Monday 15 July 2013

Eldar Corsairs, The New Project, The First Painted Model

Hi All

So here it is the first finished Corsair, I've really enjoyed painting this and I like the scheme, I wasn't sure about it which was why I started with just a single member of the squad.
It fulfils my philosophy of painting gaming miniatures; most of the time you'll be looking at them from 4-8 feet away so they need to stand out, with high contrast and bright colours. The vast majority of current armies I see online have a darker, more realistic and weathered paint scheme which may well be fantastically painted and looks amazing in a cabinet and I fully appreciate and applaud the skill and quality of such work but on the gaming table these kinds of finishes seem to disappear into the background, I like to see a well painted army stand out on the battlefield where it belongs.
Anyway enough of that... Here are some piccies of the finished Eldar Corsair with Shuriken Cannon.......

I think it's come out well, I'm particularly pleased with the yellow to white shading and the base however I'm not sure of the silver base, I may change it to a weathered concrete grey instead.
As ever feedback is always welcome.
Whilst I spend a couple of weeks mulling over this colour scheme I'll be painting a couple of bits for my marines...
Bye for now....


Thursday 11 July 2013

Eldar Corsairs, The 1st Squad

Hi All

The bases are built as seen in my last post, so now for the squad itself. In terms of equipping them, I want to be able to stay at range and use their jet packs to keep moving so they need the longest range weapons available which means Lasblasters instead of shuriken catapults and I'll only be equipping 2 models per squad with special/heavy weapons, namely an Eldar missile launcher and a shuriken cannon in each squad. The fusion guns are nice but to use em you've got to be up close, not where I want my corsair infantry to be, I'll use my vehicle support and flyers for anti tank duties.
The squad will be churning out 24 lasblaster shots, 3 cannon shots and a missile each shooting phase at 24" range and then using jet packs to reposition in the assault phase. Sounds like a plan to me...

Anyway here's a few pics of the models themselves....

The models will be painted without their guns in place to make life easier, and then they'll be fixed in place once painted. As you can see in a couple of the pics I based the Felarch much earlier and originally had much fatter rivets but I didn't like em so I swapped to the filter balls method.
The models are nice to build, with the resin upgrade parts meshing easily with the plastic guardians.
The worst part was the flash on the jetpack vanes and quite a lot of warping in them too but they're nice and thin so were easy to reshape with just the warmth from my hands.
Next will be painting the first model to see if I like the colour scheme.....


Friday 5 July 2013

Eldar Corsairs, My New Project, Modelling the Bases

Hi All

So Worcester War 13 has been and gone and now it's time to start something new.
Last year I went to Warhammer World with some of the code boys for the Carnage tournament and whilst there I picked a few nice forgeworld bits and pieces for my long planned Eldar Corsair army.
With the release of Doom Of Mymera last year I'd written a few little lists and knew roughly what I wanted, namely a jet pack heavy infantry army with some heavy vehicle support. So most of that is bought in one form or another and just waiting for some glue and paint....
To start with I'm doing a corsair squad to test out my new colour scheme, but before even that happens I needed to sort out how I was gonna base the army up, I don't see a bunch of space pirates sporting squad markings so how to differentiate the squads since they'll be equipped similarly if not identically? I took inspiration from a guy I played against at the Spikey Clubs SVAXIII tournament earlier this year; he had a lovely Deathwatch Marine army who's individual marines each had their own chapter badge on 1 shoulder pad but no squad markings, so he'd used a unique base design for each squad, with all models in a squad having the same style of base. I liked this idea and I've stolen it and modified for my own needs.
My army represents a corsair raiding party assaulting an imperial base, so the bases will be cut-away sections of flooring complete with girders and ducting under the floor. Each squad will be identified by the type of flooring material they're stood on.

The flooring discs cut out for the first squad;

The bases with girders added. These are plastruct girder sections cut roughly to size;

Pipes and cables added;

The bases complete with the pipes and girders cut/filed and sanded to the shape of the base and with the flooring discs fixed on top;

A base with rivets added;

The rivets are made from the tiny plastic balls you find inside water filter cartridges. Each cartridge contains thousands of them as shown here,

Just drill a hole in the surface a little smaller than the ball and pop one in, I used a pair of pointy tweezers. It's a little fiddly but worth it. The filter cost a fiver and I don't think I'll ever run out!!

