Showing posts with label Space Wolves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Wolves. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 January 2016

40K Narrative Campaign 2016; "The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast of Cypra" - The Setting, Launch, What's this all about?

Hi All,

Doc here to talk about mine and Boss Bluddtoof's upcoming campaign:

"The Cypra Incident: Birth of the Beast of Cypra"

Firstly this is what I hope will happen to Bluddtoof!

This campaign will be a narrative ladder campaign and I will discuss how we arrived at that decision below.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Adeptus Astartes - Trained by Mars

Evening All,

So as the title may have alluded to this post is all about the select few marines who get trained by the adeptus mechanius to work with machines.  I have been itching for ages to get some built for a couple of my armies and have been hoarding parts for this purpose for some time.

First up is a basic techmarine picked up by red mist (thanks bud) on ebay.  Clearly a paint stripped model I am looking forward to bringing back to life on the table top.

Next up is a converted techmarine on bike carrying an auspex (I hate over watch!).  Again the biker was picked up by innermech of all people and he gave him to me saying he would be good for your techmarine on a bike (Yes you are correct bert many thanks!).

I have used Iron warrior back pack parts to convert up the servo arm.  Really pleased with this simple conversion.

Last warrior to be trained by Mars is a new Iron Priest.  I have been again planning this for some time.  Like the techmarine on bike the back pack is made using Iron Warrior parts.  The chest plate and shoulder pad are tech parts too showing the correct iconography.  To go alongside the Iron Priest he has 4 converted cyberwolves.  These are simple conversions of the Waargs from the GW lord of the rings range given to me by Hendrix (cheers!).  There appears to be lots of bits accumulated for these projects from many within the code group.

Last on this post I have also based up a load of wolves (former goblin wolf riders wolves) to make a load more fenrisian wolves.  This now takes me up to 40!

Hope you like the simple conversions comments are welcome.



Thursday 29 October 2015

Dreadtober Showcase - Gnaf Finished

Made it

Here are some pics of Gnaf Redrum in all his glory, i may still add damage/weathering but don't want to rush into it.

I'm really pleased with it, the Murderclaws fit a contemptor chassis really well and you can always use the proper clenched fists if you don't want to shave knuckles.  I tried to keep the front as clutter free as possible seeing as it'ld only get ripped off in combat anyway so the tails/teeth hang on his back and who knows what the blade is for (relic or merciful release). My painting style is normally best viewed at 4' away so the camera picks up a few things i'll have to ignore but he looks crisp.

 To finish heres some shots with his mates off out for halloween :)

These Wulfen will stand in for standard Lone Wolves if i ever have spare points till then they'll have to lounge in the cabinet

Link -
As always comments welcomed (I do read them ,some times i even remember to reply)
Till next time
Gumby out

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Dreadtober WIP

Firstly can i have a round of applause for my lovely Wife, as i've painted almost every night!

Nearly half way through Dreadtober and Gnaf is coming along well, i haven't started the base yet to try and finish the model 1st.

I'm really pleased with the 13th Co. badge and the odd red armour plate.
Hope you like it, comments welcomed

Till next time
Gumby out

Saturday 3 October 2015

What's That Coming Over The Hill....

Afew photos of Gnaf Redrum tonight in his unpainted state.

I was trying for a feral/wolflike pose as it's a wulfen so lots of pinning ensued, the statue on the base came with the contemptor so i thought it would be ungrateful not to use it, i was going to put a helmet on it but managed to fit the proper head in (with a bit of fiddling) and i think it works well, most of the other bits came from the SW termie sprue or were made from greenstuff.

To finish here's Bob taking one for the team to show it's definitely not modeled for advantage ;)

The photos will improve i promise

Till next time
Gumby out

Now with added Dreadtober

Friday 11 September 2015

New Boy -Please don't feed-

 'tap' 'tap' '1' '2' this thing on.........

Howdy, they call me Gumby
This is my first post so sorry if I ramble.
what can you expect you say ? well other then bad grammar ( and worse puns ) hopefully a bit of converting, painting and interesting ideas. So lets dive in

I've played Space Wolves forever and really miss my 13th co army from 3rd edition (deep striking long fangs with melta guns ) and of course the loss of wulfen, so i was intrigued by the idea of Murderfang even if it is a silly name (and it is so I think he'll be Gnaf Redrum sounds much more Fenrisian :) ), but the model is really static for a mad wulfen dread so in step a contemptor which are way more pose-able.

I got this c/c dread off our favorite auction site, managed to take it apart quite cleanly and cos he's a lune he's bound to be battle damaged so it didn't have to be purfect.
I removed the Purity Seals and Codex icons, shaved the knuckles on the hands, repositioned the toes to give a more running stance, pinned all the joints and took most of the mounts off the Murderclaws
Dry fit 
Cheers Doc for letting me post
till next time
Gumby out

Friday 24 July 2015

Space Wolves Forgeworld Dreadnought Showcase

Hi All,

Doc here with a short post to showcase my newly painted space wolves dread.  This guy was a 30th birthday present from all the guys in the code and I'm now 35 and its just got painted (WOOPS!).  My progress in the last 18 months has been really slow and in particular has been slowed by playing with and learning new techniques.

I've decided I need more painted minis on the table and so a sacrifice on quality may occur but painted dudes that's what I need!

Ok a few photos stop rambling DOC!

