Showing posts with label Conversions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversions. Show all posts

Saturday 28 September 2013

Thunderbolts Master of the Forge on Bike with Conversion Beamer.

Hi All

Finally finished my Master of the Forge on bike, it's taken quite a while since I first started this model. I spent a lot of time deciding how I wanted to do this one, I knew I wanted to use an attack bike as his ride with the conversion beamer in the sidecar, I just didn't know how I wanted to represent the gun. Bear in mind that I wanted to do this model as soon as I'd read the 5th edition marine codex, that's a while ago now and back then there was no model for the conversion beamer available unless you could get hold of the very old metal version from the rogue trader era dreadnoughts. Way back in the mists of time!
So I've been umming and arring for a long time, never quite happy with any of the ideas I had, then lo and behold the Contemptor was released a couple of years ago, with a conversion beamer available; alas I don't much like it, it's a bit too small for the look I had in mind.
So I looked around a bit more, saw some dudes version on ebay, he'd used a pair of lascannons in the sidecar, didn't like that much either. Then I was rummaging through my bitz box a while back when I was building my quad autocannon dread and found the remnants of an ironclad kit, specifically the bits that make the seismic hammer. The penny dropped as they say and I finally had my eureka moment, several sensor bitz, targeting gubbinz and some chopping later and I had my unique conversion beamer.
I wanted it to look BIG, I feel it should be something he's been tinkering on for many years in the depths of the forge, using his position of authority to mess with potentially dangerous ancient archeotech for the benefit of the chapter and what he's developed is a unique beam weapon.
Anyway see what you think......

Overall I'm pleased with the model, the master of the forge himself is built from the legs of a marine biker, the torso and head from the iron warriors forge father I've used bits from in one of my earlier techmarines, a biker right arm and the left arm from a missile launcher devastator, vehicle crew shoulder guards and a basic plastic backpack. Originally I'd looked at using a techmarine figure but cutting off the legs without messing up all the cabling and other details proved too much and rather than have it look messy I plumped for this.

As ever feedback is welcome.


Thursday 12 September 2013

Latest Techmarine from the Thunderbolts Forge

Hi All

Been quite productive this week for a change and as promised I've finished my stand alone Techmarine. Also got my new marine codex and I'm very pleased overall, I like the new style chapter tactics and as the fluff for my chapter is that they're descended from the Iron Hands and I love my Dreads, the Iron Hands doctrines work nicely, I've also got my sergeants their Thunderhammers back, which in my fluff are awarded to veteran sergeants and other officers as marks of valorous and honourable action. I'm looking forward to feel no pain (even 6+) across the board and regenerating dreads and characters.
Anyway back to the latest Techmarine, he's a minor conversion using the Thunderfire Techmarine model with a basic plastic backpack chopped around and fitted with the Servo Arm from the Iron Warriors Forge Father, (that models torso is used in my Master of the Forge on bike, my next post...)

I'll be using him primarily to man the quad gun on my aegis defence line when I field it, another nice point in the new codex is that I can take him in a free slot if I have another non techmarine HQ and he's even modelled with an auspex for reducing cover saves.
Next job is to finish off my Master of the Forge on his bike and then on to painting the long awaited Contemptor Dreadnought and my ancients assault force will be ready for the field.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Planestrike Crons hit the Brick Wall. Necron Heavy Destroyers

Hi All,

Doc Here with an update, First off ill talk about planet strike as i posted previously:

I played my first game of planet strike the other day and put simply i got it wrong wrong and bit more wrong! Ok so this maybe basic to everyone else but the key basic things i learnt were:
Its not about blowing up the bunkers.
Just because you have deep strike you dont have to charge on the first turn, Particulary if the reprisal will wipe that unit out!
You still need numbers, I picked a super elite army and it didnt have enough survability.

When the opposition is in a bunker use the firing slit angles to reduce the amount of fire you take. Dont deep strike to far away from where your reserves will come on and dont deep strike near your opponents reserve deployment area.

Theyre all basic but trust me once you start playing we are all capable of forgetting the basics!

