Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Arming for Cypra Incident Showcase - Avenger Strike Fighter

Hi All,

Doc here back after the Christmas hiatus (not January as I have been busy) Anyway this is a short post to showcase my Forgeworld Avenger Strike Fighter.  This plane will form part of my air wing for our upcoming airfield mission in our narrative campaign the Cypra Incident.  If you haven't been following along or would like a recap click on the picture on the top left of the blog and it will take you to all the posts for the narrative campaign.  Needless to say we have been going since 2016 and are likely to go until 2020!  That is simply because of rule of cool every time we play we have built and painted new minis but also a significant amount of scenery including swamp terrain, fencing and tower set, and two new building for this next mission.

I digress this post as I say is about the Avenger Strike Fighter so here goes with some pictures:

This first picture is early WIP after the airbrushing phase for the two flyers I am working on (bit of a massive hint for next post) This shoes the pre shading and main base colour for the planes all done with an airbrush.

All the next photos are showcase of the finished model.

Hope you like the plane as always constructive feedback is welcome.  Also if you want to know how I achieved any of these results just ask away.

Thats All Folks

Doc Out................................


  1. That looks great, did you do same colour all over or is the underside a pale blue? The weathering looks great.

    1. Thanks Siph, yep same all over, pleased with the weathering a combination of multiple techniques.

  2. That looks sharp, congrats on the results!

  3. Very nice. A great colour scheme too.

  4. That was one helluva post and I love a good Ork battlereport. Cheers for putting it up.
