Showing posts with label Snow Bases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow Bases. Show all posts

Thursday 29 December 2016

Dismember December .........By Bluddtoof

So I finally got my entry completed after a long period of having no mojo for painting. I'm pleased with the finished model and love the palette I went with. Oddly enough it's very similar to my Imperial Knight! I only realised as I was nearing completion. I obviously have an attraction to cream and red.
So here's some pics.....

Hope you like it, c & c welcome and I look forward to seeing the other entries.


Monday 26 September 2016

Thunderbolts Chapter, 1st Company Reinforcements

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with an update on my recent work on some Assault Terminators and a couple of character models. All these models were originally painted a few years ago but I'd only given them a basic paint job on the weapons. I painted up the Captain and tried a lightning effect on his hammers to represent the power field.
Recently I was preparing for a big apoc game and decided I wnted to run all my termies, so I decided to update the ir weapons to be like the captains, at the same time I needed to rearm my Chaplain who was previously armed based on a much older codex version, so he got a new shiny Crozius and a combi flamer, all the better for purging the Heretic!

Some pics...

..of the newly re-armed 1st company assault squads.

At some point in the hopefully not too distant future I will be re-basing the entire marine army to be more inline with my Imperial Knights, for posts on them see here , here , here , also here , here , this too , and this , this , this as well as here , here and finally (or initially) here

Next job is my Typhon, and a vindicator which I will be painting using my new airbrush, so some practice is ongoing with this new tool.


Tuesday 30 August 2016

Showcase; Imperial Knight Errant, Winter Effects Weathering

Hi All

Bluddtoof here, finally I've got round to finishing off the weathering on my Freeblade Knight Errant. It's only taken me 2 years!
So I was really quite nervous about this little project; the knight is probably my best work to date, I was very concerned I'd mess up the finish with poorly done weathering, I'm not experienced at all with weathering.
I'd done quite a bit of research on different methods and materials over the last year or so, a lot of advice came from my code40k colleagues, a big shout out to the boys for the help!
I bought a winter effects kit a while back that has quite good instructions included, Scene- A-Rama is the brand, and I experimented a bit with the various materials with mixed results.
The "snow base" liquid makes an excellent base layer for applying snow in the form of flock or powder, the snow powder in the kit is made of crystals of varying sizes all mixed up, I used it in conjunction with GW snow flock and Bicarb, applied in different layers for the final finish. This came after a great deal of playing around. Some of it I then coated in the "Ice Effects" liquid, a thickish clear resin that sets real quick.
All of this worked ok and was pretty easy after I'd worked out the method.
The tricky bit was Icicles, I knew I wanted the knight to be crusted with icicles hanging from the shoulder guards and carapace to simulate it having stood sentry for ages in sub zero temperatures and now just awoken to the call to arms. The kit has instructions to use the ice resin to make icicles...... it doesn't work, I tried and tried and tried, the resin just spreads and makes an icicle shaped flat sheet.... no good for the application I wanted..... so.... Luko Dakka delivered the solution with a quick explanation of how he used melted flying stems.....some practice later..... and Icicles I'm really pleased with! Hurrah! A word of warning tho if you try the melting plastic a window and wear a face mask, nasty fumes.
In case you've not tried it here's my method I used....
Over a tea candle, hold a flying stem at both ends with a pair of needle nosed pliers in each hand. Hold the stem about 10-20mm above the flame, too close and it will scorch and even ignite...that was an interesting minute or so! Too high and you'll be waiting a LONG time. Keep a close eye on the surface of the plastic, it will start to develop fine striations and very shortly it will sag visibly.. Immediately apply a little tension and REMOVE from the heat, keep the gentle tension applied and the stem should quickly stretch very thin, keep pulling gently and the plastic should keep stretching with the thick end bits slowly feeding into the thin middle bit, you'll feel the resistance increase gradually, keep applying gentle tension until it won't stretch any more. You should now be able to let go and you'll have a long piece of plastic with a really thin middle section flaring out at both ends to fat bits. Chop this in the middle and cut/shape the fat ends to create the bit that connects to the surface the icicle will hang from, 2 icicles from 1 bit. You can then go on to do the same with the chopped of ends too if they're big enough.
This took me a few attempts to get right, it's very much a matter of FEEL with each piece, if you pull too fast it'll snap and then curl up.....ruined! Pull too little it'll just sag, too long over the heat...sag, burn, mess! Thankfully clear plastic flyer stems are cheap and plentiful, you generally get extras with any skimmer model.
One thing I did find tho was that once you've melted a piece and let it set again it doesn't melt cleanly ever again, I'm sure a chemist could explain it!

