Showing posts with label Blood Bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood Bowl. Show all posts

Thursday 9 March 2017

Everybody's Blood Bowl Mad!!!

Hey guys and girls - Bristles here with a quick update on what's been going on in my hobby world recently. 
As per the title, it seems the Code have all gone Blood Bowl crazy and I've got the bug big time....

With my Dark Elf Core Team pretty much all finished I wanted to have a shot at doing some of the other models to represent my manager, apothecary etc so I began scouting around for suitable models. 

I figured the Dark Elf Scorceress model was an obvious choice for my Head Coach model...


For my Apothecary however I was a little more confused, that is until I saw something on a shelf and had a rather silly epiphany.....


The model is 'The Changling' from the AOS range but I replaced the plastic smoke with a slightly different effect after getting advice from Boss Bluddtoof and Inner Mech and how to go about it. Tbh I'm damn proud of how it's turned out and think he is one of my best, certainly one of my most enjoyable little projects. 

Anyway - here's a quick team photo to finish with


I've still got the Blood Bowl bug and have already decided on my next team build.....I'm just hoping it doesn't bleed me dry.................

Thanks for reading :) 


Sunday 19 February 2017

Blood Bowl Orcs.... 1st Blitzer complete.

Hey All

Bluddtoof here with an update on my progress on my Blood Bowl Orc team; The Badland Brutalisers!

I've now finished the first Blitzer, here's a few pics...

Really pleased with this, tried  a few new things; used some tamiya paints I'd not tried before, they have an almost oily texture, which I found odd as they're acrylics, but the clear yellow lent itself nicely to the almost lacquered finish on the armour. I rarely paint yellow as it's a pig! And I've put a bit more attention into the base, trying to colour match it to the Orc side of the game board.
This team are going on hold for a little while now as I want to get my recently arrived Dwarves up and running for the code boys 1st day of BB early next month. But once they're done I'll come back to the Orcs and hopefully we'll have gobbos and a troll on the horizon too by then.

As ever c & c welcome


Wednesday 15 February 2017

Khemri Blood Bowl Team - WIP - Blood Bowl Fever 2017

Evening All,

As blood bowl fever has reached fever pitch here at code40k I have decided to go with a tomb king themed team.  It also seems to make economic sense being as I have a large warhammer army that I havent barely used for the last two years!

So off I went chopping, filing and basing on 32mm's to match the new pitch size.  I decided to build a full roster plus re roll, score and turn marker hey you might as well go whole hog right!

So as the title suggests this is still work in progress but with our first bloodbowl day approaching on the 5th March I need to keep up the momentum.  So here is a few pictures of the completed models which as yet are not transferred up but will be soon...

Skeleton Lineman "Mad Eye"

First Tomb Guardian (old metal figure with weapons removed)

Two More Skeleton Lineman (including "thumbs up") Plenty of room for humour in blood bowl!

Group shot of the 4 completed models

Lastly the work in progress pile all of various stages of completion.  Once I get further I will get some photos taken in Innermech's photo both.  I will also photo up our first bloodbowl day on the 5th March which promises to be a whole load of fun!

As always comments and critique is always welcome


Doc Out

Tuesday 7 February 2017

I'm Back!!!! 2017 Blood Bowl season!!!

I have not posted on here in quite a while. I have mainly been busy with expanding my family!

So after a 6 month sabbatical I am back getting on with all things hobby related.

I will do a new post on what I am up to later. Here I will show off my Blood Bowl stuff.

I first got this game with its revamped release in 1994. Even now 23 years later I still think this is the best game GW has released. It has the tightest rule set for one off games, mini tournaments and leagues. It took a few iterations with league play to get it right, but since about Living rule book 5 it has been very solid.

First up is my Human Team. This was an updated paint job done in the early 2000s.

Humans are a really easy team to play with and are very forgiving for a first time player

Next is one of my High Elves

Again this is an updated paint job but I have only managed to get half the team done.

High elves are really hard to play with. They take a lot of skill and you have to play the game in a very different way that with other teams. However once they get a few skills they become one of the best teams in the game.

I also have a dwarf team (including death roller) from the 1994 release, but these need updating to a better painting level. I have bought the new game and the Skaven team. I will probably buy teams that I don’t own first, so I doubt I will be getting the new dwarves so soon. As you can see I need to sort through my collection

I have had the model below 23 years and never even put paint on him! I am going to build my orc team around having this guy.

I have a few more details to pick out on him and I am deciding whether to put him on a 32mm base.

I have not really played much as an orc team much before but I am quite looking forward to it, especially just smashing the other team!!

Monday 6 February 2017

Blood Bowl Orcs.............W.I.P.

Hi All

Bluddtoof ere with my first wip post on my Orcs for Blood Bowl!
I love Blood Bowl! So glad GW decided to re-release.
Here at The Code we're all well into this now with everyone frantically building, converting and painting a team for our first season!

I'm planning to collect and paint Orcs, Humans and Dwarves for starters, this should keep me busy for a bit. My Dwarf team arrived today and they're lovely models, but more on those in future posts.

For now some orcs......

That's the current state of the first Blitzer, currently working on the base, trying to match it to the Orc pitch...
I nearly used my usual Bluddtoof red, black and white colours but decided on something different. A while back I'd said to Doc I fancied painting a Blue army, I think we were discussing Mantics Warpath kick starter at the time. I saw this as an opportunity, with the Deathskull connection and I thought I'd go for the contrast of yellow armour playing on a Bad Moon connection too. Not decided on a team name yet or a logo but it'll come eventually I'm sure.

Here's a few pics of some of the previous steps I took when I remembered to, of the first 3 models to get some paint splatter...

Enjoying this as much because it's blood bowl as because it's a totally new colour scheme for me.

Anyhoo, more to come soon.
As ever C & C welcome.


Monday 30 January 2017

Blood Bowl Fever!

It seems the Blood Bowl bug has hit the Code40K crew pretty hard, with everybody getting on board and throwing paint onto teams! 
What's even more cool is that there seems to be a pretty good spread of teams, everybody settling on something different to one another - should be a solid opening season! 

I've always been rather partial to the Dark Elves style of play, but with a distinct lack of Elves from GW currently my mind was running amok with ideas. Having done a large Dark Eldar commission previously and having a friend run Dark Eldar in 40K, I Knew the perfect place to start. 


A little math and I worked out I could get a solid starting line up from a box of Wyches, a box of Kabalite Warriors and an AOS Assassin model.

 I mixed and matched the boxs, Wych legs on Warrior bodies and vice versa and managed to come up with 6 Line Men, 2 Runners, 2 Witchs, 4 Blitzersand an Assassin - not bad at all! 


I also knocked up a couple of markers from the shock prows of Ravagers. 
The colour scheme was easy to settle on, I'd been looking for an excuse (honestly, any excuse would have done!) to play with the FW clear Purple I'd tried on the flier base for the Knight Acheron an these where the perfect chance. 


So now I'm currently working my way through painting the team up compete so I'll leave you with a few shots showing my current progress 




I'll be sure to do a full team shot once everything's complete 🤓

Until then, thanks for reading and let me know what you think! 
