Wednesday, 10 October 2012

40K Apocalypse game; Imperium vs Nurgle

So a few weeks ago we had one of our occasional Apocalypse games, this time it was to be an alliance of Space Marines and Imperial Guard vs the minions of Nurgle in the form of Traitor Marines and Daemons. We played 5k per side (less than usual for us) and by setting a 45 min time limit per player turn we got a full 5 turn game in and fought to a decisive conclusion in a single day! (This is a major achievement for us as usually we spend so much time gassing, boasting, arguing over rules and generally catching up, some of us live quite a way aways,that we often need 2 days and still don't finish a large game.
The game was great fun, we used 6 objectives which scored points equal to the turn number in every player turn that they were controlled, only walkers and infantry could score. We also used the random objective rules from 6th ed which are a nice twist but ultimately had little or no effect in this game. Ultimately the imperial forces took a proper shoeing in points by the end of the game (with less than 1/2 the nurgle score) mainly because we started with lots of tanks on the board and didn't control objectives quickly enough, allowing the forces of evil to gain a massive buffer of points.
By the end of the game though the imperial forces had almost full control of 2/3 of the board, the nurgle plaguereaper had gone apocalyptic and we still had a the majority of our troops alive.
We looked at the aftermath and agreed if the fight was to continue the imperials had a good chance of clearing the chaos filth away.....
Alas it wasn't to be, time was up and we had to teleport out to the braying of our victorious foes...

Here's some pics of the day.....


Friday, 21 September 2012

My Painted Collection

Hey again

Since our blog administrator has cracked the whip and asked us all to post a bit more frequently and as the only current project with suitable piccies at the mo are my new gobbos which are in the previous post I thought I'd post some piccies of my painted collection of 40k stuff.
This includes my Space Marine Chapter, The Thunderbolts, my Necrons which will be hopefully going to new loving homes soon and of course my Space Orks...........



Gobbos and Squigs WIP

Hey all.

So i've finally caved in to my inner ork and done what i said i wasn't going to do.........
.....started collecting orcs and goblins for fantasy (I have a vast space ork army of about 14k in various states of readiness). More accurately I've started collecting Gobbos, just gobbos.
When complete, this project will comprise 3000pts of goblins themed around spiders and squigs.
It's all here now in boxes and bags just waiting to be built and painted. I'll be doing bits here and there mixed in amongst all my other painting projects. So hopefully every couple of months or so I'll be posting piccies of new gobbos.
I'm trying something new here for my Gobbos; the night goblins in the army will be painted in very pail greens as I want to create the impression that they've lived underground and in the dark for generations and begun to lose the pigmentation in there skin, thus becoming a goblinoid version of albinos. (I have absolutely no idea if a greenskinned fungus based lifeform could evolve like this but hey It should hopefully look cool!). They will be mounted on and herding lovely bright red squigs to give that portion of the army a really strong contrast in its colour scheme.
So here's some piccies of the first gobbos and squigs wip for your perusal. Coments as ever are more than welcome...................



Friday, 27 July 2012

Thunderbolts Reinforcements

So with the release of 6th ed 40k and after a 3 week battle with mail order to finally get my copy sent to the right address! I sat down to reading the new version, seems to me that it's got lots of small changes which have created an almost new game. Looks good to me.
With my marines in mind I realised that 2+ saves are now a lot better so bring on the terminators, who cares oif they can't hold objectives? They no longer have to fear weady aliens with power swords! Huzzah! A second wound would have been nice but at least it's a start.

Thus I have begun expanding my stock of terminators and here's pics of my new cyclone terminator alone and in situ with the existing squad and a librarian......

Bretonian Gallant Better Pics

Just for you Doc, some better pics of the finished Bretonnian Gallant. :))

I need to contstruct a better lightbox for taking pics in. Great! Another project added to the ever expanding list!!

Bluddtoof out.....