Monday 2 May 2016

W.I.P. Deimos Pattern Relic Predator Executioner

Hi All

Just a quick post to show the current WIP on my new Predator.
Here's some pics

I will recommend that if you build one of these then paint the sponsons as sub assemblies, they're very awkward to paint once fitted!

Enjoy. C & C welcome as ever.


Friday 29 April 2016

Showcase - Aegis Defence Line and Quadd Gun - Arming for the Cypra Incident

Hi All,

Short post today to showcase my completed Aegis Defence Line ahead of our first two games scheduled for Monday 9th May.  A few months in the making but it has definitely been worth it I have achieved so much painting as a result of this story campaign.

We are hoping to produce a video battle report of at least 1 of the two games if not both.  So the last thing I needed to paint was my Aegis.  I have been putting it off as it didn't float my boat and  well lets be honest the knight is far tastier.

On the knight I should be in receipt of the transfers this weekend which will be cool and allow me some more progression on that in the near future.

Back to the Aegis (Doc!) It has been painted to match my ever expanding 19th Dicers IG regiment. If you look in the side bar there are a couple of videos which showcase some of the work on this regiment.  I am hoping in the near future to borrow Innermech's light box and take some more photos of the wider army and other things in my collection.

A few shots of the completed line are below:

Comments and tips are welcome as always,


DOC out

Saturday 23 April 2016

Showcase; The Cypra Incident, Watchtowers and Fencing.

Hi All

I've now completed the Watchtower and Fencing project for our upcoming campaign; The Cypra Incident, which will see Space Orks and Imperial Guard battling it out in a swamp initially. I'll go back at a later date and add a few more pieces to the set, such as 2 more intact towers, a ruined tower and some barbed wire once my order arrives.

I'm pleased with the finish, very rusty and aged, just what I'd aimed for. Also tried sponge weathering for the first time and I'm very pleased with that, I'll be using it again for sure.

Here's some pics...

As you can see the set is a decent size (that's a 4 x 4 board) and has plenty of scope for variation of lay-out. Overall I'm very happy, the project turned out better than I'd hoped and the modular system is ideal.

As ever c & c welcome. Hope you like it. Next up I'm going to build and paint something for my Marine army, the Thunderbolts, more to come on that soon.


Friday 22 April 2016

Cerastus Knight Acheron - WIP #1

Morning All,

I have been working away on my knight acheron.  I wanted to get it to a usable state whilst I await delivery of transfers to finalise the model.  I have taken the odd photo along the way to show you some progression.  This has been a really enjoyable process so far and I look forward to the final model being finished.

I had already decided to loosely follow the House Makabius colour scheme although I decided on a metallic brighter blue than the forgeworld example.  To test it out I just did one shoulder pad.   The airbrush finish on the blue and cream is so flat and makes me wonder why I would ever do it the "old way" again.  At this stage no washes had been applied.

From here I upscaled to multiple panels including masking the shin plates to ensure a crisp line between the cream and blue.  For info I use the tamiya masking tape range for this purpose.

Snap from a couple of nights ago showing the chaos of it all

Flamer tanks completed.....  A whole mass of effects and mediums used on here.  Airbrushed vallejo silver.  Some areas airbrushed vallejo rust.  Then washed with agrax and nuln oil.  Drybrushed boltgun metal.  Next I went in with a whole load of effects to weather it up using the products below.

So as usual with me after this point got really into it and picked up the pace now I was comfy with the colour scheme and techniques below is a picture of the knight as it stands.  Still decals, weathering, base and many more little jobs to do.

What do you all think so far, any advice?  Hope to have it all finished in the next few weeks.


DOC out

Sunday 17 April 2016

Spartan Assault Tank - FW's Hardest Kit to Build?

Evening All,

Not been on here in a little while but have successfully built the hardest GW kit in the world the Spartan Tank.  More specifically the version before they changed the design and molded it with the tracks on.  I also made the mistake of trying to carry on with this when in a foul mood!  That as we all know simply doesn't work!

Anyway here is a few pictures showing the tank at various stages including the track bodge I ended up doing.  Once it is all painted and weathered I will cover up these issues.  For anyone else attempting this version of the kit GOOD LUCK.....

God Bless the elastic bands and the stolen from the better half hair bands!

Major track issues stemming from the front not being positioned right (during in the night in question!)

Picked the forgeworld brass etch for this tank.

The next two photos show the tank in primer and me starting to lay down the shadows.

Genuinely hated this build so glad it is out the way now.  This is not my current painting project but I will return to it in the next few months.

Thoughts on your experience with this kit would be interesting and also any good stories about when you should stop modelling might help!


DOC Out!