Tuesday 1 November 2016

Omnissiahs Repugnance and Kill Team fun days!

Hey hey girls and guys, Bristles here with an update of what's been going on in my little corner of the hobby!
Firstly I'll start off with my most recent completion. 

This is 'Omnissiahs Repugnance', the newest member of my own (as yet unnamed ........ suggestions on a post card!) Mechanicum aligned Knight Household. 

Basically, there's a singles tourney coming up and I decided I wanted to run my knights as they never get out enough but to get near the points total I'd need to acquire one more. Hence, the Acheron. Because it's so awesomely brutal it would have frankly been rude not to. And I'd seen the new Knight helms from FW at the open day a few months back and decided this would be a great time to give one a whirl......I think it looks perfect on the body!

Anyway, as always, bases are just as important to me as the model (a well painted model on a good base will look great but an incredibly painted model on no base will always look unfinished in my opinion), so I took this opportunity to have a play and see what I could come up with. 
Fortunately I have a friend who's dog has a rather "PURGE THE XENOS!!" Outlook to life so he was able to supply me a rather mangled Dark Eldar flier and thus the theme of the base was set. 

I was scratching my head for a long time as to how to approach painting the base before having a bit of a brain wave and getting stuck in with the FW clear paints.....

Once the bulk of the base colours were down it was just a case of getting it all painted up together and weathered! Here's a few shots of him complete..


Let me know what you think!

Ok next up is a bit of a taster for what's to come in my next post.....
A Kill Team tourney over in Cheltenham with some of us from the Code ( Luko Dakka, Inner Mech and My self long with another of our friends) hosted at the Porkchop Gaming Venue with lots of swag supplied by the awesome guys at https://www.incomgaming.co.uk/
I'm trying desperately to get hold of some pics from the day and write up a lovely report for you all but clearly I'm not applying the correct sacred oils because nothing is forth coming as yet........leave it with me, I'll make it work!!

However, whilst there we were able to pick up some of the sweet new battlemats we had ordered and boy oh boy are they pretty.....


Fantastic detail, really can't wait to have a game on this beaut and the guys over at Incom Gaming sorted us out a treat - cheers guys, now we just need to meet up and throw some dice down! 

Ok, that's enough of my waffle for now so I'll let you all go in peace and I'll do my best to put together a report of what actually transpired during the Kill Team day........sneak peak....it came from the shadows and was bloody and brutal. 

All praise the four armed Emperor. 

Friday 28 October 2016

Arming for the Cypra Incident - 19th Dicers Armoured Column - Completed (Hobby Season Completions)

Hi All,

As promised here I am back with a mass of completed hobby season goodness.  This work has all been completed so close together that I feel rather hobbied out!  So this takes me to a ready to go position for our next Cypra Incident game "Running the Gorklet".

So no apologies this is going to be picture heavy and I feel very proud of the work I have achieved on this army this year.  This campaign has really helped me motivated me to get a new army on the table.  Anyway self congratulating back slapping out the way what have you painted Doc?

 WIP Tanks

 First off just wanted to show a couple of work in progress shots to give you all an idea of the pre shading I completed on the tanks using the airbrush.  I love this technique and the time it saves.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Arming for the Cypra Incident - The 19th Dicers Grow - WIP

Hi Folks,

Doc back with his latest work towards our narrative campaign "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast".  With rule of cool well and truly in effect and the idea behind this mission meaning I need an armoured column this has left me with a lot of painting to do.  Knowing this work was coming meant I slipped all these projects on to my Confessions of a 40K addict hobby season list.

So what do you need to paint then Doc?

2 X Chimera's
1 X Taurox
3 more ratling snipers to take me to 10
1 X Master of Ordnance
2 X Psykers
1 X Vox
1 X Plasma
1 X Additional Command Officer

Eek crap that's a lot!

Friday 14 October 2016

Arming for The Cypra Incident, Waaaghh! Bluddtoof; Koptas and Rokkits

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with a quick update on my newly finished Ork reinforcements for our narrative campaign; "Birth of The Beast, The Cypra Incident".
Our next mission is number 3; "Running the Gorklet" where Doc is going to be driving a convoy of light Guard vehicles down the length of 3 6' boards past lots of Ork sentry positions and with the potential for pursuers catching him if he goes too slow!
His force will comprise all the survivors from mission 2 and a further 1000 pts of mechanised guard.
I'll be fielding 500 pts on each board, on the first board are sleepy sentries just waking to the alarms from camp, for this I needed a new boss and a rokkit toting boy.
Table 2 will be fast stuff reacting quickly to the threat and I'll need some Koptas for that.
Board 3 will have much slower and heavier stuff all of which I already have painted.
So pics of the new stuff...

The really good thing about this campaign is that it's proved to be an excellent source of  motivation to both of us to get us painting stuff; Doc's army is entirely new or re-painting of old stuff and for me I'm painting models that have sat built and waiting on shelves and in boxes, for years in some cases! We both committed to having new stuff for every mission. For me the big push will be to complete the Dread Mob I've been threatening for years!

Looking forward to the mission, stay tuned for updates on prep from Doc and a bat rep of mission 3.


Friday 7 October 2016

Birth of The Beast - The Cypra Incident................The story so far.......

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with an update on our narrative campaign; The Cypra Incident, which sees Docs Astra Militarum force; The 19th Dicers defending their world from my Ork invasion by Waaaggh! Bluddtoof.

The story started with Imperial forces on "The Forgotten Hole", a gloomy deathworld covered by murky swamps and thick forested highlands and the home world of The 19th Dicers, detecting strange energy readings deep in the swamps outside normal patrol range. A patrol was sent to investigate and found a small band of Orks using arcane technology to teleport rusted imperial wrecks out of the swamp! The following engagement was short and brutal with the Orks managing to hold off the Dicers long enough to teleport sufficient wrecks away.
The battle report for this mission can be found here

Following this the Imperials stepped up their patrols and scanning of the swampy hinterlands; revealing some very powerful energy surges in an out of the way valley, they put together a recon force and deployed to the area, the fast, light mechanised force infiltrated what is clearly a rapidly growing Ork territory and a small recon group went in on foot into the edges of an Ork camp, there they snuck about under the noses of Ork sentries too busy watching a bike race and gathered several pieces of crucial intel on the Orks activities here. With this intel secured they snuck back into the swamp but were spotted at the last moment! The alarms sound and the Orks mobilise for pursuit!
The battle report for this mission can be found here

So what now? I hear you ask...

Our approach to this whole campaign is one of "rule of cool", we had a long chat about how we thought the story should progress after the events so far and decided that we needed to add another bit in before we moved to the next tier in the campaign tree. After all the Orks are in close pursuit, there's no guarantee the Dicers will get back to base at all so no guarantee the Space Wolves will be called.
So we decided that the next mission should tell the story of the Dicers recon force escaping Ork territory with the intel, or not!

Our next mission will be "Running the Gorklet!" and will see the recon force all mounted in light vehicles running a gauntlet of Ork defensive positions and pursuers as they flee down the valley back to Imperial territory.

Stay tuned for more....
