Showing posts with label Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers. Show all posts

Friday 17 November 2017

Showcase Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers Valkyrie

Hi All,

Doc is on a roll here is post no 3 in just under 10 days!  Anyway this post showcases the finished Valkyrie for Skirmish 3 unfortunately I didn't quite get it finished for the next cyrpa mission which Boss will write up soon.

I don't normally talk much about tactics preferring to talk fluff and hobby stuff but I quickly learnt equipping this model with lascannon and hellstrike missiles meant it was useless 2 shots a turn hitting on 5's if you moved.....  Anyway equipping it with Lascannon, Multiple Rockets Pods and 2 Heavy Bolters however works much better especially as the new codex allows you to move in hoover mode and not suffer the -1 to hit.

Since retrofitting it the results are much more encouraging and I haven't found loosing the -1 to hit by being in hoover mode too much of a problem it is still toughness 7 with 14 wounds.

Anyway on to the showcase hope you like...

As always constructive comments are most welcome...


DOC out....................................................

Friday 10 November 2017

Showcase Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers Basilisk

Hi All,

As promised a first completed post for the dicers as I head into Six up Save's skirmish 3 event.  As i mentioned in the previous WIP post this model is a rescue from my youth.  Since the last post I decided to build some crew from my bits box and went to town on the weathering.  In the end given the age of the model I am really happy with the end result.

I even managed to bob round to innermechs and use his photo booth to snap some better shots:

Overall happy with the finish and it matches nicely some of the earlier tanks.  Not bad considering the time lapse between them being completed and the fact the earthy red is a mixed paint!

The beady eyed will notice the tracks are not perfect and I debated trying to take them all off and sourcing new ones but two things stopped that time and money.  After all this model has a history with me and the little bit of track reminds me of that!

Second crew member complete with hammer and pistol essential basilisk firing equipment surely..............

For those who may be interested in an alternative head this crew men's head came from victoria minatures all the way from aus!

Hope you like as always please give me some constructive feedback.


Doc Out...............................................................

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers - More Reinforcements WIP - Returning to the Cypra Incident

Morning All,

I have been busy preparing for my game with boss bludtoof and beyond that Skirmish 3 tournament with the 19th Dicers.  I cannot emphasise how much I love this army!  I have tried to recycle many models as part of this process also bringing old stuff back to life is quite satisfying after all.

For this game with Boss I needed to finish the Basilisk, Valkyrie and some additional infantry....  As it happened I didnt quite get there but here is some work in progress stuff and this post will be followed by some showcase posts of completed models.


Monday 25 September 2017

The Cypra Incident, "Birth of the Beast". The next mission

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with an update on our progress with our narrative campaign; both Doc and myself have had pretty busy lives over the last year so we had to suspend activity in this area for a while.
We're both busy beavering away at the models we want for the next planned mission; "Airfield Assault" however with the code boys having a geeky get together this next weekend to play as much 8th ed as we can fit into 1 day, Doc and I decided to take a second day (as we're in the same place) and advance the Cypra story a bit!
Alas we're neither of us ready for the airfield mission (still got some scenery to make and a model of 20 to paint!!) so we had a chat and I set to work writing a side mission we could play.

I looked at the last mission write up and decided to hang it off an element of that, we'll be playing the story of an Imperial strike on an apparent marshalling area for Ork forces in the area, with the intent of stopping the immediate Ork threat.

The mission plan;

During mission 3; “Running the Gorklet” the Imperial recon forces saw signs of increasing Ork activity near the edges of the swamplands; a great many trails leading off into the dense jungle and swamp. One notably alert ratling reported a huge plume of dust and dense oily black smoke rising out of a deep valley, barely glimpsed through the jungle walls as the convoy fled at breakneck speed for safety. Imperial cogitators have analysed the reports and correlated other data and determined that the Orks are not merely a newly appeared colony as seen on countless worlds within known space, but are in fact well established and technologically developed, far more so than should be possible if the colony originates here on The Forgotten Hole. Reports show that the Orks are massing in the swamp, presumably for a major offensive!  Analysis leads the Imperial commanders to believe that the Ork presence must originate off planet and immediately order sensor sweeps of the Cypra System and order all forces to full alert.
Meanwhile the Dicers plan a strike on this newly identified mass of Ork activity whilst simultaneously planning a lightning strike on the Ork airfield identified by the recon force.
Crucible of War; SABOTAGE (pp204)
The target is a huge Stompa! The monstrous machine is incomplete and unpowered but if mobilised has the potential to obliterate the poorly equipped Dicers here on the planet. It must be destroyed at all costs!
The construction yards are bustling with activity as Ork forces move in from the surrounding areas to prepare for the awakening of the Stompa and the launch of a massive assault on the Guard HQ.
NB. The Stompa does not activate during this mission.
100 power lists. No requirement for battle forged but stratagems are available.  

