Saturday, 20 January 2018

Imperial Fists; Heresy Era, 30k............Legion Breacher Squad.

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with a showcase of my latest completed project and my first finished work of 2018.
This is my Legion Breacher Squad for my heresy era Imperial Fists. I started these last year but put them to one side as other projects became higher priority.
I've decided that I want to get a painted 30k army done by the end of year and so I went back to these models and once I'd made the commitment they were pretty quick to get finished. This is the beauty of the colour scheme; it's a really quick one even with the large amount of weathering at the end.
If you're thinking of adding breachers to your legion then a word of warning! The models are lovely and look great BUT they are a bit of a pig to put together, I painted mine in sub assemblies as you'll see from the pics later however when I came to put the arms on I found that they didn't really want to match up very well. In the end I had to fill the gaps in the shoulder joints created by the contact surfaces not being properly alligned. Dry Runs before you even start I think. Check, check and triple check positions  before you apply any paint at all. It would be almost impossible to paint them fully constructed so I really wish I'd checked properly before starting painting. But hey ho it all worked out in the end, however it did add a couple of extra sessions to the project.
And before the pics..... a big thanks to Doc for generously donating these unwanted breachers to my legion! Cheers Bud!
So pics; finished first.....

......and some wips....

I'm very pleased with them, I really like the dirty finish. I know a lot of people prefer the cleaner, brighter traditional yellow but I really couldn't face an entire army of bright yellow and I really, really like the excessively dirty and battered look, they look to me like they've been on campaign for ages with no respite from the carnage of heresy era war.

This is the state of my legion so far....

Early days yet and a long way to go but with the scheme being quick I reckon I'll have a couple of thousand points in almost no time, I plan on about 4k points in total for the army to allow for bigger games and choice in smaller games.

So this brings me to the subject of objectives for the year; you'll no doubt be aware of Docs painting points system, where he records his painting completions and awards himself points which allow him to spend on new toys as a way of both incentivising himself and limiting his expenditure. I don't really need to spend anymore on toys as I have around 2 dozen boxes full of unpainted stuff awaiting the brush! So instead this year I'm setting myself objectives merely to try to keep myself motivated a little, there will be no reward other than satisfaction (and if I complete them then I'll need somewhere to display them! So I'll reward myself with a new display cabinet! Though there'll need to be an interesting conversation with my wife over it's location!!)

You'll find my objectives and there progress in the sidebar of the page.

As ever C&C welcome and look out for my next project; 4 Heresy Era Imperial Fists character models coming soon.


Sunday, 14 January 2018

Arming for The Cypra Incident...... Ork Battlewagon

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with a somewhat delayed update on my progress with my Orks.
This model will be used later in the campaign but it was painted in the autumn to be fielded at Six Up Save's tournament; Skirmish III.
I'm including it in our Cypra posts as it will be Warboss Bluddtoofs ride, when he eventually arrives on planet!
This is the third ork model I've painted recently, I'd taken quite a while off orks to do other armies and try new things. As a result my painting has evolved a little over time, inevitably, and the recent models have quite a bit more attention given to them; more detailed shading and highlighting and different weathering techniques.
So what started with the burna bommer and moved into the gorkanaut has now been applied to my new battlewagon, finished pics....

I really like this model, easy to build, lots of options, nice ramshackle and almost cartoony orky appearance. Also quite easy to build in a modifiable state so you can field it in different kit outs and all without the need for magnetisation. Unfortunately on it's first 3 outings at the tourney it proved to be a massive bullet magnet! Hopefully just new model syndrome!
Here's a few wip pics...

Hope you like it, I do and I'm pleased to now be able to apply recently acquired techniques to new models in an older army without them looking out of place.
As ever C&C welcome.


Saturday, 6 January 2018

The Flesh Is Weak

Happy new year all, Bristles here with a little sneak peak at what I’ve been up to lately!

I’m a big fan of the Horus Heresy book series and have read nearly all the main books and one legion has always stood out for me, one legion has always captured my imagination and that’s the Iron 10th, the Iron Hands. 

I’ve also been desperately trying to avoid collecting the wonderful new Primaris marines as I think they are superb. 

So basically I failed on that and decided to do a 2k point Primaris only list to ‘scratch that itch’. 

As I’d already written my list and decided on what units I wanted it was rather easy to not get carried away buying stuff on a whim, but as I wasn’t going to be getting masses of models I wanted to make each unit distinctly more ‘Iron 10th’ than just a paint scheme. 

I scouted around a bit and got some pretty cool Bionics from Anvil Industries and Luko Dakka put me onto the idea of Skitarii heads for mech style heads so here’s what I’ve built and painted so far.....

I’m having a real hoot painting these guys - hopefully it shows!

I intend to be running 1k of them at a doubles tourney next month so will keep you posted with how they perform!

Thanks for reading and, until next time, happy hobbying!


Friday, 5 January 2018

The New Year - More Cypra Incident and More 19th Dicers

Happy New Year folks and welcome to 2018!

Morning All,

Hope you have all enjoyed the lords of reaping blog event we had for December I suspect more posts may pop out of the paintwork on that front as code members cannot always make it in December with family commitments.

Anyway just to say the new year marks the start of a new painting points year as I aim to catalogue what I paint each year.  Please see the right hand side bar on the website version of the blog to see how I get on.  Aim this year is 50 figures as I completed just 40 in 2017.

The next project hitting my desk is the preparation for the air base assault mission for The Cypra Incident.  For those who need a catch up the last mission can be found here.  Or you can click on the link to all the cypra incident posts on the left hand side of website version of the blog.

So we have agreed to build and paint at least 3 flyers each..... eeek I have only done one so Boss is already up on that front.  However, I started to think what I would like to go alongside the flyers and thought some scions fits with this kind of daring mission.  I thinking I will build 3 squads eventually but as I popped into GW for something special earlier I picked up a box....

The thing that strikes is is how advanced the kits are compared to both the cadians and catachans.  They really are nice figures so I am very happy with my decision!

The other thing I picked whilst in GW was Sly Marbo...  Nice sculpt dodgy hairdo and disappointingly finecast but hey ho here he is put together.

I don't expect to get too much further as I have my final two masters exams to get through but it felt nice to have a play with these for a couple of hours. More to come when I am able.


DOC out......