Wednesday 26 March 2014

Deadzone Battlezone Grows.......WIP

Hi all,

In the middle of my days off between night shifts so I've been busy beavering away on my Deadzone scenery and plague models. Here's a couple of pics of my latest terrain piece w.i.p.

As you can see the grey is all done as is the red detail sections, these coloured sections will have some kind of text or symbolism on them throughout the terrain set once it's all done I just haven't decided quite what yet. The brown is the base coat for the metallic sections.

More to come, including the next team member, a plague stage 2....

This is the base wazdakka red with a wash of carroburg crimson (both GW paint range)


Sunday 23 March 2014

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Deadzone work in progress

Hi All

Here at the code we've recently invested in Mantics new skirmish game; Deadzone. We're all busy painting up strike teams and scenery for a fully painted day of deadzone we're planning in a couple of months.
I'm just over half way through my scenery set which is designed to be assembled and disassembled repeatedly so that each game is different, I tried a few test runs as soon as I'd opened the box to see how it worked and found that there were a couple of issues;
1st, the connectors are slightly variable in there dimensions due to the mould lines as are the wall/floor sections so they don't always fit and would all require work to get them to be the same and thus universally fit each other (there are hundreds of potential joints!)
2nd, the plastic is a little on the brittle side and I broke 2 of the connectors during my test runs (you don't get enough connectors in the set, but a connector sprue is only a couple of quid from mantic so no biggie)
In all this led me to decide to permanently build the scenery as I wanted it, I bought the gamers edition which contained 2 scenery sets anyway so I will have a wider range available for games and a scenery set isn't expensive at about £25 so more will be on the cards in the future too.
Here's a few piccies of the stuff I've painted so far....

As you can see I've tried for a verdigris effect on all the brass/bronze metal to simulate a corrosive element in the atmosphere of this plague infected world. The effect is duplicated on the strike teams bases too as seen here...

I'll post more in the coming weeks as it gets done.


Saturday 8 March 2014

Hobby Butterfly - The joys of being unfocussed

Good Morning All,

Today's post is a little bit of everything as the title suggests.  Today folks I'm going to talk about having way too many models and way too little focus.  So as many of you will know we at Code40k recently ran our second event Worcester War 2.  This event became my obsession for a little while and I was determined to ensure everyone had a good time.  The feedback we received was positive and I think moving forward we shall hold many more successful events.  Having run two events and built masses of terrain with Inner Mech, I really began to feel what am I doing with my own hobby here!  Answer = Not a lot.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Worcester War 2 review part 2

After a strong start I knew my next opponent would have had an equally strong result in the first round. It turned out to be LUKODAKKA.

His list was:
10 terminators
5 terminators
2 psi dakka dreads

This was a close combat knightmare, 2+ saves and power weapons. I knew I had to keep away from him and use my better maneuverability to my advantage.

The mission we got was 6 objectives with different values with the hammer and anvil setup.

This game went to and fro throughout. In my turn I was able to shoot his units and in his turn he assaulted in and got me. Eventually my extra numbers just held out and by turn 5 I had wiped him out. All I had left was khan, 1 biker, and my 2 talons. The result did not show how close the game was.

With 2 wins, both very strong I knew the last game would be against an equally tough opponent and we would be playing for the title!

The game was against Dale. I played him first last year. That was a close game then, as I was losing at the end of turn 5 but luckily it went to turn 7 where I had enough bodies to wipe him out. He was playing a similar lists to last year. 

He took:

5 terms
2x5 strike squads 
Land raider
2 dreadknights

We played 5 objectives with a vanguard assault setup. 1st turn night fighting.

I went first and had a complete blood rush and piled everything forward and shot at the knights......FAIL. Not a wound caused and I ended up wishing charge range of his deadly stuff.
His turn and he assaulted in and wiped out the grav gun squad and khan!
Big trouble!
I needed a rethink of how to get out of this mess. So melta gums turned towards the land raider and blew it sky high. Then everything else focused everything on a knight. 
Another stroke of luck this turn was that a strike squad mishapped and were taken by the warp. Less guns to aim at me! The next few turns I was able to take more wounds off the big stuff from shooting and eventually by turn 5 he only had 2 strikes left where I had a few bikes and the talons left.

The game ended with another solid win for me.

3 out of 3 and my title defended

I was impressed with the marine bikes. They had resilience and great firepower. In combat they were very weak even with khan and a librarian. Against the grey knights these 2 guys were unable to cut the mustard.

I do like bikes and they looked great. I still have another full squad to make up.

Up next though I have a few inquisitor retinue models to complete and a new squad of sternguard to paint. I also must crack on and get some scenery done. Paula and mike have inspired me with what they have done for the the event.