Monday, 31 May 2010

Orky Mek Workshop WIP

Hi all,

Here is some more pictures of my Mek Workshop WIP, First two are before i coated up the foamboard and base.

The next two are after coating...

More updates coming soon, if anyone is wondering the turbine is a potato masher called a spudnik which my wife didn't like so i put it to good use!


Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Terrain for Big Tooth

Hi all, A pic fest for you first off my completed rock surrounded building...

Pic 1

Pic 2

A completed Ork building

Pic 1

Pic 2

Mek's Workshop WIP

Luko Dakka's Orky Bridge over Big Tooth River WIP

As you can see we are going to a lot of effort to get some new terrain together for this game. Hope you like it? More pics of work in progress to come soon.


Friday, 21 May 2010

Big tooth

Hi all,

The code40K players have decided to play a game based loosely on the 'Big Tooth River' display from Games Day '97 on the 19th June'10. 10,000 pts a side The Waagh vs The Guard (sadly no Pretorians). Three problems we dont have a river, any orky buildings and any desert terrain. That means i get to work on the best part of the hobby for the next few weeks. Here is the picture of my first new building WIP.

and another

The great thing about building the river is it's been an objective of mine for years. Expect pictures of the river soon and a kick ass bridge made in conjunction with Luko Dakka.

More Soon

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

SVAX The Results Part Deux

Hi All,

As promised ill talk about game 2 from my SVAX weekend....

Game 2 Capture and Control
My Wolves VS Eldar (Larry a fine chap hailing from New Zealand)

As continued the theme this weekend Larry's Eldar were another beautifully painted army and nominated for the best painted award along with my first opponent.

As stated before my camera isn't the best but you can still get the idea how nice the eldar looked!

So the first thing Larry did is ask me if i wanted a drink so off we trundled to the bar. Thanks very much. The game itself was typical game against the eldar. One word describes it cagey. We, as always in capture and control had two objectives one in each deployment zone, but the boys from spikey had placed an additional bonus objective on the board. So unusually in an objective game i went first i placed my objective near the bonus objective giving me one point to defend instead of two and making it harder for my opponent. This defensive point was also in a building. So from this solid base i set out to try and attack Larry's objective which as it became apparent was difficult with the eldar popping around my flanks and shooting at the vinidacators side armour. The other problem which we didnt realise until it was too late is we played slow. Larry was a top guy and we got distracted talking all things 40K.

As we got to turn 3 as is usual in a capture and control we had Mexican stand off that is... until I got a good round of shooting off against the guardians and war walkers holding his objective removing most of these squads i sent in the fenrisian wolves (which all weekend long caught people out with how quick they move). This cleared his objective meaning i was now a winning position.

In to turn 4 (the last turn as we were slow) and i was undone by the classic eldar move meaning the eldar swooped the Jetbikes in and contested my objective making it a draw! Well as you noticed above i chose to go first which is unusual in an objective game and i nearly beat the eldar. As we always say, "just 1 more turn!"

The bonus objective was mine however, as there was no contesting on these objectives simply closest model claims it and i had surrounded it! This gained my team money to spend on upgrades for the forthcoming game.

Hope you enjoyed my Report?

Monday, 26 April 2010

SVAX The Results

Hi All,

What a weekend....... Fantastic I really cant believe I (and in LukoDakka's case) we havent tried this kind of thing before. I have no doubt all the guys from the code will post up their thoughts on the weekend's action.

Anyway before i begin to go on about how the weekend went for me the final results are here

Ive also decided that my camera is frankly at best rubbish at worst........ So i took a shed load of photos and most are unusable. A new camera maybe in order for this blogging malarky!

Right as i dont want this to be the longest post ever written (not likely) ill talk about my first game.

EARTHFALL (modified planet strike mission)

Doc's Wolves 1500 VS Simon's Mechanium Themed Deamon Hunters 1500

First off Simon's army absolutely blew me away (not literally in gaming terms) with the standard of the painting the thought behind the background, the conversions and the clever use of epic models.

This army was cleary picked purely by theme and indeed if you have already read the results (link above) then you will know he won best painted army! Fair play and well deserved.

On to the game....... (not a full battle report don't worry)

Earthfall is basically a planet strike mission with one objective to defend. I defended and Simon attacked sort of.... To be fair i can sum this game by producing a list of the spectacular dice show that we had in turn 2, here goes....

Grand Master had to make 4 standard terminator armour saves he proceeded to roll all 1's.

I say, "ill just shoot my assault cannon at the land raider to get it out of the way before i assault it" (Oh i definately got it out of the way) 3 hits produce one 6 in the penetration roll rolling an additional 6 for the D3 extra and then rolling a 6for damage.

I shoot 2 krak missile's at his dreadnought producing 1 hit followed by a 6 for penetration and then another 6 for damage.

I wasnt immune to the bad luck though either i made 5 armour saves on the long fangs from a round of shooting failing them all!

Sometimes its truly amazing what 40K can throw up and im not sure ill forget that turn for a very long time! As for the result it was pretty difficult for Simon to come back from that position after turn 2 and i got a victory in the first game hoorah! Simon and me laughed hard with this game. He was a top bloke and deserved his best painted army award. So here's another pic!

More on SVAX soon