Thursday 15 March 2012

SVA countdown.

The Death Korps have been delayed by a solar storm but will hopefully make an appearance on Pants Painting friday.
In the mean time here's some not very grey Knights.
I wanted an Inquistion army without any power armour in it as I get very bored painting it, I'm a child of the 80's and grow up drybrushing everything so layering and blending are a dark art to me which I can't get the hang of. Old dogs, new tricks ect, ect.
With SVA expaining to a 2k list and I already being tight on time I went for a Purgation Squad with Razorback to fill in the points, I'll replace then with more of the Krieg boys in the future.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Darth Dread

Here's the Dreads sporting scratch built Auto Cannons inspired by Hypa's Mek workshop.
I'll post some WIP pics after the panic that is SVA in the next few weeks.
Tomorrow should see the Death Korps reinforcements arriving...

Tuesday 13 March 2012

SVA Project nears completion.

Well with only 4 days left until SVA things are coming together, there's still 5 tanks and my converted Coteaz to go but there's light at the end of the tunnel now.
Here's the Psykers and their Death korps handler. (more of the Korps to follow)
Tomorrow I'll post the Dreads and their Tech...

Sunday 11 March 2012

Necron Destroyer Lord and Canoptek Spyders

Hi Code Fans,

DOC here with more Necron pictures. So less than a week to go to SVA 12 all i have left to finish is 1 cryptek and 1 annihilation barge both of which have base colours done already.

So today ive finished painting..... My Destroyer Lord

And ive finished my Spyders in preparation for my farming!

So probably be only one more post before SVA next weekend showing the final completion of the army.  Between us we aim to take some photos of the best painted armies from the weekend.

On that note ....coming soon to the code40K blog

Painting and Flocking a GW Realm of Battle Battlefield
Darth Darlows stunning inquisitor army
Necron Characters
Luko Dakka's new army....
Hypaspist's completed STOMPA.

The Easter Warhammer Fantasy Weekend including a battle report.

So lots of new stuff coming soon, please let us know feedback and we will endeavour to improve things as we can.


Saturday 10 March 2012

Sneak Peak The Henchmen

Here's a little teaser for what's to come, and the reason why I haven't posted for weeks.