On a more positive note ive got some more Necron work completed. Ive built some converted heavy destroyers. So Pics first, explanation second:

So how do i build them? First off i cut the end off the gauss cannon. Next i cut the centre from a dispersion shield to form the top of the gun. I next attached a standard green rod to the underside of this and attached the top from a warscythe to the bottom. Finnally i re-attached the gauss cannon end. Simple result, but im happy with them and they dont have the weight issue's that the GW ones have and it saves money!!

Thats all Folks


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Waaaghhh!!!!!! Bluddtoof wip

With SVA XII and Carnage looming close I'm getting a few new bits and bobs together for my 5 new lists I'll need for them. Sounds a lot but as my Orks are my most prevalent painted stuff I've got the vast majority of what I need already done.
Just built Trukk number 5 and here's a few photos...........
As you can see I've used the Forgeworld Ork half trakk upgrade kit, not a bad price considering you get a full plastic trukk kit as well as all the resin trakks, wheels and engine. You're left with plenty of extra bits, specifically wheels and an engine with which to make another trukk!! Huzzah!! 2 trukks for about £35. As long as you've got plenty of bits lying around, which any self respektin Mek should have or course!
So the kit........ with all resin..... FLASH! And plenty of it, especially around the trakk linkages, take your time and it comes off with a nice sharp craft knife to leave a really impressive mould, well impressed with the quality and Orkyness of the design.
Not too tricky to assemble either but you have to remember it's Orky so it's meant to look uneven and wonky and once I'd done the chassis it looked good and was quite strong and rigid.
The engine blokk is made to connect to the drive shaft of the plastic kit as with the original however the resin gearstick was a pain to get in place so I ended up swapping it out for a scratch one. Don't try to use the original plastic one as it won't be in the right position and hits the front bulkhead of the cab section, stopping correct positioning of the cab.
I also bought the Forgeworld Ork weapons set which is a fantastic assortment of Big Shootas, Skorchas and Rokkit Launchas; 11 weapons altogether with mountings and all unique too. So one of those went on in place of the original plastic one. All helps to create the desired impression of each vehicle in my Waaaghhh! being a unique creation of the competing Meks.
I'm now working on Trukk 6 which again uses Forgeworld upgrades, this time the Enclosed Kab Trukk kit. Piccies of this in due course........
Boss Bluddtoof

Saturday 7 January 2012

Crontastic, Converting, Dookie, Lots to Do

Hi All, So everytime i post i do it at 1 hundred miles an hour (NOT TODAY). One of my personality traits is i want it done yesterday alas this runs into my hobby sometimes at the detriment of the quality of what i produce. So im going to try and make an effort to slow down a little both with my blog posts and my figure quality. Although i will never be an eavy metal painter i consider myself a quality journeymen when it comes to painting. However, the first thing i want to talk about is liquid green stuff and how much this will change all our geeks world and speed up stuff (a contradiction to what i said above). So on to the example below is a top down view of a recently built necron immortal as with many models you can clearly see the joint between the shoulder pads and can even see the nicks where it has been clipped off the sprue. (Apoligies about my picture quality a new camera will be along in the summer)
So out came the pot of liquid green stuff and after talking to the GW guy earlier today i just applied it with an old brush in under two mintues.... The result is as follows..
So this picture was taken well the green stuff is still wet. All i have to say is how easy is that and when its dry i can either add some more or file it down... absolute genious product, well done GW. Ok so the post title mentions DOOKIE and for those who dont know its a green day album quite old now but pure punk rock and i love it! For me modelling is as much about the music as the modelling so dust of the old CD's and get them on. In my opinion you cant go far wrong with DOOKIE...... and to open a debate SHE is my favourite track but then they are all good.
So i have to paint two thousand points of Crons by March the 17th for the code's annual trip to SVA in Reading. My main problem is what to take in the army? Thus far ive played three games and yes everone on the tinternet is right a scarab farm is mint. It is however predictable and frankly not why i play 40K to win at all costs. First off SVA is a campaign weekend and more chilled out atmosphere where many fluff armies come out to play. So in the first three games i played i was trying as many units as possible including the much maligned ones! (Destroyers, Deathmarks and Flayed Ones) Ill post some lists as i get it down what i think works for fun and competitiveness. As you can see above i have already built 10 new immortals with Tesla's. This left me with 10 deathmark sniper arms. A waste in my opinion so using a warrior box much cheaper than an immortal box i set about making a deathmark...
So the guy above is built using the following components.. Back, Head, Gun and Gun holding arm from the immortals sprue. Chest and Legs from the warriors sprue. Lots of Green Stuff. Basically you have to take the chest and cut the indent of the back to make it flat. It will then fit to the deathmark back although it will look to small. I just glued it to the centre of the back plate. When it was dry i extended the chest plate carapace with green stuff. I then glued the figure together. When it was dry i made the front half of the shoulder pads with green stuff. Traditionally having been a cut and shut converter this is difficult to get to match the back half of the shoulder pads. Not bad for a first attempt?? So there you go cheaper deathmarks. When ive finished more of them ill post more pictures. Coming soon converted crypteks...... Crons will take the universe we are the oldest DOC

