Tuesday 1 April 2014

A Bit More Deadzone

Hi All

Thought I'd post a little one about my latest work on my Deadzone Plague models.
I wasn't entirely happy with the finish on the Stage 1 and 2 models, all that drybrushing gives a slightly powdery finish. So I tried an all over yellow glaze (Lamenters Yellow) to smooth out the colours and take away the powdery finish. Piccies,

I'm pleased with them now.

More to come soon.....


Sunday 30 March 2014

New projects. New plans.

I have had my customary break after a tournament, and now I am ready to get back in to building and painting again.
First here are some finished inquisitorial henchmen and assassins:

I have the other 2 types of assassin to complete and now have a pretty full retinue for one of my inquisitors.

Next up I am planning a campaign with my local Cambridge gamers. I have just bout planetary empire and a mighty empires set of hexagonal tiles. This will form a solar system for us to fight over. I am also adding in some special rules for character advancement. We hope that rather than taking special characters that we develop stories a heroic deeds for our basic characters. I think my rules have struck a good balance for bonuses from doing well and playing game, but will not lead to a major unbalance for the players who can't play lots of games.

Also I am going to be working on getting my terrain upton date an looking more like it all belongs on the same board!

And finally model wise. I have Agee things unpainted that interest me, the first being a squad of 10 sternguard.

Friday 28 March 2014

The Deadzone Expands, more w.i.p.

Hi All

So here's the latest on my Deadzone work. I've finished the tower and the first Stage 2 infected.

Here's the tower, before and after the metallic finish,

Still not decided on the finishing touches so I'll do all them at once the terrain sets all painted.
Also thought I should state the colour sequence I used to get this finish;
A mid grey spray undercoat (plasticoat), nuln oil wash over all the recesses, administratum grey base coat on all the panels, heavy dry brush celestra grey then ulthuan grey then light dry brush ceramite white over all the grey panels, next is the detail colour sections in either red, blue, green or yellow. Red is wazdakka red base then layers of mephiston red and evil suns scarlet and an edge highlight of ess mixed with a little white, finish with red glaze. Blue is the old enchanted blue with an edge highlight mixing in a little white and finished with blue glaze. Green is the VERY old snot green and an edge highlight and then green glaze. Yellow is base of averland sunset to deal with the natural translucency of yellow paint, layers of yriel yellow, flash gitz yellow and an edge highlight using a little white again and you guessed it a yellow glaze.
Next I paint all the areas which will be metallic in a mid brown, doesn't matter which you choose but I've used the old GW vermin brown, then its balthazar gold and hashut copper layers followed by a highlight of runefang steel and a wash of agrax earthshade, once that's fully dry wash with nihilakh oxide and after that's dry touch up with hashut copper to bring the copper colour back in patches, I got this method from an article in white dwarf November 2013.
All the paints are GW including the glazes which I absolutely love!

The finished Stage 2, before and after the base completion,

I feel I should also give you an idea of the colours I've used here too;
After the base and wash on all the exposed flesh and natural armour plating it's lots of drybrushing!
The armour plates are brought to a paler finish than the flesh simply by using paler yellows and white after the reds, oranges and yellows of the flesh.
The order of colours is; wazdakka red, mephiston red, evil suns scarlet, 50/50 ess/blazing orange(old GW), blazing orange, fiery orange(old GW), 50/50 fo/yriel yellow, light yriel yellow. Flesh stops here. Armour continues with flash gitz yellow, bad moon yellow(old GW), hexos pale sun(new GW drybrush) and finally a light brush of white.
Then to finish off the teeth and claws are painted in layers using the same colours from yriel yellow onwards on top of a base of averland sunset. Also any stand out veins or pustules are apinted in yellows as are the eyes.
The bases use all the same colour systems from the terrain set.

And finally the team members I've done so far in situ with the tower,

A bit more terrain to do yet and the rest of the plague team, more to post in the coming weeks.


Wednesday 26 March 2014

Deadzone Battlezone Grows.......WIP

Hi all,

In the middle of my days off between night shifts so I've been busy beavering away on my Deadzone scenery and plague models. Here's a couple of pics of my latest terrain piece w.i.p.

As you can see the grey is all done as is the red detail sections, these coloured sections will have some kind of text or symbolism on them throughout the terrain set once it's all done I just haven't decided quite what yet. The brown is the base coat for the metallic sections.

More to come, including the next team member, a plague stage 2....

This is the base wazdakka red with a wash of carroburg crimson (both GW paint range)


Sunday 23 March 2014