Anyhoo, enough blather! Piccies....

As you can see I haven't applied a huge amout of snow on it, I didn't want to obscure the paint job too much but I wanted it to look like it had recently had snow fall which has been dislodged as it starts to move.
Hope you like it, I do, I'm very pleased with the finish and I'm looking forward to rest of my Knights and trying different winter effects methods on them.
As ever C&C welcome....


Friday 18 September 2015

Showcase; Thunderbolts Space Marines Jump Pack Captain.

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with another new addition to my Space Marine Chapter; The Thunderbolts.
This is my new Captain with Jump Pack, Shield Eternal and Teeth of Terra. He will be leading a demi company with auxiliary support as part of a Gladius Strike Force against a bunch of filthy heretics in the form of Docs Traitor Guard; in a game in a week or so. Beware Doc!
Here's some piccies....

The base model is an old metal one I had in my bits box; one of the old Masters of the Chapter models. He originally had an axe in his left hand I think, I chopped the head off and replaced it with the large chain blade from an old metal Vanguard Veteran; also from the extensive bits box. The jump pack is just a plastic one from the old assault marine sprue.
I'm really pleased on several fronts; firstly I painted this in less than 2 days, pretty impressive for me; my painting occurs at glacial speeds usually! Secondly I built him over 2 years ago and he's been sat in the "to paint" case all that time. Thirdly the white went on so much easier and smoother than I'm used to; only 3 coats as opposed to my usual 4 or 5. Win all round.
And hopefully Win against the renegade filth on the 28th!
For The Emperor!


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Showcase; Thunderbolts Space Marines Stormraven and Strike Force Ultra.

Hi all,
Bluddtoof here with a showcase of my recent additions to my space marine chapter; the Thunderbolts.
With the new codex came some tasty new formations; the one that really jumped out at me was the Strike Force Ultra.
I absolutely love terminators and dreadnoughts and with a special rule called Force of a thunderbolt it was an easy sell really!
I had a game planned with Doc a few weeks in advance so I wrote a 2k list including a Knight ally and ordered myself a stormraven; the only model I didn't own yet. I also needed to paint up an extra squad of terminators.
So here's a few pics of the stormraven and the completed army....

That's it for now, c and c welcome as always, next project is a scenery set for the group. Future post to come on that.

Monday 10 November 2014

Imperial Knight Freeblade, W.I.P, carapace on.

Hi All

Bluddtoof here with an update on the WIP of my Imperial Knight Freeblade.
As you can see I've now completed the upper carapace with lots of lovely thorny vines.
Here's a few piccies....

I'm now working on the arms and attempting to magnetise the shoulder pads so I can keep the arms removable. Tricky tho as the magnets I have are a bit large, I'll be sourcing some smaller ones.

That's it for now, more to come later...


Saturday 1 November 2014

Imperial Knight WIP, torso done and in place.

Hi All

I've finished the torso of the Knight and it's now fixed in place, after a little dry run to get the positioning right. Whilst doing the dry run with arms and shoulder pads in place I discovered that the arms cannot be removed if the shoulder pads are fixed in place as the overhang at front and back stops the arm assembly from fully rotating. So, once I get to the arms I'm going to have to decide if pinning the pads in place onto the shoulder frame will work, as that's the only way I'll be able to have removable arms. I like the idea of removable arms for purposes of packing and moving and also to represent weapon destroyed results.
Anyway enough of that for now, here's a few piccies of the Knight so far....

The next step is the top carapace, more on that to come soon....


Monday 14 July 2014

Imperial Knight Freeblade, Work in Progress.

Hi All

Time for another update on my progress with my Imperial Knight; I've finished the base and legs now apart from the final weathering which I'll be doing all in one go once the models complete so as to ensure I get a coherent and consistent finish.
Here's pics of it so far...

I'm pleased with the banner sculpt, I've not put the lightest highlights on the red and bone on it that you can see on the plating or the gloss finish, as the banner will  be a tattered piece of grubby cloth once the weathering is done, with the heraldry just showing through the dirt and grime of decades of war without the support of a knightly houses tech servants to repair it.
I've given all the gold trim another coat of Lamentors Yellow Glaze to bring it up a little more. The clenched fist is a transfer and the vines and thorns are all freehand.

Next step is to move onto the torso sub assembly, less plating on that so it should be a little quicker to paint.

More to come soon....