Monday 26 April 2010

SVAX The Results

Hi All,

What a weekend....... Fantastic I really cant believe I (and in LukoDakka's case) we havent tried this kind of thing before. I have no doubt all the guys from the code will post up their thoughts on the weekend's action.

Anyway before i begin to go on about how the weekend went for me the final results are here

Ive also decided that my camera is frankly at best rubbish at worst........ So i took a shed load of photos and most are unusable. A new camera maybe in order for this blogging malarky!

Right as i dont want this to be the longest post ever written (not likely) ill talk about my first game.

EARTHFALL (modified planet strike mission)

Doc's Wolves 1500 VS Simon's Mechanium Themed Deamon Hunters 1500

First off Simon's army absolutely blew me away (not literally in gaming terms) with the standard of the painting the thought behind the background, the conversions and the clever use of epic models.

This army was cleary picked purely by theme and indeed if you have already read the results (link above) then you will know he won best painted army! Fair play and well deserved.

On to the game....... (not a full battle report don't worry)

Earthfall is basically a planet strike mission with one objective to defend. I defended and Simon attacked sort of.... To be fair i can sum this game by producing a list of the spectacular dice show that we had in turn 2, here goes....

Grand Master had to make 4 standard terminator armour saves he proceeded to roll all 1's.

I say, "ill just shoot my assault cannon at the land raider to get it out of the way before i assault it" (Oh i definately got it out of the way) 3 hits produce one 6 in the penetration roll rolling an additional 6 for the D3 extra and then rolling a 6for damage.

I shoot 2 krak missile's at his dreadnought producing 1 hit followed by a 6 for penetration and then another 6 for damage.

I wasnt immune to the bad luck though either i made 5 armour saves on the long fangs from a round of shooting failing them all!

Sometimes its truly amazing what 40K can throw up and im not sure ill forget that turn for a very long time! As for the result it was pretty difficult for Simon to come back from that position after turn 2 and i got a victory in the first game hoorah! Simon and me laughed hard with this game. He was a top bloke and deserved his best painted army award. So here's another pic!

More on SVAX soon


Wednesday 21 April 2010

Ork Trukks


SOme Trukks for your perusal!

The First Trukk is a GW Kit inherited from a friend. The 2nd is a complete Scratchbuild in all it's glory :)

Thanks to a close Eldar loving friend for helping my paintload out with these babies!

The Scratchbuilt Trukk :)

Tomorrow is the Due Date for Deff Kopta Completion (all 6!)

Winging your way tomorrow...


Wednesday 31 March 2010

Bik Mek Stompnutz Deffskullz

Hi, I am Hypaspist, and welcome to my first post (oohh the excitement!)

Let me get right down to it.

As Mike has mentioned, a group of us are going along to SVA X in Reading at the end of April, and I have decided that it would be a great, nay fantastic idea to start a new army...

With just over a month to do it in...

Firstly the concept.

