Saturday 13 February 2010

Luko Dakka's WIP Sneak Preview

Well, I've finally got all my new additions to my growing Nurgle Army! As a first post I thought I'd show what I will be working on in the next week or so.
So, as you can see from the pic:

1 Nurgle Terminator Lord
5 Deathguard Termies (FW parts)
10 Plague Marines (FW parts)
I'll be doing a Start to Finish/Sprue to Basing, complete guide with work in progress photos.
From inspecing the Sprues so far it looks like a hell of a lot of cleaning up on the resin side of things. The plastic sprues I must say are very generous with plenty of extras which are great for, adding to other models and mix and matching the different boxed sets. I think a quick eye over the codex to confirm weapon choices and then it'll be on to the build!
More soon...

Friday 12 February 2010

Space Wolves Drednought

Hi all,

Well as always i end up back at 40k shortly after doing warhammer, its just to be honest when ive got games coming up.... im good at working to deadlines. So with games lined up for my space wolves i thought i would have a go at changing the assault on black reach dreadnought into a space wolf dreadnought using some spares from my bits box and a little green stuff. Pictured to the left is some of the components im going to use. I have also ordered a slate scenic base for him to stand on and will post progress pictures as i work through the project.


Thursday 11 February 2010

Two games lined up

Well i have two games lined up and intend to report back on how they go.

First off My Wolves Vs Luko Dakka's Nurgle 2Kpts per side. Wed 17/02/10

2nd Wolves Vs Jason's (another member of the code clan) Tyranids 2.2Kpts per side. Fri 19/02/10.

These will be two notches off my intended 24 games this year.


Saturday 6 February 2010

Completed Tomb King Ushabti

Well I've finished my first Ushabti and did my usual thing of starting off painting a unit and ending up painting one of the models just to see how it would turn out.
Brief run down of how i painted the model (Yes I'm not the worlds best painter!).

Blue areas started with a wash of Necron Abyss, followed by a heavy dry brush of hawk turquoise. I then added white and progressively dry brushed lighter. Its important that each time you have less and less paint on the brush.

Gold Areas, First a burnished gold base coat followed by a wash of skaven brown ink. I then line painted burnished gold over the top taking care to leave the recesses darker, finally i highlighted with shining gold on the edges.

Skin areas were base coated with charadon granite and then simply dry brushed by adding dheneb stone to the base coat picking out the raised areas. A final highlight was applied of dheneb stone to the finger bones and other highly prominent areas.

Robed areas were first washed with a 50/50 mix of skaven brown ink and devlan mud wash. This was then dry brushed with Khemri Brown (aptly named colour!) I then layered a very watery coat of bleached bone on the top taking to leave the recessed areas. Finally i highlighted the edges with a bleach bone and white mix.

Any advice to improve the model would be greatly received and if i can help any one else with their models give me a shout.


Further Progress

Ive made further progress with ushabti, they are particularly difficult to paint around the torso. The interesting thing about photgraphing your models as you go along is you notice parts you've missed or which could be better when the photograph is zoomed in!