Here's a pic of the target...

He's looking a bit dated now; I built him a great many years ago, still cool though!

We'll be playing in the same way as we have throughout the campaign; that's to say we're not too bothered by hard and fast rules, rule of cool wins! and if something goes awry then we'll have a chat and change what needs changing. It's a really good way to play. We'll be having a good read of the narrative play section of the 8th rule book too.

There are several posts about the campaign on the page, a few can be found using "The Cypra Incident" picture at the top left of the blog page.

Stay tuned for the mission write up next week!


Sunday 20 August 2017

Hobby Season 2016/17 Recap and Future Endeavours Hobby Season 2017/18

Afternoon All,

Welcome to my round up of last years completions and on to setting targets for the year ahead.  Firstly to say in October last year our lives changed after we successfully adopted two children so this years progress is a little slow but all the posts can be found here.

I managed to complete 6 projects from my list for last years season including:

2 Chimeras
Command Squad
Tactical Legionnaire Squad

For this years list i intend to be more realistic and set myself some sensible goals!

So here goes this years list is:

6 Scimitar Jetbikes
20 Assault Marines
10 Deathshrouds
Valkyrie Gunship
Avenger Strike Fighter
3 Leman Russ Tanksand
and hopefully another knight!

Wish me luck whats your plans folks?


Doc out

Friday 4 November 2016

"Birth of The Beast - The Cypra Incident", Narrative Campaign, Mission 3 Bat Rep. "Running The Gorklet" (Picture Heavy)

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with a report on mission 3 of our narrative campaign; "Birth of The Beast - The Cypra Incident".
This Mission is called "Running The Gorklet" and sees Docs' Dicers recon force trying to escape from Ork territory with the intel they captured from mission 2 "Recon".

As Doc said in his write up of mission 2 we were totally surprised by the result and had to scrap the prep we'd done on the mission tree, so we re-wrote it and here's the new tree up to and including mission 4 possibilities;

Friday 28 October 2016

Arming for the Cypra Incident - 19th Dicers Armoured Column - Completed (Hobby Season Completions)

Hi All,

As promised here I am back with a mass of completed hobby season goodness.  This work has all been completed so close together that I feel rather hobbied out!  So this takes me to a ready to go position for our next Cypra Incident game "Running the Gorklet".

So no apologies this is going to be picture heavy and I feel very proud of the work I have achieved on this army this year.  This campaign has really helped me motivated me to get a new army on the table.  Anyway self congratulating back slapping out the way what have you painted Doc?

 WIP Tanks

 First off just wanted to show a couple of work in progress shots to give you all an idea of the pre shading I completed on the tanks using the airbrush.  I love this technique and the time it saves.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Arming for the Cypra Incident - The 19th Dicers Grow - WIP

Hi Folks,

Doc back with his latest work towards our narrative campaign "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast".  With rule of cool well and truly in effect and the idea behind this mission meaning I need an armoured column this has left me with a lot of painting to do.  Knowing this work was coming meant I slipped all these projects on to my Confessions of a 40K addict hobby season list.

So what do you need to paint then Doc?

2 X Chimera's
1 X Taurox
3 more ratling snipers to take me to 10
1 X Master of Ordnance
2 X Psykers
1 X Vox
1 X Plasma
1 X Additional Command Officer

Eek crap that's a lot!

Friday 7 October 2016

Birth of The Beast - The Cypra Incident................The story so far.......

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with an update on our narrative campaign; The Cypra Incident, which sees Docs Astra Militarum force; The 19th Dicers defending their world from my Ork invasion by Waaaggh! Bluddtoof.

The story started with Imperial forces on "The Forgotten Hole", a gloomy deathworld covered by murky swamps and thick forested highlands and the home world of The 19th Dicers, detecting strange energy readings deep in the swamps outside normal patrol range. A patrol was sent to investigate and found a small band of Orks using arcane technology to teleport rusted imperial wrecks out of the swamp! The following engagement was short and brutal with the Orks managing to hold off the Dicers long enough to teleport sufficient wrecks away.
The battle report for this mission can be found here

Following this the Imperials stepped up their patrols and scanning of the swampy hinterlands; revealing some very powerful energy surges in an out of the way valley, they put together a recon force and deployed to the area, the fast, light mechanised force infiltrated what is clearly a rapidly growing Ork territory and a small recon group went in on foot into the edges of an Ork camp, there they snuck about under the noses of Ork sentries too busy watching a bike race and gathered several pieces of crucial intel on the Orks activities here. With this intel secured they snuck back into the swamp but were spotted at the last moment! The alarms sound and the Orks mobilise for pursuit!
The battle report for this mission can be found here

So what now? I hear you ask...

