Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showcase. Show all posts

Sunday 31 December 2017

Showcase - Magnus the Red Demon Primarch - Lords of Reaping 2017

Hi All,

First off Happy New Year or very nearly to you all.....

Finally got round to my lords of reaping post.  Magnus the Red himself.  

"If I am guilty of something it is the simple pursuit of painting knowledge!"

He was painted using scale 75 paints which I cannot recommend more highly.  The model also allowed me to play with skin blending using the airbrush for the first time.  Alongside this I experimented with the use of Nihilakh oxide over white and cream which gave a nice finish to the loin cloth.  

Overall I am very happy with him and will share pictures of his thousand sons brethren at a later date.

Right picture fest time.... and I mean picture fest time as I had a play with the camera settings to see how it would turn out.  Please let me know what you think of my Magnus?

Ok this doesn't show you much but I liked the style and horror it creates in black and white!

Enjoy the new year celebrations



Tuesday 26 December 2017

Lords a Reaping 17; Questoris Knight Magaera..........Showcase

Hi All

So here's my finished entry into our Lords - a - Reaping December event.
My 2nd Imperial Knight; a Questoris Knight Magaera.
I've really enjoyed painting this one, even more so than the original Errant.
I've also tried a few new techniques; metallic shades using Vallejo Metallic Medium, OSL on the 3 guns (to varying degrees of success) and a variation on the snow weathering techniques I first tried on the Errant.
All in all I'm very pleased with the finish, I think the model looks good, particularly the posing and the metallic finish.

Prepare for a wealth of photos, finished shots first...

 then a few wips...

 and finally a few group shots.....

Thanks for looking and as ever C & C welcome.

Happy Xmas


Friday 10 November 2017

Showcase Imperial Regiment the 19th Dicers Basilisk

Hi All,

As promised a first completed post for the dicers as I head into Six up Save's skirmish 3 event.  As i mentioned in the previous WIP post this model is a rescue from my youth.  Since the last post I decided to build some crew from my bits box and went to town on the weathering.  In the end given the age of the model I am really happy with the end result.

I even managed to bob round to innermechs and use his photo booth to snap some better shots:

Overall happy with the finish and it matches nicely some of the earlier tanks.  Not bad considering the time lapse between them being completed and the fact the earthy red is a mixed paint!

The beady eyed will notice the tracks are not perfect and I debated trying to take them all off and sourcing new ones but two things stopped that time and money.  After all this model has a history with me and the little bit of track reminds me of that!

Second crew member complete with hammer and pistol essential basilisk firing equipment surely..............

For those who may be interested in an alternative head this crew men's head came from victoria minatures all the way from aus!

Hope you like as always please give me some constructive feedback.


Doc Out...............................................................

Monday 16 October 2017

Showcase - Belisarius Cawl

Evening all

Sorry I’ve been somewhat lax with my blog updates of late, trying to write blogs on the IPad isn’t conducive to great writing I’m afraid! 
Anyway, I thought it best to catch you up with my latest finished piece.

Belisarius Cawl......

Oh my - What a model. 

99% of the time I’m a HUGE advocate for painting minis fully built, I like to see them complete so I can get a feel for what I’m trying to do with the colours but a with Cawl I felt I might have erred on this choice. 

Frankly he is a complete and utter pain in the back to paint as a complete unit. 

Anyway, seeing as I’d already glued him together there was little I could do about it so just set about him with the brush, attacking the metal work with the airbrush to get a base of lead beltcher down before painting the robes. 

Something I have noticed with my painting of late is that whilst previously I would often block out all the base colours of a model before going back to add washes and highlights at a later time, I’m more often focusing on one section until completion before moving to the next. So as the pic above shows I started and finished the robes before going to do the metalwork with a brush. After the silver of the bodywork I went to the copper edge work and so on and so forth, trying to complete bits - looking for the ‘wins’, those bits where your happy with a part and can call it done. 

Cawl seriously tested my patience, I must have somewhere in the region of 30 hours or more in him? He was daunting by his sheer level of detail. Moreover, the fact that I could (and did) spend 5 hours painting him one Saturday and couldn’t really see where the time had gone was infuriating, it was simply swallowed in the lower level of the model. But I feel the ground work payed off and as the final few hours started I was able to see parts coming together quickly.

Here’s some pics of him in his final form :) 

Anyway, there you have him. Personally I’m pretty chuffed with him, I think he’s one of my personal best and I learnt a lot from him. 

I hope you like him as well :) 

Thanks all for reading, until next time.