Friday, 30 December 2011

A Quiet 2011, Roll on 2012

It's been a genuinely quiet Hobby year for me, despite going to SVA (in March, and being 3rd best player and 2nd best Domain!) and having the Battle for Big Toof part 2 (where yet again Da orks prevailed!)

However, next year I think will need to be busier as my backlog of Work is spiralling out of control, this is a perennial problem for Toy Soldier Enthusiasts... and doubly so for those who like to build and play more than paint... (err that would be me then!)

Therefore as it's appraisal time in the workplace, it's also Objective Time in the Geekplace!

and with that in Mind here are my Hobby and Gaming objectives for 2012!

Mandatory Hobby Objectives.
1) Complete a 2000 Point Tyranid Army for SVA & Carnage
Deadline 17th March 2012
Stretch Target - Complete 3000 Points!

2) Sell the CHaos Space Marine Models I have (with the Exception of the Thousand Sons, which I will build and paint as an optional
Deadline 30th June 2012

3) Complete a 2000 Point Beastmen Army for Fantasy
Deadline 31st August 2012
Stretch Target - Paint every Beastman model I've got! (3000 ish points)

4) Paint Deathwing Army - 3000 Points
Deadline 31st December 2012
Stretch Target - October 31st 2012

Optional Hobby Objectives.
Build aforementioned Thousand Sons Models
Scratchbuild an Ork Stompa (in the same vein as My Dreadmob from IA8)
Scratchbuild Another Ork Stompa (Yes, I really do have plans for 2!)
Build up all remaining Ork Models (approx 60 x Shoota Boys, 10 x Flashgit Conversions, 9 x Nob Bikers + Biker Boss)

It would also be really great to try to do a good enough Job of My Tyranids to get a Best Army Nomination at Either SVA or Carnage, so if this happens I'll consider it a Massive Bonus and I won't mind if I don't (because I appreciate there are much much better Painters out there!

and finally of course... to update this Blog more often, A Prime example of which would be the 12 x Grot Tanks and Fighta Bomm I scratchbuilt/converted for our Big Toof Game in October which I *Still* haven't posted! (See them in the first month of Next year!)

Gaming Objectives
1) Be in Possession of a Positive or Neutral Win/Loss Ratio at SVA.
I know Tyranids are considered to be behind the Curve, but I genuinely believe they can put up a good scrap in most games.

2) Be in Possession of a Positive Win/Loss Ratio at Carnage
However I perform at SVA, a week later, I should be doing better!

3) Play at Least 12 Non-Tournament Games of 40k in 2012.
This is a modest 1 per month total, but only because I hope to try and play more fantasy in 2012

4) Play at Least 12 Games of Fantasy in 2012
Compared to my Zero in 2012, this would also give me the incentive to get the Beastmen done!

So, if I reach all stretch targets (Yeah right!) This should leave me with only a 2000 Point Dark Eldar army to build and paint, 3000 Points of Dark Angels to paint, oh... and about 4000 More points of Tyanids to paint! (and let's not forget the permanent backlog of Orks!)
(and they call it Progress?)

Of course, the main thrust, like any Hobby year, will be to Enjoy it, so if I fall short in some areas, provided I have fun doing it, this will be the most important factor, becaue if you don't enjoy your Hobby...

...Why the Devil are you doing it?


Hypaspist Out!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Objectives 2011 update and 2012 targets

Hi All, Well i set targets for 2011 and didnt achieve many of them..... However 2012 will be different with a new job secured and majority of the DIY completed i can set myself some goals so without further adoooooooooo.... 2012 Objectives 1.Build and Paint Necron Army of 2K points for March 17th 2012 SVA here i come! 2.Build and Paint new gaming table (Tundra / Snow World) 3.Paint 2 units for the tomb king army 4.Update the blog more frequenty (once a month as a minimum) Lets see how i go.. DOC