Our approach to this whole campaign is one of "rule of cool", we had a long chat about how we thought the story should progress after the events so far and decided that we needed to add another bit in before we moved to the next tier in the campaign tree. After all the Orks are in close pursuit, there's no guarantee the Dicers will get back to base at all so no guarantee the Space Wolves will be called.
So we decided that the next mission should tell the story of the Dicers recon force escaping Ork territory with the intel, or not!

Our next mission will be "Running the Gorklet!" and will see the recon force all mounted in light vehicles running a gauntlet of Ork defensive positions and pursuers as they flee down the valley back to Imperial territory.

Stay tuned for more....


Saturday 1 October 2016

The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast Game 2 (RECONNAISSANCE) Write Up

Hi All,

This post explains our second game in the Cypra Incident and involves the 19th Dicers sneaking into an ork held compound.  If you are new to our 40k narrative campaign can I recommend for understanding you check back on through the following links.

I suggest first checking out this post which links back to all the early content for the Cypra Incident.
This first and second game required some unique terrain and Boss Bludtoof put together some fantastic stuff check it out here.

The next link is the video battle report for mission 1 'Scavengers'.  This was our first attempt at a video battle report.  It is clear filming on a I-pad and this being our first go at it means it isn't the greatest quality.  However, its not too long and gives us a great history to look back on for this campaign.  Check it out here if you want some history.

Mission 2:

Right confession first this post has taken a long time to be put together.  We attempted to film a second battle report for this mission and the footage had terrible sound issues.  So i have abandoned showing you any footage and decided a write up will have to suffice.  We may return to video later in the campaign.

This mission involved a small force of the 19th dicers sneaking into a ork held camp.  We essentially set up a camp occupied by ork sentries, a couple of guard towers and of course some ork bikers racing around the camp (normal ork behaviour right?)

The imperial recon force consisted of 10 veterans and 7 ratling snipers.  There were 3 points on the battlefield which needed reaching to steal all the data.  

In order to play the mission and work out how the imperials could sneak about we decided to use the same method as the old Necromunda rules for the ork sentries.  That is each sentry turn we both rolled a dice for each ork sentry with the winner being able to move the ork sentry the distance on the dice.  If the orks got to within initiative range the alarm would be raised and various ork forces could move onto to the table on the next turn.  If any weapon fire took place the alarm would also be raised and if an ork survived close combat the alarm would be raised.  

Early on the alarm was nearly raised in turn two and then at the critical point the orks turned the wrong way.  We thoroughly expected the alarm to go off but in the end I managed after a high number of turns to sneak in and out with the information.  This proved quite a shock to us both but we decided to go with it.  It was also a strange outcome when we had painted new troops for the reserves and then never used them.  However, we both felt it fit the narrative well and led nicely on to a next mission of the 19th Dicers trying to escape through ork territory with the information they had stolen.

We decided to aptly name the next mission "Running the Gorklet" and discussed the forces that would be involved.  I will not steal the thunder of the next mission write up but it meant we both had to build and paint some more guard and orks which has been the aim of the campaign all the way through.

Hope you enjoyed this short write up and apologies for no video :-(.  Expect to see some more arming for the cypra incident posts as we get ready for mission 3.


Doc Out..........................

Friday 13 May 2016

Video Battle Report for the Cypra Incident Game 1 Scavengers

Good Morning All,

So we have finally kicked off our Cypra Incident Campaign and I get to share with you the first video battle report.  I have certainly learnt a lot doing this process and I had some sound issues which I didn't realise until I came to the editing phase.  Still I have done my best to put together this short report of Game 1.

I also took a few photos of the game:

So not to steal the thunder from the video I will not explain what happens in the battle.  We certainly had good fun and it was nice to use all the newly painted models and scenery.

  Please enjoy comments are most welcome on our first attempt!

 Doc Out.

Friday 29 April 2016

Showcase - Aegis Defence Line and Quadd Gun - Arming for the Cypra Incident

Hi All,

Short post today to showcase my completed Aegis Defence Line ahead of our first two games scheduled for Monday 9th May.  A few months in the making but it has definitely been worth it I have achieved so much painting as a result of this story campaign.

We are hoping to produce a video battle report of at least 1 of the two games if not both.  So the last thing I needed to paint was my Aegis.  I have been putting it off as it didn't float my boat and  well lets be honest the knight is far tastier.

On the knight I should be in receipt of the transfers this weekend which will be cool and allow me some more progression on that in the near future.

