Wednesday 14 May 2014

Deadzone Plague Strike Team W.I.P.

Hi All

Time for a little update on my Plague team for Deadzone, only a few weeks to go til the codes Day of Deadzone and I've still got a fair bit to do. I'm jumping on the band wagon and starting my own painting points system in an effort to incentivise myself.
So here's a few pics of the latest models from a few days ago...

and in their current state...

That's all the flesh and bony bits done, just the cloth, guns and bases left so they should be done this week.

That's all for now.


Tuesday 13 May 2014

Deadzone Update - Enforcers

Hi All,

So after my last post about painting points I realised I hadn't made much inroads to my painting back log. The code40k team are having a Deadzone day on the 1st June.  So with that target in mind I have started my enforcers.  So first confession these models are far from perfect!  Essentially I see them as playing pieces first and as such I wanted a quick but quality finish.

As normal with my painting in recent times I wanted to try something new, in this case sponge weathering. Recently I have really enjoyed trying new techniques and I am particularly keen to perfect this technique for use on my pre heresy death guard army.

So on to the finished models.   Close Combat Enforcer:

Saturday 10 May 2014

I need to stop buying models - Painting Points

Hi All,

Doc here with another dose of were I'm at....  So a couple of the guys and me went to forgeworld open day and I spent a decent wod of cash as you do!  However before I went after discussions with the boss (wife) I voluntarily decided to introduce a system of painting points.   Now I'm not the only one doing this Dale over on Realm of 40K has also introduced a similar system. Have a read of Dales post here.  So why painting points?  In reality the reason is my backlog of mini's to paint is huge and to be frank I would concede I have bought more than what I have painted in the last two years.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Deadzone Scenery Completed

Hi All

Yey! I've finished the first set of Deadzone scenery and I'm pleased overall with it. The photos here show it set up on the gaming mat ready for a first test game so I can learn the rules.......

I've built most of a Rebs faction to face off against my Plague team, I ran through my first game with a few bumps and mistakes and a whole lot of rules checking and I have to say it 's a great game, there's lots to it for a skirmish game, I'm looking forward to the codes first Deadzone get-together.

that's it for now, more to come as I paint the Plague strike team......


Saturday 12 April 2014

The Final Deadzone Building

Hi All

I've finished the last building in my first set of deadzone terrain. Really pleased with this one too. I think I've got the verdigris effect a little better than on some of the other pieces.
Here's some piccies....

All I've got left are a few scatter pieces and then the first set is done and I can get on with the rest of my Plague strike team.

More to come soon....
