Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Deadzone Scenery Completed

Hi All

Yey! I've finished the first set of Deadzone scenery and I'm pleased overall with it. The photos here show it set up on the gaming mat ready for a first test game so I can learn the rules.......

I've built most of a Rebs faction to face off against my Plague team, I ran through my first game with a few bumps and mistakes and a whole lot of rules checking and I have to say it 's a great game, there's lots to it for a skirmish game, I'm looking forward to the codes first Deadzone get-together.

that's it for now, more to come as I paint the Plague strike team......


Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Final Deadzone Building

Hi All

I've finished the last building in my first set of deadzone terrain. Really pleased with this one too. I think I've got the verdigris effect a little better than on some of the other pieces.
Here's some piccies....

All I've got left are a few scatter pieces and then the first set is done and I can get on with the rest of my Plague strike team.

More to come soon....


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Making a New Thunderwolf (bear) Lord

Hi All,

Doc is back to talk about my new thunderwolf mounted space wolf lord.  One problem with that statement he's actually mounted on a bear!  I'm a big fan of using alternative models to make my army stand out if possible.  So last year I went down to London and went in Dark Sphere and picked up Scibor's Celtic Lord mounted on a bear.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A Bit More Deadzone

Hi All

Thought I'd post a little one about my latest work on my Deadzone Plague models.
I wasn't entirely happy with the finish on the Stage 1 and 2 models, all that drybrushing gives a slightly powdery finish. So I tried an all over yellow glaze (Lamenters Yellow) to smooth out the colours and take away the powdery finish. Piccies,

I'm pleased with them now.

More to come soon.....