 The bases for the squad with rivets and some pipework coming up through the floor on one of them, this will be duplicated throughout the army.

That's the bases done, next is modelling the squad itself.

Til next time........



Thursday 4 July 2013

Worcester War The Results

Hi All,

DOC here so WW13 has been and gone.... and what an event it was.  I intend to do a few posts on the back of the event.  One to discuss what I have learnt about running an event, one to showcase the pictures and this one to congratulate the winners / publish the event.

So the results sheets are available here:



Ok so pic fest time, first off a massive thanks to Dave C and Cherrie for taking the pictures and then sending them over to me.

So the overall winner was Mr Dave Metcalfe or Toonboy 78 as he is known on the blog.

That's Dave on the left and me pulling one wacky face on the right!  Dave is no stranger to winning events and announced before the event you might aswell put my name on the certificate now.  Well he lived up to the bravado.  Who will knock him off the perch at the code's next event?  Dave's army:

In 2nd place overall we have Mark Platt from Cheltenham Warchiefs.  Congratulations and thanks to all the players from the chiefs who came up for the day.  If you are from that area and fancy having games with a great bunch of guys their club website is here.

Who says close assault is dead in 6th!!!!!!!

Watch out for the fly by!!!

3rd Place Overall went to our own Luke Hemming or Lukodakka as he is known on the blog.  Luke also took home 2nd Place in the painting competition. So here is a small showcase of his army:

So on to the overall painting winner that went to our Matt Tweedy Thompson who is known as boss bludtoof on the blog so naturally he won with his orks right nope the emperors finest and chapter of his own devising the Thunderbolts lightning strike in:

Anti Air Dread!!

Ok so Luko finished 2nd in the painting as explained above and in 3rd place we come to Jason Band's Tau army or Red Mist as he is known round these parts.  Unfortunately Jason had to run off quickly at the end of the event as the picture will show.

Lastly but by no means least we have the most sporting opponent winner.  This was won by Kurt Lewendon from the Warchief's.  For me Kurt optimised the atmosphere of the whole event fun and friendly! 

Well folks that's the run down of the winners at Worcester War 13.  We are currently in discussion to propose a winter war event in November time.  So I have masses of photos which I will be publishing in the future in other articles all that remains to be said is thanks for all those who attended.  I have learnt once again that which I already knew I cant pose for photos or can I..........


Saturday 22 June 2013

Tau Riptide - Sexy Beast - Gangnam Style

Hi All,

RedMist here, been quiet for a while again... but not idle. As you know the new Tau Codex came out last month so I bit the GW bullet, bought the book, and dusted off my Tau army, which has sat in a box for over 5 years, and so begins my 3rd sphere expansion.

What a change has been made, a competitive army at last, 3 games down and 2 wins under my belt, against the might of Hendrix's Imperial Guard and Extreme's Grey Knights.

Now Worcester War 13 is looming, next Saturday to be precise, and so I wondered what I wanted to take, well no worries there Tau it is.

Well I love a big beast so what better than to lead my army to total victory than the new XV104 RIPTIDE, and what a monster it is...

My that's a big one...

As you can see I've mounted him on the flying base, why not, after all he has a jump pack. And he's so big anyway that he can't hide on a battlefield.

I chose a clean, crisp look to my Tau, battle green colour scheme with boltgun metal detail. No fancy Tau markings on mine, these are battle suits.

Here are a couple of shots of one of my Crisis Teams, never leave your colony without them...

Next up was Pathfinders, the new box set was full of new goodies, gotta love all those new drones, so built a few to add to my metal existing ones, and a few new metals thanks to Hendrix's son Z.

I started my Cadre as a Firewarrior only one, but with the addition of sniper round upgrades for the Kroot it just seemed rude not to have some, so ebay purchases later and a box from Z again... I have Kroot, and I love these guys, cheap as chips, and can be devastating, just as Hendrix!

So here they are, no cadre should leave Vor'La without them...

One last thing, I'd never been a lover of Ethereals but these guys now add a couple of nice buffs to your army, so in he goes, Honour Blade and all; as if he's gonna be fighting hand to hand LOL. If he does, I'm done anyway, for as we know, Tau don't do hand to hand!

Well that's me signing off for now. Looking forward to seeing you guys at WW13, new and old, and let battle commence... ion weapons to maximum charge.

Red Mist... out.