Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hobby Future - Life the Universe and Everything

Hi All,

Just about all the posts on our blog are normally about sharing progress.  Often cool conversions, explanations of how we achieved the finish and in general a showcase.  I confess that is normally what I do with the exception of the return to code40k campaign myself and Trevdog undertook.  This post however is a DOC editorial straight from my head about where I am at.

I am not entirely sure if this post is for me or for anyone who might read it.  Its certainly an attempt to understand what I want from this hobby which I have been involved in pretty much my whole life. Also yes comment but read whole thing please, it gets the negativity out the way first and moves on from there!

I know you might think this shit is going to get deep!  Fear not it wont! Its about model soldiers how deep can you actually get.

I really like my plastic crack and have a Space Wolves, Eldar, Necron, Renegade Guard, CSM armies all quite large, also I have a 30K pre heresy death guard army in bits, Tomb Kings, Dwarfs.  I also play Xwing, Deadzone, SAGA, Necromunda and have backed Warpath.  This underlines my crazy mad commitment to all things hobby but now its time.....

Time for rant time....

I hate 40k at the moment..... Why and I am sure you have all been here or thought these things:

Codex Creep has become CODEX Warp Speed......
Balance in the game or more to the point the complete lack of it
I cant keep up with the pace of change
I cant paint all the minis I own
I collect too many armies for the speed of release
I haven't got time to play the game
I cant afford to keep up or don't want to any more
White Dwarf and Visions Suck bring back Paul Sawyer
GW business model isn't aimed at me and I have spent thousands with them over the years!
Big isn't necessarily better - Stormsurge you suck if you fell over you would be like Ed209 in the robocop movies screaming around the floor trying to get back up!
A growing gap in the relationship between the fluff and the tabletop
People hate on Forgeworld
Competitive gaming has lost all appeal to me especially in a game which is terribly balanced
He who has the most money wins!
Some formations are extreme to say the least and have the armies don't have em yet!
People still think 1 HQ and 2 Troops works even when there are now armies without HQs!

Thinking about everything something that has come apparent is the group of mates I have played with for years have started to become less GW fanboys and start playing new things.  We use to be staunch 40kers with the odd bit of warhammer before sigmar thrown in.  Now we are not.  We recently had a code40k friendly day and it struck me how low the enthusiasm for the event actually was.  We as a group have changed our mindset and me as model collector has also changed.  Is this a bad thing?

No, but I do think GW have to take a large part of the blame.  The business model hasn't worked it hasn't kept hold of one of the most loyal fan-bases in the world.

So after all this moaning will I still play 40k will I take my models and burn them like a witnessed when sigmar was released.  NO I wont burn my models and no actually I wont sell them off I have been there before and have realised I normally regret it!  Yes I will still play 40k.  So what the fuck has changed then.  I wont for example

Start any new 40k armies for the foreseeable future
Try and keep up - I will get stuff when I'm ready and I really wont be forced by limited run any more
Not sure yet but I'm not feeling the love for tournaments either at the moment
Play pick up games - its the age now where you need to have a chat about what you intend to take. SO ITS FUN FOR BOTH PLAYERS!

Right rant now becomes a positive what's good then DOC why the hell do you collect if you feel like this.

The greatness of the hobby...

I have some life long friends who share my love of the hobby... for example both of the two chaps who were my best men are geeks!
I will talk to complete strangers for hours in the local games stores about the hobby (in the age of mobile that has to be a positive!)
I can still recall great battle moments from 20 years ago!
The last event I did attend at Pork Chop was so much fun... in a pub, drinks, a laugh, the right spirit!
Its social, creative, artistic, you constantly learn new shit!
Its the only topic I could win on mastermind at!
The GW fluff is great (except the new novella for stupid money craze!)
Fully painted armies on well modelled and painted boards still makes think fuck that's ace!

Ok Doc you said something about the future 30 mins ago when I started reading this!

I intend to play a written campaign with Boss Bludtoof spread out over the course of 2016.  A ladder story driven affair.  Innermech is also interested and I wonder if we can write more than two of us into it.  Maybe other Code guys would be interested?  Lets play something that fits with the fluff and utilises what we've got not the arms race!

More important I would really like to play 30K at get my Death Guard up and running.  We have a commitment to our first Heresy game just after Christmas.  Lets do this shit!  This leads me on to the rest of the time.

Lots of variety I don't care any more about being really good at one system...

Going to play X wing more, Deadzone (kick-starter stuff comes in January hell yeah!), Warpath, SAGA, Old school Warhammer....  and lastly on to something that recently has made me think GW have finally woke up and smelt the roses

 Battle for Calth... GW that's a hit that's a great idea, great minis stand alone and usable in 3 systems.  Tip my hat you clever gits something special well done!  I will be asking for this for Christmas!

But then when  I was realing from that BOOM the announcement of the return of SPECIALIST GAMES. I absolutely love Necromunda its by far the greatest game I have ever played.  Also Blood Bowl, BFG.  Yes now GW... you get it people don't always have the money and time for mass battles skirmish games have really started to kick your ass.  