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought

It's been a while since I posted what with one thing and another.
So I've got a big game of Apoc next month and early next year 2 tournaments hopefully wher I'll be fielding marine dreadnought forces.
Towards this goal I bought a Relic Contemptor Dreadnought at Games Day this year!
What a deeply cool model! Really well designed, the arms and legs are all widely pose-able and the mould quality is excellent meaning that I only needed minimal pinning to get a good strong model. I pinned at the pelvis for both legs, both shoulders and the fist to wrist joint.
The pose came about from reading the contemptor entry in Imp Arm Apoc 2nd Edition..... the word which sprang out at me was FLEET!! So I went with a pose which simulated a full on lunging charge. (A pose nigh on impossible with the standard GW Marine Dreadnought models)
Over the next week or so I'll be painting this bad boy so stay tuned for the finished model!!

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Hi All,

So no posts by any of us for ages a poor show i know...... So im working on my chaos army for next years SVA. Here is a proto-type?

Thoughts gentlemen please?


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

I'm Back!

Well after a long break since my last post I thought it was about time I updated everything I've been working on. So here you go!
Cast your minds back to christmas, the best time to be thinking about what projects to start, as if you've been a good boy, Santa Claus might bring you some nice new shiny's!
With my mind focused on the most excellent Spiky Clubs, up and coming SVA Tournament, I was keen to be ready as the last year I was painting right up to the last second.
The last time I took my orks so this time I wanted to take something different for 2 reasons.
First of all I wanted to take something more competitive as although my list previously wasn't terrible, it wasn't really picked to smash the opposition to bits. So I'm flicking through various Codex' for inspiration & what I'd need to make a competitive Tournament Army. I asked myself "Whats a really competitive (cheesy) army that is quite forgiving and means I won't get my ass handed to me like last time?"
"DOUBLE LASH"........oooh thats a bit cheesy I thought.........oh well....

Ok so I wasn't going to make any new friends but hey, friends are overrated ;-)
So with no apologies intended, I went for the following ballbusting, no god preference, beast of a cheese list: -
Chaos Space Marines 2000pts List

2 Daemon Princes (Mark of Slannesh, Double Lash, Wings)

Greater Daemon

7 Nurgle Plague Marines (Champ - Powerfist,Melta) 1
Rhino (Extra Armour)

7 Nurgle Plague Marines (Champ - Powerfist,Melta) 2
Rhino (Extra Armour)

7 Nurgle Plague Marines (Champion) 3

8 Khorne Bezerkers (Champ - PW)
Rhino (Extra Armour)

3 Obliterators
3 Obliterators

The 1500pts version was without the defiler, greater daemon and nurgle/rhino squad 3 & the Oblits are split into 3 squads of 2.

So Crimbo came and I hooked myself up with 2 brand new swanky daemon princes and a couple of rhinos and I was ready to start building and painting.
I began painting straight away but with a January 31st honeymoon to Australia for 4 weeks lined up, that was obviously the deadline date. Well as my fellow bloggers will testify, I wouldn't be me, if I didn't leave it all to the last minute. By the deadline date, to give myself credit, I had completed most of it but still needed to finish off a nurgle squad & a rhino. I then decided, after contracting a heavy dose of painting fatigue, It would be best finished when I got back from Oz, and it was.....the night before.....till 6:30am in my pants!!! Suffice to say, the boys weren't too impressed or really surprised for that matter! But hey, all done in the end! Still a little sketchy based on the time frame but I can always go back in and finish them off another time, as long as they were tabletop ready I was happy :-)
So heres some of the latest additions mostly finished: -

Converted Obliterators

Greater Daemon of Nurgle (sculpted & painted)

Plague Marines (Work in Prog) Champ & Guy to right finished only

Daemon Prince No.1

Daemon Prince No.2
Well theres just a handful of images to look at for now but i'll post up some more this week. I'll post up a couple of battle reports from SVA XII and how the Double lash got on at the weekend. I'll also post the start of my next project which I plan on starting this week -
The Sanguinary Guard Army
Take it Easy