entry to the Codes Anual December themed painting event - this years event being the free Slaughter Priest that came with White Dwarf - Aptly titled 'Dismember December'.

I confess, I was somewhat reluctant to begin this project as I'd got a lot on my hobby desk already and have seem to have lost my painting mojo someplace. Any way - after seeing the frankly cracking job that Inner Mech managed when attempting to expand his painting skills with NMM I decided to attack the slaughter priest with a different view and try something new myself.... 


After sitting just staring at the priest for a good 5-10 mins I finally had a thought and decided to attack one part of the leg ....


Which then became the whole of the armour plating of the Priest...


Once I'd settled on the direction the rest came pretty easily - I've not really tried jade style armour before and I'm still terrified of painting skin sections so the large expanse of pale flesh was rather a challenge for me but ultimately it came out pretty much how I saw it in my mind so I'm happy with it :) now we just need the last couple of Code members to be hustle up with their entries and we can pop them all together!

Whilst I'm a little peek at what I'm up too currently.........


 Have yourselves a fantastic Christmas all and wishing you all the best for the new year and, as ever, thanks for reading :) 


Saturday 10 December 2016

Showcase - Genestealer Cult Kill Team

Hi All Innermech here to talk cult....

As soon as gw released the new genestealer cult models i new i wanted to collect the army, managed to get on ebay and buy 2 of the sets from the deathwatch box set, then couldn't resist ordering more from gw when they released the trucks, they are so nice.

With all these models I set about building them and I now have 1500pts of built cults. Its a mass of models and I was a bit concerned about the amount of painting to do and where to start.  Soon the answer arrived when a few of us entered a kill team event at incom gaming as said in a previous post by battered bristles. I knew this was the ideal chance to make a start on the cults so worked out the list and set about painting the team.  First to show is the goliath truck. I loved working on the truck they are so different to other vehicles in the 40k range.

Then it was on to the genestelers themselves as i had chosen a squad of 5 in my list.  In kill team they are all treated as individual models  and I wanted to make my leader stand out so I used the broodlord model to represent my leader but still used him as a standard stealer for rules purposes.  When painting them I wanted to keep them quite pale so they blended in with the snow bases.

Next up was the cult models and I had opted for a squad of 10 neophyte hybrids to ride in the truck. Included in the squad was two flamers and a scisemic canon as they are all individual units you can split them up however you want, 

Going into the event I was unaware that i was in with a chance as I had only had two practice games with the army getting my arse handed to me both times by doc (yarp ed, lol). In the first game I was surprised myself that I tabled my opponent. As the day went on I managed to win all my games apart from 1 against another fellow code40ker luko dakka and his ork bikes that was a draw. I went into the last game level on points with one other participant.  By the end of the last game I had once again won the game against my opponent code40k's very own Dark Bristles.  This left my hopeful of the win overall. In the end after 6 games it all came down to one point in my favour, After losing both practice game before I even arrived never thought I would win. All i need to do now is knuckle down and paint a shed load more to turn it into a fully fledged army and I am looking forward to that.

Many thanks to income gaming for a fantastic event we will be back again. So anyone looking for a good gaming club that runs well organised event visit:  

Here is the winning team

Cheers for looking will be posting more of the army as i get them done, comments are always welcome.