Yes they are a while out but heck its not like I am short of things to do..........................................

This is one long load of dribble but its my dribble.........  Hope you enjoyed parts of it and the odd thing made you laugh.

Last thing.... Thanks all and more importantly thanks to all the gaming buddies I have battled, painted with and generally chatted to over the years you folk are immense (had to get a lukodakka word in!)




  1. Good post Doc, thanks for sharing your musings! I understand your feelings towards 40k - I've not played a whole lot myself lately either. People's attitude toward GW tends to irritate me more than it should and I don't know why that is. The only fun games I've had lately usually stem from 'bring what ever you want' affairs with Ian and we play purely for fun etc. I did have a blast on Sat though on the fun day and pork chop was great meeting new like minded people.

    1. Thanks Tom. Pork Chop was great because I went with a care free attitude and actually went with what I wanted ignored the meta and didnt care win or lose what mattered was a good time. Yes I play bring what you want with Innermech and Redmist and it works because quite often we say right we want these two badasses to fight it out in combat! Its always making sure a good time is at the centre of things.

  2. I do understand some people's feelings about playing against knight armies etc and a couple of the new formations are a little insane but really nobody brings those along unless it's a tournament and your looking to beat up your opponent.

    I know China forge for me has kind of taken some of the shine off of FW models, I used to treat FW as a kind of special treat, something as a bit of a centre piece or a show item but with the speed at which some have thrown together large armies I wonder if they carry the same feelings towards them as I do mine? I know a few of you guys do too and as I always said, I've no problem playing against them and I'm not blind to the sense it makes on the purse!

    I guess it's just down to how you feel at the time, just like deciding what to watch on telly, having options with what to play is no bad thing and I'm currently trying to get games of SpaceHulk, AVP and XWING and when I finally get hold of Monster in March I'll be looking for some guys to sit down and have a game with me if anybody is interested.

    I'm also a big fan of the narrative driven game, Ian and myself did once want to plan a game that started out with a punch up in a bar between an Ork and an inquisitor and ends up in a massive apocalypse sized game.

    1. Narrative stuff as an ex role player has always motivated me. The story can as me and Trev found out be more important than winning or losing and create a different approach and mindset.

      China doesn't ruin it imo but has allowed 3 of the same thing which can be prevalent in tournament lists more accessible. I look forward to more games with you and Ian in the future

  3. I am in exactly the same kind of place Doc. I am definitely more into the art side of things currently, that is where I am finding my enjoyment and usually when i lose interest in playing games is what I will focus on.
    30k will be a good change and I think I know my reason why. When I think about playing 40k these days it seems to be more about what can I bring in my list that is not going to get dominated. If my opponent brings something super powerful what super powerful thing should I bring to combat it. The balance issue is so bad that you are forced to think like that or you could be on the end of a severe whipping and thats not fun for either side.
    With 30k my feeling is completely different.
    I'm thinking about what looks cool? (everything generally)
    What will be fun to use?
    What will add to the cinematic experience/narrative?
    I have no interest in what my opponent might bring, its not important to me as I'm not trying to combat anything pre-game worrying about balance issues.
    40k used to be a bit more of that line of thinking but now with formations and codex creep it just seems to be what gives me a 2 to hit, with rerolls, a 2 to wound with rerolls and ignores all saves. What can give me a 2up invulnerable save with FNP & rerolls. It just gets ridiculous.
    I'm very much interested in being part of a written campaign and playing the new games we are picking up at the moment. Necromunda returning and even blood bowl will be great if they both start being supported again. XWing & AvP look great fun and I am still planning on picking up zombicide at some point. Warpath next year will be a lot of fun and you know the game will continue to be well supported and they will listen to the community which is a bonus ;-)

    1. Dude, thanks for a quality response to my ramblings. I had gathered we were approaching the same place at the same time which is good. I too have an art focus at the moment particularly around airbrushing, stencilling and other new techniques.

      Look forward to trying all the new games. I have just picked up a copy of the X wing starter. We can have a go at that soon.



  4. Doc as the old saying goes variety is the spice of life and I for one have played all sorts of game systems recently as I to have felt that GW had lost the plot a little. 40k for me was always about having a laugh with mates not a contest of who had the biggest wallet or the most OP New unit.

    I am really excited to see specialist games making a return, even if it is a ways out yet, I just hope that they actually do fully supported systems and not just stand alone box games, although BaC did raise the bar there.

    Glad you enjoyed Pork Chop, hope to see you down again soon.

    1. Dude our game was epic the "Sunday Morning Drive" shall live on for years as a serious bit of fun! Yes in the future for sure ill be back.

    2. It was a great game, I need to learn how to crack open rhinos with lascannons it seems. Also some of the most cowardly space puppies I have ever met, "sarge the enemy is outside, shall we get them?" "Nah, we'll stay in this rhino a little while longer, they don't seem to be blowing them up."
