Wednesday 21 May 2014

Run for the Hills! Deadzone Plague Swarm.

Hi All

Keeping up the fantastic progress on my Deadzone Plague models this week, I'm very pleased with the speed with which I'm cracking through these models, not like me at all.
Anyway enough of that here's the latest addition; Plague Swarm, a base full of 'orrible mutated vermin and giant insects....

In the game I really like this model; agile, v.tough, ap2 and fights on a 3+. Looking forward to seeing it munch its way through the enemy next weekend.

More to come....


Tuesday 20 May 2014

Dogs of War!

Hi All

Going well this week, I've finished my 4 Hellhounds for my Deadzone Plague strike team in pretty quick time. It's looking good for having most of my plague models finished in time for the codes deadzone get together.
Here's a few pics of the Hounds....

Next up will be the plague swarm, a mortar team and a stage 3a with boomstick.

Stay tuned for pics


Friday 16 May 2014

The Plague Consumes All! Corporation Soldiers Succumb!

Hi All

So I've now completed the latest batch of Plague models for Deadzone, 5 Stage 3a, including a General and HMG model. I've painted them in the remains of military uniform as I want all my stage 3 team members to look like the corrupted remains of a corporation military unit caught up in the outbreak. It also helps to tie them together on the board I think.
Here's a few piccies of the finished models...

Next up are my 4 stage 3d "Hellhounds", piccies of them to come soon....


Thursday 15 May 2014

A New Thunderwolf (Bear) Lord WIP

Hi All,

DOC here again to give an update on my WIP thunderbear lord.  I originally posted up buiding the model up here. Once again a deadline is pushing this project along.  This time its a 4k game vs Red Mists Khorne some of which can be seen here.  Yes that's a Warhound you saw!!  We have decided not to play Apoc but rather try out escalation rules for the first time.  Not sure how I'm going to kill it mind you.  Anyway I digress here is some work in progress shots of my new lord:

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Deadzone Plague Strike Team W.I.P.

Hi All

Time for a little update on my Plague team for Deadzone, only a few weeks to go til the codes Day of Deadzone and I've still got a fair bit to do. I'm jumping on the band wagon and starting my own painting points system in an effort to incentivise myself.
So here's a few pics of the latest models from a few days ago...

and in their current state...

That's all the flesh and bony bits done, just the cloth, guns and bases left so they should be done this week.

That's all for now.