So painted to match my existing force but with a few new tweeks added on.  I have used weathering powders on the power unit vents and around the feet.  The base is a 616 designs base (dont know if they are still going) needless to say Lukodakka had the foresight to order me one at the time to go with the dread (thanks bert).  I also played with the technical blood paint on the claw which is nice stuff.  I used an old toothbrush to do a bit of splatter with it.  Something Redmist could do with his upcoming Pre Heresy World Eaters Army.

Talking of redmist the terminator helmet had to be a khorne helmet our life long battle goes on!

On the banner I had originally intended to play with freehand for the first time.  However, when I went through my masses of transfers I came across the self adhesive dread banner.  Wanting to get the mini finished for a game and making it match with the existing force I took the easy route.  Actually on reflection I am quite happy with it.

Another 10 points on the board

Comments are always welcome (constructive and amusing most welcome!)



Thursday 4 June 2015

Stormwolf Showcase - Preparation for Worcester War 4

Hi All,

So after committing to the armies of the Imperium team for Worcester War 4 I worked out some lists and realised that left me some stuff to paint.  As usual I am good at painting to deadlines and so have knocked out an additional terminator, new weapon options for my land speeder, a stormwolf and 5 necromunda gang members since Sunday!  All these models are speed painted but are designed to match a force the bulk of which was painted many years ago.  It seems little point in changing a scheme unless you plan to go back and re paint the lot.  Pictures I here you cry oh go on then...

 Stormwolf: (No 1 tip and I should know better don't glue the canopy in with super glue!  It frosts up and looks terrible)

Additional Wolf Guard Terminator:

Necromunda Gangers:

You may notice my ganger's are a bit of a mix.  I have recently returned to the game after many years away and I don't have a full gang of the same models so instead I use a mixture of chaos cultist models, guard models and the odd necromunda model from back in the day.  When not in use for necromunda they go back into my cultists or renegade guard army.  Multi-Use models huzzah!

This is a solid 17 painting points haul here see the side bar for more details. As always constructive comments are most welcome.


DOC out

Saturday 27 September 2014

Worcester War 3 - Nearly Ready... The Characters: Inquisitor, Rune Priest, Thunderwolf Lord

Evening All,

Doc here...  Haven't been on here for a while and in my absence I have been quite busy preparing for Worcester War 3 and working on my pre heresy death guard.   Ill save the death guard for another day.  So today's post is about characters in my army for the upcoming Worcester War 3.

Originally I had intended to go with the Death Guard but white takes so long to paint and I realised I wasn't going to make it.  So I have reverted to my space wolves.  Although the army is far off my current standards (in terms of painting quality) I wanted to add some new elements to go in it along with the fact the codex is also quite new.

I have been working of my Thunderbear (alternative thunderwolf) Lord.  If you want to read more about him please go here and here.  He's not quite finished but has progressed and will be finished by the end of the week.  It has to be finished the event is next weekend!

I have also converted up a new Rune Priest using the Dark Angel librarian from Dark Vengeance. Essentially I:

  •  cut off all the DA iconography
  • swapped his arm out
  • used a space wolf shoulder pad
  • used a space wolf back pack
  • added a space wolf knife
  • added a wolf pelt to the right arm
He's painted to match the rest of the army and was bashed out quite quick but I'm happy he will match in with the other space wolves

Next up I decided to make use of the inquisitor codex for the first time and my fellow code player Red Mist hooked me up with this Inquisitor (Thanks buddy).  I've gone for the classic inquisitor colours of red and black.  Again painted quickly  but a good result for the amount of time and I wanted him on the table.

All this leaves me to be ready for next weekend is to finish the thunderbear and convert up 3 servo skull markers.  I may also make myself some 1-6 markers for maelstrom missions.  As always comments and constructive criticism is welcome.

Thats all folks

Doc out...

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Revenge for The Blood God - Khorne vs Space Wolves

Hi all,

Red Mist here again with the updates on my Khone army as promised.
Doc and myself have had many battle over the years, one such game was a confrontation betwwen my Khorne Berzerkers and Docs Space Wolves.

After a lot of hacking the Wolves were victorious, but not I, as he cares not from whence the blood flows.

So a rematch was in order, and rematch we had 5000 pts each played over a day and night.

We started at 4000pts a side but my mid afternoon there wasn't a lot left so added in another 1000pts to take the game into the evening.

So without further ado here are some pics, enjoy.

Charge..... blood for the blood God!!!!

 Crunch time... This bear rider was well 'ard.

Khorne loves a Blood Slaughterer... Wolves and Blood Claws do not... he ate them all!!!!

 See those puppies run... LOL

Doc and myself like to surprise each other, I had painted up a shiney new Chaos Land Raider for Kharn to ride in....

Unfortunately it ran into Docs new Knight... roll D-Weapon... Land Raider destroyed!!!

In charges Kharn, kill, maim, burn, no more Knight....

Kharn did fall but he will rise again!!!!

My army was joined by Lord Zhufor for the first time...

and he teleported into battle with his terminator bodyguard of Skulltakers ready to take skulls for the blood throne...

and lastly whats that over there, nnnnoooooo its a Baneblade! Result... dead Berzerkers.

Still in the end revenge was mine!!!


Hope you enjoy and more to follow, when I can get Doc to release the piccys.

RED MIST out!!!