Back to the Aegis (Doc!) It has been painted to match my ever expanding 19th Dicers IG regiment. If you look in the side bar there are a couple of videos which showcase some of the work on this regiment.  I am hoping in the near future to borrow Innermech's light box and take some more photos of the wider army and other things in my collection.

A few shots of the completed line are below:

Comments and tips are welcome as always,


DOC out

Tuesday 16 February 2016

40K Imperial Guard Tanks Showcase - 19th Dicers

Evening All,

Doc back with another block rocking beat......

Eh no back with another blog posting video...

Ok give up with the crappy jokes already.  Tonight I want to showcase my finished tanks for the first two games of The Cypra Incident.  Really happy with the end result and enjoyed the weathering process immensely.

Before I launch into the new stuff in case you haven't been following the progress on arming for the Cypra Incident please click here.

Ok first off a few photos for new models I have finished alongside the tanks:

I have another 26 models on the go at various stages.  I am using a mixture of models to represent the army from cultists, forgeworld, catachan guard and necromunda figures.  I think this creates the feel of an army on the verge of turning away from the imperium having been abandoned on backwater planet.

Next up is the main showcase video for the tanks.  This time I have gone for a showcase video as opposed to a picture of my shiny head (thanks INNERMECH!).  3 of these tanks are old models which have been stripped and re painted which has worked really well.  Hopefully this will be the last time I repaint them!

As always please leave your comments and suggestions for improvements.


DOC out

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Taurox Prime - Video The Build conversion using Victorian Minatures Parts - Arming for The Cypra Incident

Hi All,

Doc here back with some more Cypra Incident coverage and a bonifidy first for the blog a video! Yes I have taken the plunge and dared to put my ugly mug on camera but before I do that.  Whats this Cypra Incident you may be thinking?  So if you are new to our narrative campaign check back to the following:

Launch Post

Orks Introduction Post

Orks Bikers Post

My list for the 2nd tier mission uses a Taurox which up until a couple of weeks ago I didn't own.  So off I went and ordered one from my FLGS Worcester Wargames and also ordered wheels and a suspension kit all the way from Australia via Victoria Minatures.  So being as I wanted to test my video skills or complete lack there of I thought I would do a short explanation video on the tank.  See below and go gentle on the comments I am a NEWB!  Any advice on editing and so on go for it.  For info this is filmed on an IPAD mini I cannot afford any spangly video equipment.

Feedback is welcome,



Tuesday 19 January 2016

40K Narrative Campaign 2016; "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast of Cypra" - The Setting, Launch, What's this all about?

Hi All,

Doc here to talk about mine and Boss Bluddtoof's upcoming campaign:

"The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast of Cypra"

Firstly this is what I hope will happen to Bluddtoof!

This campaign will be a narrative ladder campaign and I will discuss how we arrived at that decision below.

Sunday 10 January 2016

The Great British Build Off - Heresy Arms Race - Death Guard

Hi All,

So Ho Ho Ho Horus Heresy came and went and the code on the whole did badly.  We were saved by Toonboys brothers showcase of Primarchs which were fantastic!  I hope you enjoyed them I certainly did.  The fact still remains however, that us code boys are still sitting on a whole load of Resin - Innermech, Doc, Lukodakka and Redmist in particular.

So I was over Innermechs yesterday and to my surprise sat there were lots of built heresy models the lad had been really busy!  Not only that but he must be skint!

Anyway today I decided I would have a little go and build up a few more things!  Here goes:

5 more deathshrouds, this now gives me 10 of these built.  Although a warpage issue needs fixing as illustrated by the second photo!

Finished the build on my breacher sergeant now my mk3 close combat weapons have arrived.  I used the head from the rapier guy to make a better looking sergeant.

2 Apothecaries, every good death guard needs feel no pain right!

Praetors - alternative leaders for when you need them.  Put these guys on code design bases.

Contemptor number 2, haven't decided yet if I will magnetise the arms or not.  I have a power fist and plasma arm for this guy magnetised from first contemptor which is completed as a mortis pattern.  Tempted to order volkite arms for this one?

Not content with just doing heresy as Boss Bludtoof mentioned we are committed to a campaign.  So I have also been putting stuff together for the first two games of the campaign.  Being a cheepskate and guard are cheap I am making all the guard heavy weapon options from one box.  Today I built up the autocannons for the 19th Dicers Regiment.

I am currently formulating the background for this regiment.  I think I am going to play a regiment which is on the edge of slipping to chaos and have been sent to colonise a planet after a successful campaign against the 7th black crusade.  The planet is a bit of back end of the galaxy type and resentment to there honoured settlement rights is growing.  I will expand this background a little further once we get in to the campaign proper.

Right hope you like my great British Build off next time I will share InnerMechs Dark Angel builds I mentioned above.