I like 'making', in fact, I like it so much that I have a tendency to have more stuff unpainted than painted at any one point in time, anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I suffer Heavily from SNMS (Shiny New Model Syndrome)

This is a terrible affliction that causes you to rush out and purchase things before you have finished the last project and as a result I have countless unpainted models including (but not limited to...) Dark Angels, Sisters of Battle, Inquisitors, and many more.

However, I digress!

The concept, yes.

AS I like building things, and I like my conversions and scratchbuilds, I decided that it would be rather good fun to follow the Deffskullz idea, after all, if it isn't bolted down, and it looks shiny enough, they will find it, pinch it, and improve it (?!)

I wanted to stray away from the traditional ideas, and go bith a Big Mek as my leader.
as There is *Nothing* that can convince me of any weapon more Orky than a Shokk Attack Gun this was also a stipulation, and thus after 3 evenings sat chopping up an Assault on Black Reach Warboss and some entirely random bits from my bitzbox, (including the insides of a looted Ethernet Cable)

Big Mek Stompnutz was Born!

So, I started off with a AoBR Warboss. I chopped off his Klaw arm at around the elbow, and re-attached this on the other side. I then proceeded to haphazardly slice some plastruct tubing in order to curl around his body, very much like the official GW model does.
Chopping up the innards of an Ethernet cable I then proceeded to (basically) stick them *everywhere* including his head.
After all a Proppa Klever Mek doesnt need Levers, 'e just finks where to shoot and it goes bang!

I tried also, to re-create the tri-spinny front of the Shokk Attack Gun with milliput (rolled into balls and smoothed with water, which I then drilled and pinned. glueing the pin into a section of plasticard tubing, which was then secured via some more plasticard, to a rough frame to get the effect you can see in the pictures. a bit fiddly, but I am very happy with it.

I then added a fuel tank, some levers, some plating, an the legs of a snotling being sucked up the tube to create the overall effect.

Thats enough for now, but next up the Big Mek has some big ideas!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Nurgle Death Guard WIP

The Beginning
So its been a while since my last post but thats because Papa Nurgle has had me slaving away on more pestilent carrying disease bringers!
Death Guard Space Marines
First off it was time for prep work to begin, I got the Forgeworld sprues out and did the neccessary trimming.
For any first timers to forgeworld kit - it does requires a hell of a lot of tidying up. Get your snippers, file and a ho bby knife and go to work. Once you've done the tidying up you then need to give it all a good wash, I used a bit of cif in some warm water and gave them a careful scrub with a toothbrush. You may think this is a bit extreme but if you don't, you'll find that when you come to base coating the bad boys the paint won't take, so don't miss it out!
*Don't forget to put the sink plug in when your cleaning! Last thing you want is £20 sprues flying down the drain!*
Once I'd done all that it was time to snip off and clean the marine boxed set for assembly. I decided I wanted my Deathguard to be carrying predominantly chainswords and Bolters not bolt pistols just because I think it looks cooler. I was gonna do a few arm manipulations and alternative poses to make them look that little bit different as well. Heres a selection of them.
LtoR - Full 10 DG Squad, Arms twists, Sculpted open right hand on icon bearer.
More twisting arms and wrists, a couple were pinned to keep them solid
I also slapped them on some new bases I purchased fom Ebay, "Doc" pointed me in the direction of these resin slate bases and were very reasonably priced from a company called "616 Designs" thoroughly recommended by the code40k I would say!
Right with these finished it was on to the Termies -
Death Guard Terminators
Well I'll jump straight to the builds, there was quite alot of intense cleaning needed and the shoulder pads had been slightly damaged on delivery but nothing major.
I cleaned them up and heres the result
LtoR - Full 5 DG Teminators, Aspiring Champ - Combi Melta & Chainfist (what else?)
LtoR - Power Fist & Combi Melta, Lightning Claws
LtoR - Combi Flamer & Chainfist, Heavy Flamer & Powerfist
I'll get these lot sprayed soon and start painting them all, I'll bang some more pictures on when they're further forward.
Luko Dakka