Thursday 19 December 2013

Dread-full December, Thunderbolts Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, Nearly There.

Hi All

A bit more progress on my Contemptor, and I've now done the first coat of white. There's a lot of it on this model. With my Thunderbolts I use white to represent rank and veteran status; the higher a models rank within the chapter the more prevalent white plating will be in his armour and accoutrements. You don't get much more veteran or respected than a pre-heresy Contemptor dreadnought. The pilot may be only a few hundred to a thousand years old but the suit itself is 10,000 years old! That means lots of white!
So with a little luck one more coat of white, a little finishing and the base and this little beauty should be done.
Here's a few piccies of the w.i.p.....


Wednesday 18 December 2013

Dread-full December, Thunderbolts Relic Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, More Progress.

Hi All

Been busy painting my Contemptor for the last week or so now and I've reached the final stages, most of the detailing is done now and I'm starting on the white plating. This will be a long process as the model will have a lot of white plating as you can see from the large amount of grey which is the base coat for the white. Done the first coat on the right leg and's a start!
I've also repositioned him on the base as I wasn't wholly happy, I've moved him forward slightly and rotated him 90 degrees which places him launching off the front face of the rocks now, which I think gives him a greater sense of momentum.

More later...


Monday 16 December 2013

Dreadful December, Thunderbolts Relic Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, Work in Progress.

Hi All

So here's my second contribution to Dreadful December, my Relic Contemptor Dreadnought for my Thunderbolts Chapter. I built this model 2 years ago, you can see my post about the build of this quality model here  and here's a few piccies of my w.i.p;

Stay tuned for more on this;


Saturday 14 December 2013

Dreadful December, Space Ork Mega Dread, The Paintjob..............Part 4

Hi All

Welcome to part 4 of my Ork Mega Dread walk through, this will show the finish to the paintjob and the basing.

So here's piccies;

With the white plates, checks and teef base-coated;

Next are the saw tooth patterns which are the motif for Waaghh! Bluddtoof and wash the white bits I want to look dirty.Then I paint all the remaining gubbinz in a clean silver to represent the few new bitz most recently added and not yet covered in dirt, blood or other indeterminate greenskin fluids!

The final step is to paint the chipped paint effect, this is the technique I adopted nearly 15 years ago when I started my Space Ork army and though I could produce a better weathering effect now I'm loath to change the look of this army and I certainly have no intention of going back over the 10k points worth of models already painted to standardise to a new look! So I'm sticking with it. Future projects will see newer and better techniques.
The model with all bar the base done;

And finally with the base complete;

That's it finished, I hope you enjoyed it, I certainly did! It's a fantastic model, one of FW's best I think. Really looking forward to seeing it on the table as part of my Dredd Mob.
Stay tuned all through December for more Dreads from the Code 40k, my next post will be my long awaited Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought for my Thunderbolts Space Marines.


Friday 13 December 2013

Nurgle Hellbrute - Dread-Full December

As its Dread-Full December I thought why not dig out one of my other dreads, well it was known as a dreadnought till they changed it to the newly named Hellbrute. This guy is one from my Nurgle Space Marine Army. It is the forgeworld dread, the first that they sculpted & I still think its a great model. It was a pleasure to paint and wasn't that difficult. The great thing about Forgeworld stuff is that the detail really speaks for itself so as long as you highlight this, it will stand out very easily. I painted off a Black undercoat & worked my way up from a dark green, to camo green, up to rotting flesh. The fungus all over the armour was quite simple to do, ochre, golden yellow, sunburst yellow with a Baal wash added precisely around the pustules. A bit of rust done around the exhausts was with various mixed washes baal red & chestnut if I recall. Anyway quite a simple tidy job that I'm fairky chuffed with.

Luko Dakka