Showing posts with label Airbrushing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airbrushing. Show all posts

Friday 8 February 2019

Arming for Cypra Incident Showcase - Forgeworld Maraunder Bomber

Hi All,

Doc back again with the second showcase post in as many days this time the big boy the Maraunder Bomber.  First off to say I am happy this model is over it has been a pain in the ass!  The mold at foregworld is clearly at the end of its shelf life and the sheer weight of the thing makes it hard to work with.  The standard flying base in my opinion isnt sufficient for this model so I enlisted Innermech aptly named in this case to build me a new one!  That took two attempts as the weight broke the first one instantly.  Anyway its all finished now and forms the centre piece of our next mission in the Cypra Incident.  Boss Bludtoof will be posting up more on that soon.  In the meantime if you want to catch up on all the posts in the cypra incident click here.

Here goes showcase time followed by a family photo of all my flyers:

As always hope you like the newest member of the 19th Dicers if you would like to add a constructive comment please do so.  If you want to ask any questions on how any of this was achieved go right ahead.


Doc out...........................

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Arming for Cypra Incident Showcase - Avenger Strike Fighter

Hi All,

Doc here back after the Christmas hiatus (not January as I have been busy) Anyway this is a short post to showcase my Forgeworld Avenger Strike Fighter.  This plane will form part of my air wing for our upcoming airfield mission in our narrative campaign the Cypra Incident.  If you haven't been following along or would like a recap click on the picture on the top left of the blog and it will take you to all the posts for the narrative campaign.  Needless to say we have been going since 2016 and are likely to go until 2020!  That is simply because of rule of cool every time we play we have built and painted new minis but also a significant amount of scenery including swamp terrain, fencing and tower set, and two new building for this next mission.

I digress this post as I say is about the Avenger Strike Fighter so here goes with some pictures:

This first picture is early WIP after the airbrushing phase for the two flyers I am working on (bit of a massive hint for next post) This shoes the pre shading and main base colour for the planes all done with an airbrush.

All the next photos are showcase of the finished model.

Hope you like the plane as always constructive feedback is welcome.  Also if you want to know how I achieved any of these results just ask away.

Thats All Folks

Doc Out................................

Monday 22 October 2018

30K Death Guard Tactical Support Marines with Volkites Showcase

Hi All,

Doc here back with a simple showcase post. I have a 30k game arranged with Boss Bludtoof in mid November and I decided having another painted unit would be cool.  So I started batch painting 19 minis at once but gave up pretty quickly (I am not Mordian 7th) and dropped it to 10!  Anyway stuck to the same scheme as my other stuff and I am happy with the outcome.

What I really like about this year is the amount of minis and scenery I have painted I have surpassed last year by a long way which given everything which is going on personally that I am quite proud of.  On to some pictures as always constructive feedback is welcome.

That's all folks until next time,

Doc Out

Sunday 23 September 2018

Necromunda Terrain Showcase

Evening All,

Doc back after a long break with a big project I have just finished.  So we have decided to run a short Necromunda campaign as a group.  The first round will hopefully be end of October or early November.  To get ready I have been painting up the terrain from the box, some MDF terrain and I have just started my Genestealer Cult gang.  To showcase some of the terrain I thought it was about time I made another video.

Hope you enjoy it, it is not the best thing I have ever done but having not shot a video for 2 or 3 years now I had forgotten so much about it in particular the editing and so on.  Anyway hopefully I can do more now I have reminded myself.  Constructive comments are more than welcome.

In addition to above here are a few pictures of the plastic doors, bulkheads and barricades from the core game itself.

One great little tip I learnt when doing these is how good ryza rust is watered down to a wash consistency and then run into the crevices, really well showed off by second to last picture above.

My last share is my first completed model for the gang and a picture of the base I completed first.

This model is a conversion as the standard GW stubber model only has two arms wanting to remove the unwieldy rule I converted up a 3 arm version.

Anyway hope you like all of this and maybe worth the wait??

Thats All folks!

DOC out.................................

Monday 7 May 2018

Showcase Knight Armigers - Battlefield Birmingham Prep Rolls on

Hi All,

Doc here to showcase my pair of Imperial Knight Armigers.  Love these figures and so pleased with the outcome.  In a copy of Boss Bludtoofs format I will do the showcase pictures first followed by some WIP shots.

I have decided to stick to the pre hersey Makabius colour scheme so they match my Acheron Knight.  Eventually I will move to the option to play a full knight army with a lancer and gallant squirrelled away still to be built.

The other reason I am happy with these is I am going further into a model before coming away from the airbrush.  I started just priming with the airbrush.  For these models I put first layers down on all the metal, metallic blue and cream.  Then I braved painting the feet and exhaust vents without masking and was pleased to find out my aim and skills allowed that to work.

I am also pleased with the basic conversion work to increase the movement in the poses and the raiding of the bits box bases have worked well also.  Right DOC enough waffle show us the minis!

Some WIP shots

Any constructive feedback is welcome.  I now have 6 Scions and 1 vulture left to complete before mid June Battlefield Birmingham event.



Tuesday 1 May 2018

Further Build Progress for the Cypra Incident and Battlefield Birmingham

Hi All,

Bit of a long time since any of us have blogged.  I know there is frantic work going on for for Golden Demon, Battlefield Birmingham and in mine and Boss's case The Cypra Incident.  For me its finding time to sit in front of the keyboard and share the progress which is challenging!

Anyway......  I promised last time to share the next BIG build project so here it is a massive treat to myself a while back

What's that you ask?

So daunting at the beginning..

I kept going...

The beast appears (Maraunder Bomber) after several hours work spread across multiple days.  Love the model hard work to put together.  None of the turrets are glued in this picture to aid the painting process.  

I then felt the need to do a size comparison!  In mind its the ultimate super heavy flyer and will see its first action in the next cypra 'airfield mission'.  

This means I have now concluded the build work for the next cypra mission.  However at this stage I still wanted to build something for my proposed Battlefield Birmingham list.

So with the advent of Forgebane and the new mini knights (armigers) I loved them.  Also as a necron player it added to that force also.  I was keen to get some movement into the poses and decided to make one running.  The 14" move rule prompted the posing in my head.  Also decided to make then have opposite weapon arms to each other for further variety.  

The next job was a mega airbrush priming session!

Was super proud to have got to this stage and then a day later realisation that's a lot to paint!  Priority will be the units for Battlefield Birmingham the knights, vulture and scions.

Until next time when hopefully I will be showing you some painted minis or at minimum WIP.



Sunday 31 December 2017

Showcase - Magnus the Red Demon Primarch - Lords of Reaping 2017

Hi All,

First off Happy New Year or very nearly to you all.....

Finally got round to my lords of reaping post.  Magnus the Red himself.  

"If I am guilty of something it is the simple pursuit of painting knowledge!"

He was painted using scale 75 paints which I cannot recommend more highly.  The model also allowed me to play with skin blending using the airbrush for the first time.  Alongside this I experimented with the use of Nihilakh oxide over white and cream which gave a nice finish to the loin cloth.  

Overall I am very happy with him and will share pictures of his thousand sons brethren at a later date.

Right picture fest time.... and I mean picture fest time as I had a play with the camera settings to see how it would turn out.  Please let me know what you think of my Magnus?

Ok this doesn't show you much but I liked the style and horror it creates in black and white!

Enjoy the new year celebrations

